McCulloch Trimmer 250CXL User Manual

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please read these instructions carefully and make  
sure you understand them before using this unit. Retain these instructions for future  
RENSEIGNEMENTS IMPORTANTS: Avant d’utiliser cet appareil, veuillez lire  
atentivement les instructions et assurez--vous de les avoir comprises. Conservez  
les instructions pour référence ultérieure.  
WICHTIGE INFORMATION: Lesen Sie diese Hinweise zur Handhabung des  
Geräts aufmerksam durch. Verwenden Sie es erst, wenn Sie sicher sind, daß Sie  
alle Anweisungen verstanden haben und gut aufbewahren.  
INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE: Lea atentamente las instrucciones y  
asegúrese de entenderlas antes de utilizar esta aparato. Conserve las instruc-  
ciones para la referencia en el futuro.  
115271026 Rev. 3 1/15/11 BRW  
S Dress properly.  
Always wear safety  
glasses or similar eye protection when op-  
erating, or performing maintenance, on  
your unit (safety glasses are available).  
Eye protection should be marked Z87.  
S Always wear face or dust mask if operation  
is dusty.  
WARNING: When using gardening  
appliances, basic safety precautions should al-  
ways be followed to reduce the risk of fire and  
serious injury. Read and follow all instructions.  
This power unit can be dangerous! Operator is  
responsible for following instructions and warn-  
ings on unit and in manual. Read entire instruc-  
tion manual before using unit! Be thoroughly fa-  
miliar with the controls and the proper use of the  
unit. Restrict the use of this unit to persons who  
read, understand, and follow instructions and  
warnings on unit and in manual. Never allow  
children to operate this unit.  
S Always wear heavy, long pants, long  
sleeves, boots, and gloves. Wearingsafety  
leg guards is recommended.  
S Always wear foot protection. Do not go  
barefoot or wear sandals. Stay clear of  
spinning line.  
S Secure hair above shoulder length. Secure  
or remove loose clothing or clothing with  
loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels, etc.  
They can be caught in moving parts.  
S Being fully covered also helps protect you  
from debris and pieces of toxic plants  
thrown by spinning line.  
S Stay Alert. Do not operate this unit when you  
are tired, ill, upset or under the influence of al-  
cohol, drugs, or medication. Watch what you  
are doing; use common sense.  
S Wear hearing protection. Long or continu--  
ous exposure to high noise levels may  
cause permanent hearing impairment.  
S Mufflers fitted with catalytic converters get  
very hot during use and remain so for some  
time after stopping. This also applies at idle  
speed. Contact can result in burns to the skin.  
Remember the risk of fire!  
S Never start or run inside a closed room or  
building. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.  
S Keep handles free of oil and fuel.  
S Always keep engine on the right hand side  
of your body.  
DANGER: Never use blades with line  
trimmer attachment. Never use flailing de-  
vices with any attachment. This unit (when  
used withsupplied linetrimmer attachment) is  
designed for line trimmer use only. Use of any  
other accessories with line trimmer attach-  
ment will increase the risk of injury.  
WARNING: Trimmer line throws ob-  
jects violently. You and others can be blinded/  
injured. Wear safety glasses and leg protec-  
tion. Keep body parts clear of rotating line.  
S Hold the unit firmly with both hands.  
S Keep trimmer head (or other optional at-  
tachment) below waist level and away from  
all parts of your body. Do not raise engine  
above your waist.  
S Keep all parts of your body away from muf-  
fler and spinning line (or other optional at-  
tachment). Keep engine below waist level.  
A hot muffler can cause serious burns.  
S Keep firm footing and balance. Do not over-  
reach or use from unstable surfaces such as  
ladders, trees, steep slopes, rooftops, etc.  
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.  
S Use only for jobs explained in this manual  
(or manuals for optional attachments).  
S Disconnect the spark plug before performing  
maintenance except carburetor adjustments.  
S Look for and replace damaged or loose  
parts before each use. Look for and repair  
fuel leaks beforeuse. Keep in goodworking  
Keep children, bystanders, and animals 15 me-  
ters away. If approached stop unit immediately.  
If situations occur which are not covered in  
this manual, use care and good judgement. If  
you needassistance, contact your authorized  
service dealer.  
WARNING: This machine produces  
an electromagnetic field during operation. Under  
some circumstances, this field may interfere  
with active or passive medical implants. To re-  
duce the risk of serious or fatal injury, we recom-  
mend persons with medical implants to consult  
their physician and the medical implant  
manufacturer before operating this machine.  
S Replace trimmer head parts that are  
chipped, cracked, broken, or damaged in  
any other way before using the unit.  
S Maintain unit according to recommended pro-  
cedures. Keep cutting line at proper length.  
