Removing stock carburetor and cables.
1. Remove seat, front fenders, rear fenders
and gas tank. Make sure fuel petcock is
in “off” position. You will also need to
remove the three bolts holding airbox in
place. Loosen air boot hose clamp
Figure 2.
around carburetor and slide airbox back.
2. Remove throttle cable paying close attention
to routing, as the new cable(s) will need too
be routed the same.
3. Remove stock carburetor and stock throttle
housing. Stuff a clean, dry rag into manifold
to keep debris out of motor.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This machine is equipped
with a throttle position sensor. Unplug TPS and
tape up connector to keep clean.
Thumb Throttle Instructions
Twist Throttle Instructions
1. Thread new throttle cable into housing and
insert cable end into throttle lever.
1. Install the throttle cables into the supplied
throttle housing and place onto clean
handlebar end.
2. Install cable into cable wheel on carburetor
in the 8:00 position and secure cable into
lower slot on cable bracket by replacing end
piece and Phillips screw. See figure 3.
2. Route throttle cables through frame as stock
cable was routed.
Figure 3.
3. Install the pull cable into the 8:00 position
and the return cable end into the 11:00
position of the cable wheel. Secure cables
to cable bracket by replacing end piece and
Phillips screw. See figure 2.
The bottom cable is the pull cable.
Carburetor installation
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