Fundex Games Games Heist User Manual

your turn ends. Discard your played Tool Cards to the discard  
pile and draw only one new card from the top of the draw pile.  
Never draw from the discard pile. Thieves may have 1 to 5  
cards in their hand, but no more than 5 at a time.  
You must play a Tool Card before you flip your Code Card.  
You can only crack one Code Card on your turn. It doesn’t  
count if another thief moves the Vault Dial to point out one of  
your Code Cards. Unless you have a “0” Tool Card or other  
Special Tool Card the Vault must be moved.  
• Thieves can look at their cards at any time, but can not look  
at an opponent’s cards.  
Some Tool Cards do positively illegal things to help you crack  
the code.  
Wild Key: This card gives you a number of options. You can  
move 1 or 2 spaces in either direction.Your choice!  
Zeroed Out: Set the Vault Dial back to “0”.  
Reverse Play: Double Cross your opponents, by reversing the  
direction of play. Thieves won’t know if they are coming or going!  
Alarm Bells: When you play this card, everyone passes all  
of their Code Cards (cracked and uncracked) to the thief next  
to them. The thief playing the Alarm Bells decides if the cards  
are passed to the right or left. This is a great opportunity for  
you to increase your number of cracked Code Cards or to slow  
an opponent down.  
AGES: 8+  
Skip-A-Thief: If another thief is winning and you don’t like  
it – fight back with this card by placing a curse on them. Place  
this card in front of any thief, who now has to skip their next  
turn. The skipped thief places the card on the discard pile after  
they are skipped.  
Vault Dial and 86 cards (18 Code Cards, 58 Tool Cards, 10  
Vault Cards)  
Be the first to crack the Vault’s code and win the gold!  
Bamboozled: If the Skip-A-Thief card wasn’t enough —get  
them with a Bamboozled card! Play this card to add an additional  
face down Code Card to any one thief for them to solve.  
• Divide the cards into 3 stacks. The backs of the cards help  
differentiate the stacks.  
The game ends when one thief has cracked the vault by  
flipping all of their Code Cards over.  
Code Cards: These special green-backed cards represent your  
secret code that can open the Vault and give you the victory.  
If your looking for an even more challenging game—try this  
alternate play. After each game the winner counts all of the  
opponents unturned Code Cards. This becomes the score for  
the winner of the round. After 5 rounds count each thieves  
points. The thief with the highest score wins!  
© 2008 Fundex Games, Ltd.  
P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242  
Questions or Comments? Write us at the  
address above or call us at 1.800.486.9787  
or email [email protected]  
Item # 8290  
Code Cards are lined up face down in front of each thief. The  
remaining code cards are placed out of play, for now.  
Tool Cards: Use these black-backed cards as the tools of your  
trade. They allow you to move the Vault D
• The black-backed Tool Cards are used to crack your secret  
code. This deck is shuffled and 5 cards are dealt to each thief.  
This forms the player’s hand. The remaining cards become  
the draw pile. Thieves can hold and look at their Tool Cards  
throughout the game.  
• Each thief places their Code Cards face down, in a row, in  
front of them. All thieves take a peek at their own Code Cards  
and then select which one they will try to “crack” first. To  
select, thieves move their chosen card slightly above the row  
formed by the rest of theur Code Cards  
Vault Cards: Form a circle around the Vault Dial with the  
silver-backed wedge shaped cards. The number side should be  
, you will turn the Vault Dial so  
bers aro
• Wrd  
selection, the top card of the draw pile is flipped over to form  
a discard pile. If that card is a “special” card (not a number),  
continue flipping over cards until a number turns up. This card  
begins the game by indicating which direction the Vault Dial  
will be moved to start the game. So no one gets a head start the  
game is started on a number other then “0”.  
• Place the ay area. Arrange the  
10 Vault Cawn in the illustration  
below. The Vhe arrow is pointing  
to “0”. This circle forms the game path.  
- If the flipped over card is a minus number, the Vault Dial is  
moved that number of spots counterclockwise around the Vault.  
If a “-3” is flipped over the game will begin on “7”.  
- If it is a plus number, the Vault Dial is moved that  
number of spots clockwise around the Vault.  
If a “4” is flipped over the game will begin on “4”.  
• The youngest thief begins the game with play continuing to  
the left (clockwise).  
• On your turn, you will use your Tool Cards to rotate the  
Vault Dial. You are trying to end your move with the Vault  
Dial pointing to the Vault number that matches your chosen  
Code Card. You may play as many cards as are in your  
hand during your turn, but may draw only one card back  
into your hand once you have played.  
• If the number on the Vault and the number on your selected  
Code Card match, you can turn your selected Code Card face up.  
You may then choose another Code Card and slide it above your  
Code Card line, preparing for your next turn.  
• If the Vault and Code Card numbers do not match, leave your  
chosen Code Card where it is, face down. You will try again to  
break its code on your next turn. Whether you match or not,  
2-3 thieves game 5 cards each  
4 thieves game  
4 cards each  
5-6 thieves game 3 cards each  

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