S Use only 2 mm diameter McCulloch brand  
line. Never use wire, rope, string, etc.  
S Install required shield properly before using  
the unit. Use only specified trimmer head;  
make sure it is properly installed and se-  
curely fastened.  
WARNING: Inspect the area to be  
trimmed before each use. Remove objects  
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which  
can be thrown by or becomeentangled inline.  
Hard objects can damage the trimmer head  
and be thrown causing serious injury.  
S Use only for trimming, scalping, mowing and  
sweeping. Do not use for edging, pruning or  
hedge trimming.  
S Cut from your right to your left. Cutting on  
left side of the shield will throw debris away  
from the operator.  
S Make sure unit is assembled correctly as  
shown in this manual.  
S Make carburetor adjustments with lower  
end supported to prevent line from contact-  
ing any object.  
S Keep others away when making carburetor  
S Use only recommended McCulloch acces-  
sories and replacement parts.  
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-  
plained in this manual performed by an au-  
thorized service dealer.  
WARNING: For each optional attach-  
ment used, read entire instruction manual be-  
fore use and follow all warnings and instruc-  
tions in manual and on attachment.  
S Mix and pour fuel outdoors.  
S Keep away from sparks or flames.  
S Use a container approved for fuel.  
S Do not smoke or allow smoking near fuel or  
the unit.  
WARNING: Ensure handlebar is  
installed when using edger or brushcutter at-  
tachments. Attach handlebar above arrow on  
safety label on the upper shaft (engine end of  
unit). If your edger or brushcutter attachment  
does not include a handlebar, a handlebar ac-  
cessory kit (#530071451) is available from  
your authorized service dealer.  
S Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all fuel spills.  
S Move at least 3 meters away from fueling  
site before starting engine.  
S Stop engine and allow to cool before re-  
moving fuel cap.  
S Always store gasoline in a container ap-  
proved for flammable liquids.  
S Allow the engine to cool; secure unit before  
storing or transporting in vehicle.  
S Empty fuel tank before storing or transport-  
ing the unit. Use upfuel left in thecarburetor  
by starting engine and letting it run until it  
S Store unit and fuel in an area where fuel va-  
pors cannot reach sparks or open flames  
from water heaters, electric motors or  
switches, furnaces, etc.  
S Store unit so line limiter cannot accidentally  
cause injury. Unit can be hung by the shaft.  
S Store the unit out of the reach of children.  
S Secure the machine during transport.  
SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations  
through prolonged use of gasoline powered  
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve  
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of  
people prone to circulation disorders or abnor-  
mal swellings. Prolonged use in cold weather  
has been linked to blood vessel damage in  
otherwise healthy people. If symptoms occur  
such as numbness, pain, loss of strength,  
change in skin color or texture, or loss of feeling  
in the fingers, hands, or joints, discontinue the  
use of this tool and seek medical attention. An  
anti-vibration system does not guarantee the  
avoidance of these problems. Users who oper-  
ate power tools on a continual and regular basis  
must monitor closely their physical condition  
and the condition of this tool.  
WARNING: Inspect the area to be  
edged before each use. Remove objects  
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which  
can be thrown by the blade or can wrap  
around the shaft.  
S Blade rotates momentarily after the trigger  
is released. The blade can seriously cut  
you or others.  
S Allow blade to stop before removing it from  
the cut.  
S Throw away blades that are bent, warped,  
cracked, broken or damaged in any other  
way. Replace parts that are cracked,  
chipped, or damaged before using the unit.  
S Do not attempt to remove cut material nor  
hold material to be cut when the engine is  
running or when cutting blade is moving.  
S Always keep the wheel and depth adjusting  
skid in contact with the ground.  
WARNING: Do not use trimmer head  
as a fastening device for the blade.  
S Always push the unit slowly over the  
ground. Stay alert for uneven sidewalks,  
holes in the terrain, large roots, etc.  
S Always use the handlebar when using edg-  
er attachment.  
WARNING: Inspect area beforestart-  
WARNING: The blade continues to  
spin after the throttle is released or engine is  
turned off. The coasting blade can throw ob-  
jects or seriously cut you if accidentally  
touched. Stop the blade by contacting the  
right hand side of the coasting blade with ma-  
terial already cut.  
ing unit. Remove all debris and hard objects  
such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that can rico-  
chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or  
damage during operation.  
S Do not set unit on any surface except a  
clean, hard area while engine is running.  
Debris such as gravel, sand, dust, grass,  
etc., could be picked up by the air intake  
and thrown out through discharge opening,  
damaging unit, property, or causing serious  
injury to bystanders or operator.  
Stop coasting  
blade by contact  
with cut material.  
S Never place objects inside the blower tubes,  
vacuum tubes or blower outlet. Always direct  
the blowing debris away from people, ani-  
mals, glass, and solid objects such as trees,  
automobiles, walls, etc. The force of air can  
cause rocks, dirt, or sticks to be thrown or to  
ricochet which can hurt people or animals,  
break glass, or cause other damage.  
S Never run unit without the proper equip-  
ment attached. When using your unit as a  
blower, always install blower tubes.  
WARNING: Inspect the area to be cut  
before each use. Remove objects (rocks,  
broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which can be  
thrown or become entangled in the blade or  
trimmer line.  
S Check air intake opening, blower tubes or  
vacuum tubes frequently, always with en-  
gine stopped and spark plug disconnected.  
Keep vents and discharge tubes free of de-  
bris which can accumulate and restrict  
proper air flow.  
S Throw away and replace blades that are  
bent, warped, cracked, broken or damaged  
in any other way.  
S Install required shield properly before using  
the unit. Use the metal shield for all metal  
blade use.  
S Useonly specified blade and make sure it is  
properly installed and securely fastened.  
S Cut from your left to your right. Cutting on  
the right side of the shield will throw debris  
away from the operator.  
S Always use the handlebar and a properly  
adjustedshoulder strap withblade (seeAS-  
SEMBLY instructions in brushcutter attach-  
ment instruction manual).  
S Never place any object inair intake opening  
as this could restrict proper air flow and  
cause damage to the unit.  
S Never use for spreading chemicals, fertiliz-  
ers, or other substances which may contain  
toxic materials.  
S To avoid spreading fire, do not use near leaf  
or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue pits,  
ashtrays, etc.  
DANGER: Blade can thrust violently  
away from material it does not cut. Blade  
thrust can cause amputation of arms or legs.  
WARNING: Rotating tines can cause  
serious injury. Keep away from rotating tines.  
Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug  
before unclogging tines or making repairs.  
S Do not use a cutting blade that is bent,  
warped, cracked, broken or damaged in any  
other way. Have worn or damaged parts re-  
placed by your authorized service dealer.  
S Always keep unit in front of your body.  
Keep all parts of your body away from the  
cutting blade.  
S Keep the cutting blade and air vents clear of  
WARNING: The reciprocating blade/  
rotating chain can cause severe injury. Inspect  
the unit before use. Do not operate unit with a  
bent, cracked or dull blade or dull chain. Keep  
away from the blade/chain.The reciprocating  
blade/rotating chain is sharp. Do not touch. To  
prevent serious injury, always stop engine and  
ensure blade/chain has stopped moving, dis-  
connect spark plug, and wear gloves when  
changing or handling the blade or chain.  
WARNING: Inspect the area to be  
cultivated before starting the unit. Removeall  
debris and hard and sharp objects such as  
rocks, vines, branches, rope, string, etc.  
S Avoid heavy contact with solid objects that  
might stop the tines. If heavy contact oc-  
curs, stop the engine and inspect the unit  
for damage.  
S Never operate the cultivator without the tine  
cover in place and properly secured.  
S Keep the tines and guard clear of debris.  
S After striking a foreign object, stop the en-  
gine, disconnect the spark plug and inspect  
the cultivator for damage. Repair before re-  
S Disconnect attachment from the drive en-  
gine before cleaning the tines with a hose  
and water to remove any build--up. Oil the  
tines to prevent rust.  
S Always wear gloves when servicing or  
cleaning the tines. The tines become very  
sharp from use.  
S Do not run unit at high speed unless culti-  
WARNING: A coasting blade/rotating  
chain can cause injury while it continues to  
move after the engine is stopped. Maintain  
proper control of the unit until the blade/chain  
has completely stopped moving. Keep  
hands, face and feet at a distance from all  
moving parts. Do not attempt to touch or stop  
the blade or chain when it is moving.  
moves momentarily after the trigger is re-  
leased. Do not attempt to clear away cut ma-  
terial when the blade is in motion. Make sure  
the switch is in the STOP position, the spark  
plug wire is disconnected, and the blade has  
stopped moving before removing jammed  
materialfromthe cutting blade. Donot grab or  
hold the unit by the cutting blade.  
WARNING: Falling objects can  
cause severe head injury. Wear head protec-  
tion when operating this unit with a pole prun-  
er attachment.  
WARNING: To prevent serious injury,  
do not use more than one boom extension  
with a pole pruner attachment.  
WARNING: Keep the pruner away  
from power lines or electrical wires.  
S Only use for pruning limbs or branches up  
to 10 cm in diameter.  
S Do not operate the unit faster than the  
speed needed to prune. Do not run the unit  
at high speed when not pruning.  
WARNING: Inspect the area before  
starting the unit. Remove all debris and hard  
objects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that  
can ricochet, be thrown, or otherwise cause  
injury or damage during operation.  
S Always stop the unit when work is delayed  
or when walking from onecutting location to  
S If you strike or become entangledwith afor-  
eign object, stop the engine immediately  
and check for damage. Have any damage  
repaired by an authorized service dealer  
before attempting further operations. Dis-  
card blades that are bent, warped, cracked  
or broken.  
S Stop the unit immediately if you feel exces-  
sive vibration. Vibration is a sign of trouble.  
Inspect thoroughly for loose nuts, bolts or  
damage before continuing. Contact an au-  
thorized service dealer for repair or re-  
placement of affected parts as necessary.  
WARNING: Inspect the area where  
the unit is to be used. Remove objects that  
could be thrown or damage the unit. Some  
objects may be hidden by fallen snow -- be  
alert for the possibility.  
S Direct material discharge away from glass  
enclosures, automobiles, etc.  
S Do not run engine at high speed while not  
removing snow.  
S Be attentive when using the snowthrower,  
and stay alert for holes in the terrain and  
other hidden hazards.  
S Make sure the rotor will spin freely before at-  
taching the snowthrower to the powerhead.  
S If the rotor will not rotate freely due tofrozen  
ice, thaw the unit before thoroughly before  
attempting to operate under power.  
S Keep the rotor clear of debris.  
S Do not throw snow near other people. The  
snow thrower could propel small objects at  
high speed causing injury.  
WARNING: Keep hands and feet  
away from the rotor when starting or running  
the engine. Never attempt to clear the rotor  
with the engine/motor running. Stop engine  
and disconnect spark plug before unclogging  
snow or debris from discharge chute or when  
adjusting vanes.  
S After striking a foreign object, stop the en-  
gine, disconnect spark plug and inspect the  
snowthrower for damage and repair if nec-  
essary before restarting unit.  
S Never operate the snowthrower near glass  
enclosures, automobiles and trucks.Never  
attempt to use the snowthrower on a roof.  
S Never operate the snowthrower near win-  
dow wells, dropoffs, etc.  
S Never discharge snow onto public roads or  
near moving traffic.  
S Clear snow from slopes by going up and  
down; never across. Use caution when  
changing directions. Never clear snow from  
steep slopes.  
S Let snowthrower run for a few minutes after  
clearing snow so moving parts do not freeze.  
S Look behind and use care when backing  
up. Exercise caution to avoidslipping or fal-  
ling, especially when operating in reverse.  
S Know how to stop quickly.  
WARNING: Never lean over dis-  
charge chute. Rocks or debris could be  
thrown into the eyes and face and cause seri-  
ous injury or blindness.  
WARNING: If received assembled,  
repeat all steps to ensure your unit is properly  
assembled and all fasteners are secure.  
Examine parts for damage. Do not use dam-  
aged parts.  
It is normal for the fuel filter to rattle in the  
empty fuel tank.  
Finding fuel or oil residue on muffler is normal  
due to carburetor adjustments and testing  
done by the manufacturer.  
CAUTION: When installing trimmer attach-  
ment, place the unit on a flat surface for stability.  
1. Loosen the coupler by turning the knob  
2. Remove shipping protector from coupler.  
3. Remove the shaft cap from the trimmer  
attachment (if present).  
4. Position locking/release button of attach-  
ment into guide recess of coupler.  
5. Push the attachment into the coupler until  
the locking/release button snaps into the  
primary hole.  
6. Before using the unit, tighten the knob se-  
curely by turning clockwise.  
WARNING: The shield must be prop-  
erly installed. The shield provides partial  
protection from the risk of thrown objects to  
the operator and others and is equipped with  
a line limiter which cuts excess line. The line  
limiter (on underside of shield) is sharp and  
can cut you.  
Primary Hole  
Guide Recess  
1. Remove nut from shield.  
2. Insert bracket into slot on shield.  
3. Pivot shield until bolt passes through hole  
in bracket.  
4. Reinstall nut and tighten securely with  
wrench (provided).  
WARNING: Make sure the locking/  
release button is locked in the primary hole  
and the knob is securely tightened before op-  
erating the unit. All attachments are designed  
to be used in the primary hole unless otherwise  
stated in the applicable attachment instruction  
manual. Using the wrong hole could lead to seri-  
ous injury or damage to the unit.  
Line Limiter Blade  
WARNING: When adjusting the han-  
dle, be sure it remains between the trigger  
and the safety label. Assist handle must be  
positioned only below the arrow.  
Button in Primary Hole  
For optional attachments, see the AS-  
SEMBLY section of the applicable attach-  
ment instruction manual.  
1. Loosen wing nut on handle.  
2. Rotate the handle on the shaft to an up-  
right position; retighten wing nut.  
CAUTION: Never use straight petrol in your  
WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel  
information in the safety rules before you be-  
gin. If you do not understand the safety rules,  
do not attempt to fuel your unit. Contact an  
authorized service dealer.  
unit. This will cause permanent engine damage.  
Use good quality unleaded petrol. The lowest  
recommended octane grade is 90 (RON).  
Use of alcohol blended fuels (more than 10% al-  
cohol) can cause major engine performance  
and durability problems.  
WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly  
when refueling.  
This engine is certified to operate on unleaded  
petrol. Before operation, petrol must be mixed  
with a good quality 2--cycle air--cooled engine oil  
designed to be mixed at a ratio of 40:1. A 40:1  
ratio is obtained by mixing 5 liters of unleaded  
petrol with 0,125 liter of oil. DO NOT USE auto-  
motive oil or marine oil. These oils will cause en-  
gine damage. When mixing fuel, follow instruc-  
tions printed on oil container. Once oil is added  
to petrol, shake container momentarily to assure  
that the fuel is thoroughly mixed. Always read  
and follow the safety rules relating to fuel before  
fueling your unit.  
WARNING: Incorrect use of fuel and/  
or lubricants will cause problems such as:  
improper clutch engagements, overheat-  
ing, vapor lock, power loss, lubrication defi-  
ciency, deterioration of fuel lines, gaskets  
and internal carburetor components, etc.  
Alcohol blended fuels will cause a high ab-  
sorption of moisture in the fuel/oil mixture,  
causing the separation of oil and fuel.  
S To stop the engine, move the ON/STOP  
switch to the STOP position.  
6. Allow unit to run for 10--15 seconds, then  
fully squeeze the throttle trigger to disen-  
gage the starting system.  
1. Move ON/STOP switch to the ON position.  
2. Squeeze and hold the throttle trigger.  
Keep throttle trigger fully squeezed until  
engine runs smoothly.  
WARNING: Avoid any contact with the  
3. Pull starter rope sharply while squeezing  
throttle trigger until engine runs.  
muffler. A hot muffler can cause serious burns.  
NOTE: Normally, the warm starting procedure  
can be used within 5 -- 10 minutes after the unit  
is turned STOP. If the unit sits for more than 10  
minutes without being run, it will be necessary to  
start the unit by following the steps under  
STARTING A COLD ENGINE or following the  
starting instruction steps shown on the unit.  
warm engine after running out of fuel)  
Starting position  
Flooded engines can be started by placing  
the ON/STOP switch in the ON position.  
Move the start lever to the RUN position and  
fully squeeze throttle trigger. Pull the starter  
handle repeatedly while squeezing throttle  
trigger until engine starts and runs. This could  
require pulling the starter handle many times,  
depending on how badly the unit is flooded.  
If the unit still doesn’t start, refer to TROUBLE-  
NOTE: The throttle lock--out must be engaged  
to allow operation of the throttle trigger. The  
lock--out is engaged with the palm of your hand  
as you grip the throttle handle. DO NOT  
squeeze the throttle trigger until the engine  
has started and runs.  
1. Set unit on a flat surface.  
This model is equipped with a coupler which  
enables optional attachments to be installed.  
2. Move ON/STOP switch to the ON position.  
3. Slowly press the primer bulb 6 times.  
4. Move the start lever to the START position.  
WARNING: Always stop unit and dis-  
connect spark plug before removing or instal-  
ling attachments.  
Primer Bulb  
CAUTION: When removing or installing at-  
tachments, place the unit on a flat surface for  
1. Loosen the coupler by turning the knob  
2. Press and hold the locking/release button.  
Upper Shaft  
5. Pull starter rope handle sharply until en-  
gine starts and runs.  
3. While securely holding the engine and up-  
per shaft, pull the attachment straight out  
of the coupler.  
WARNING: Always wear eye protec-  
tion and hearing protection. Never lean over  
the trimmer head. Rocks or debris can rico-  
chet or be thrown into eyes and face and  
cause blindness or other serious injury.  
Do not run the engine at a higher speed than  
necessary. The cutting line will cut efficiently  
when the engine is run at less than full throttle.  
At lower speeds, there is less engine noise and  
vibration. The cutting line will last longer and will  
be less likely to “weld” onto the spool.  
Always release the throttle trigger and allow the  
engine to return to idle speed when not cutting.  
To stop engine:  
1. Remove the shaft cap from the attach-  
ment (if present).  
2. Position locking/release button of attach-  
ment into guide recess of coupler.  
3. Push the attachment into the coupler until  
the locking/release button snaps into the  
primary hole.  
4. Before using the unit, tighten the knob se-  
curely by turning clockwise.  
Primary Hole  
S Release the throttle trigger.  
Guide Recess  
S Move the ON/STOP switch to the STOP  
Thetrimmer line willadvance approximately 2  
in. (5 cm) each time the bottom of the trimmer  
head is tapped on the ground with the engine  
running at full throttle.  
The most efficient line length is the maximum  
length allowed by the line limiter.  
Always keep the shield in place when the tool  
is being operated.  
WARNING: Make sure the locking/  
release button is locked in the primary hole  
and the knob is securely tightened before op-  
erating the unit. All attachments are designed  
to be used in the primary hole unless otherwise  
stated in the applicable attachment instruction  
manual. Using the wrong hole could lead to seri-  
ous injury or damage to the unit.  
To advance line:  
S Operate the engine at full throttle.  
S Hold the trimmer head parallelto and above  
the grassy area.  
S Tap the bottom of the trimmer head lightly on  
the ground one time. Approximately 5 cm of  
line will be advanced with each tap.  
Always tap the trimmer head on a grassy  
area. Tapping on surfaces such as concrete  
or asphalt can cause excessive wear to the  
trimmer head.  
If the line is worn down to 5 cm or less, more  
than one tap will be required to obtain the  
most efficient line length.  
WARNING: Use only 2 mm diameter  
line. Other sizes and shapes of linewill not ad-  
vance properly and will result in improper cut-  
ting head function or can cause serious injury.  
Do not use other materials such as wire,  
string, rope, etc. Wire can break off during  
cutting and become a dangerous missile that  
can cause serious injury.  
Button in Primary Hole  
Eye Protection  
WARNING: Use minimum speed and  
do not crowd the line when cutting around  
hard objects (rock, gravel, fence posts, etc.),  
whichcandamage the trimmer head, become  
entangled in the line, or be thrown causing a  
serious hazard.  
Long Pants  
S The tip of the line does the cutting. You will  
achieve the best performance and mini-  
mum line wear by not crowding the line into  
the cutting area. The right and wrong ways  
are shown below.  
Heavy Shoes  
Cut from your right to your left.  
at an angle. Allow the tip of the line to strike the  
ground around trees, posts, monuments, etc.  
This technique increases line wear.  
Line Crowded Into  
Work Area  
Tip of the Line  
Does The Cutting  
S The line will easily remove grass and  
weeds fromaround walls, fences, trees and  
flower beds, but it also can cut the tender  
bark of trees or shrubs and scar fences.  
S For trimming or scalping, use less than full  
throttle to increase line life and decrease  
head wear, especially:  
MOWING -- Your trimmer is ideal for mowing  
in places conventional lawn mowers cannot  
reach. In the mowing position, keep the line  
parallel to the ground. Avoid pressing the  
head into the ground as this can scalp the  
ground and damage the tool.  
S During light duty cutting.  
S Near objects around which the line can-  
wrap such as small posts, trees or fence  
S For mowing or sweeping, usefull throttle for  
a good clean job.  
TRIMMING -- Hold the bottom of the trimmer  
head about 8 cm above the ground and at an  
angle. Allow only the tip of the line to make con-  
tact. Do not force trimmer line into work area.  
SWEEPING -- The fanning action of the rotat-  
ing line can be used for a quick and easy  
clean up. Keep the line parallel to and above  
the surfaces being swept and move the tool  
from side to side.  
8 cm above  
SCALPING -- The scalping technique removes  
unwanted vegetation. Hold the bottom of the  
trimmer head about 8 cm above the ground and  
WARNING: Disconnect the spark  
plug before performing maintenance except  
for carburetor adjustments.  
S After each use, inspect complete unit for  
loose or damaged parts. Clean the unit and  
labels using a damp cloth with a mild deter-  
S Spark Plug Boot  
S Wipe off unit with a clean dry cloth.  
S Air Filter  
S Housing Screws  
S Assist Handle Screw  
S Debris Shield  
A dirty air filter decreases engine perform-  
ance and increases fuel consumption and  
harmful emissions. Always clean after every  
5 hours of operation.  
1. Clean the cover and the area around it to  
keep dirt from falling into the carburetor  
chamber when the cover is removed.  
2. Remove parts as illustrated.  
NOTE: Do not clean filter in gasoline or other  
flammablesolvent to avoid creatinga fire haz-  
ard or producing harmful evaporative emis-  
Contact an authorized service dealer for re-  
placement of damaged or worn parts.  
S ON/STOP Switch -- Ensure ON/STOP  
switch functions properly by moving the  
switch to the STOP position. Make sure en-  
gine stops; then restart engine and continue.  
S Fuel Tank -- Discontinue use of unit if fuel  
tank shows signs of damage or leaks.  
S Debris Shield -- Discontinue use of unit if  
debris shield is damaged.  
3. Wash the filter in soap and water.  
4. Allow filter to dry.  
5. Replace parts.  
Replace the spark plug each year to ensure  
the engine starts easier and runs better. Set  
spark plug gap at 0,6 mm. Ignition timing is  
fixed and nonadjustable.  
Air Filter  
1. Twist, then pull off spark plug boot.  
2. Remove spark plug from cylinder and dis-  
3. Replace with Champion RCJ-6Y spark  
plug and tighten securely with a 19 mm  
socket wrench.  
Air Filter Cover  
4. Reinstall the spark plug boot.  
1. Press the tabs on the side of the trimmer  
head and remove cover and spool.  
Guide Slot  
p Button  
9. Insert the ends of the lines through exit  
holes in the sides of the cover.  
2. Remove any remaining line.  
10. Place the spool in the cover.  
3. Clean dirt and debris from all parts. Re-  
place spool if it is worn or damaged.  
4. Replace with a pre-wound spool, or re-  
place line using a 8 meters length of 2 mm  
diameter McCulloch brand line.  
5. When installing new line on an existing  
spool, hold the spool as shown in the il-  
lustration below.  
6. Bend the line at the midpoint and insert  
the bend into the slot in the center rim of  
the spool. Ensure line snaps into position  
in the slot.  
11. Make sure the lines are not caught be-  
tween the rim of the spool and the wall of  
the cover.  
12. Reinstall the spool and cover onto the trim-  
mer head. Push until cover snaps into  
WARNING: Keep others away when  
making idle speed adjustments. The trimmer  
head will be spinning during most of this pro-  
cedure. Wear your protective equipment and  
observe all safety precautions. After making  
adjustments, the trimmer head must not  
move/spin at idle speed.  
The carburetor has been carefully set at the  
factory. Adjustments may benecessary if you  
notice any of the following conditions:  
7. With your finger between the lines, wrap  
the lines evenly and firmly around the  
spool in a clockwise direction.  
S Engine will not idle when the throttle is re-  
8. Position the lines in the guide slots.  
S The trimmer head moves/spins at idle speed.  
Make adjustments with the unit supported so  
the cutting attachment is off the ground and  
will not make contact with any object. Hold  
the unit by hand while runningand making ad-  
justments. Keep all parts of your body away  
from the cutting attachment and muffler.  
Idle Speed Adjustment  
Allow engine to idle. Adjust speed until engine  
runs without trimmer head moving or spinning  
(idle speed too fast) or engine stalling (idle  
speed too slow).  
S Turn idle speed screw clockwise to in-  
crease engine speed if engine stalls or dies.  
S Turn idle speed screw counterclockwise to  
decrease engine speed if trimmer head  
moves or spins at idle speed.  
If you require further assistanceor are unsure  
about performing this procedure, contact an  
authorized service dealer.  
WARNING: Recheck the idle speed  
after each adjustment. The trimmer head  
must not move or spin at idle speed to avoid  
serious injury to the operator or others.  
WARNING: Perform the following  
steps after each use:  
S Remove spark plug and pour 1 teaspoon of  
40:1, 2-cycle engine oil (air cooled) through  
the spark plug opening. Slowly pull the  
starter rope 8 to 10 times to distribute oil.  
S Replace spark plug with new one of recom-  
mended type and heat range.  
S Allow engine to cool before storing or trans-  
S Store unit and fuel in a well ventilated area  
where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or  
open flames from water heaters, electric  
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.  
S Empty fuel tank before storing or transport-  
ing the unit.  
S Clean air filter.  
S Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts,  
and bolts. Replace any damaged, broken,  
or worn parts.  
S At the beginning of the next season, use  
only fresh fuel having the proper gasolineto  
oil ratio.  
S Store unit and fuel well out of the reach of  
S Store unit with all guards in place. Position  
unit so that any sharp object cannot acci-  
dentally cause injury.  
S Do not store gasoline from one season to  
Prepare unit for storage at end of season or if  
it will not be used for 30 days or more.  
If your unit is to be stored for a period of time:  
S Clean the entire unit before lengthy storage.  
S Store in a clean dry area.  
S Replace your gasoline can if it starts to rust.  
S Lightly oil external metal surfaces.  
WARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug before performing all of the  
recommended remedies below except remedies that require operation of the unit.  
Engine will not  
1. ON/OFF switch in OFF  
1. Move ON/OFF switch to ON position.  
2. Engine flooded.  
2. See “Starting a Flooded Engine” in  
Operation Section.  
3. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.  
4. Install new spark plug.  
3. Fuel tank empty.  
4. Spark plug not firing.  
5. Fuel not reaching  
5. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.  
Check for kinked or split fuel line;  
repair or replace.  
6. Carburetor requires  
6. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
Engine will  
not idle  
1. Carburetor requires  
2. Crankshaft seals worn.  
3. Compression low.  
1. See “Carburetor Adjustment” in  
Service and Adjustments Section.  
2. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
1. Air filter dirty.  
1. Clean or replace air filter.  
2. Clean or replace plug  
and regap.  
Engine will not  
lacks power,  
or dies under  
a load.  
2. Spark plug fouled.  
3. Carburetor requires  
4. Carbon build-up on  
muffler outlet screen.  
5. Compression low.  
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
5. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
1. Fuel mixture incorrect.  
1. Empty fuel tank and refill with  
correct fuel mixture.  
2. Clean or replace air filter.  
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
2. Air filter dirty.  
3. Carburetor requires  
Engine runs  
1. Fuel mixture incorrect.  
1. Empty fuel tank and refill with  
correct fuel mixture.  
2. Spark plug incorrect.  
3. Carburetor requires  
4. Carbon build-up on  
muffler outlet screen.  
2. Replace with correct spark plug.  
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.  
EC Declaration of Conformity (Only applies to Europe)  
We, Husqvarna AB, SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden, tel: +46--36--146500, as authorised  
representative in the Community, declare that the grass trimmer model McCulloch 250CXL  
with serial numbers dating from 2009 and onwards (the year is clearly stated on the rating  
plate, followed by the serial number), comply with the requirements of the COUNCIL’S  
of 17 May 2006 “relating to machinery” 2006/42/EC;  
of 15 December 2004 “relating to electromagnetic compatibility” 2004/108/EC, and applicable  
supplements; and  
of 8 May 2000 “relating to the noise emissions in the environment” in accordance with Annex  
V of 2000/14/EC. For information relating to noise emissions, see Technical data section.  
The following standards have been applied: EN ISO 12100-1/A1:2009, EN ISO  
12100-2/A1:2009, CISPR 12:2007, EN 11806:2008.  
SMP, The Swedish Machinery Testing Institute, Fyrisborgsgatan 3 S--754 50 Uppsala,  
Sweden, has performed voluntary type examination on behalf of Husqvarna AB. The  
certificate(s) are numbered: SEC/09/2019.  
0 9 -- 11 -- 0 1  
Ronnie E. Goldman, Director of Engineering  
Authorized representative for Husqvarna AB and  
responsible for technical documentation  
Cylinder displacement, cm  
At maximum engine power, rpm  
Maximum rotational frequency of the spindle, rpm  
Engine speed at recommended maximum spindle  
rotational frequency, rpm  
Recommended speed idling, rpm  
Maximum engine power, measured in  
accordance with ISO 8893, kW  
Catalytic converter muffler  
Spark plug  
Champion RCJ--6Y  
Electrode gap, mm  
Fuel tank volume capacity, cm  
Fuel consumption at maximum engine power,  
measured in accordance with ISO 8893, g/h  
Specified fuel consumption at max. engine power,  
measured in accordance with ISO 8893, g/kWh  
Weight without fuel, cutting attachment and guard, kg  
(see Note 1)  
Sound power level, measured dB(A)  
Sound power level, guaranteed L dB(A)  
(see Note 2)  
Equivalent sound pressure level at the operator’s ear, measured  
according to EN ISO 11806 and ISO 22868, dB(A)  
Equipped with trimmer head (original)  
(see Note 3)  
Equivalent vibration levels (a  
) at handles, measured  
according to EN ISO 11806 and ISO 22867, m/s  
Equipped with trimmer head (original), left/right  
Note 1: Noise emissions in the environment measured as sound power (L ) in conformity  
with EC directive 2000/14/EC. Reported sound power level for the machine has been  
measured with the original cutting attachment that gives the highest level. The difference  
between guaranteed and measured sound power is that the guaranteed sound power also  
includes dispersion in the measurement result and the variations between different machines  
of the same model according to Directive 2000/14/EC.  
Note 2: Reported data for equivalent sound pressure level for the machine has a typical  
statistical dispersion (standard deviation) of 1 dB(A).  
Note 3: Reported data for equivalent vibration level has a typical statistical dispersion  
(standard deviation) of 1 m/s .  
Model 250CXL (5/16 RH arbor shaft thread)  
Approved accessories Type  
Cutting attachment / guard, part. no.  
Trimmer head TNG7 (2 mm line) 537419205 / 545006021  

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