Blackberry Cell Phone PGP User Manual

PGP Support Package for BlackBerry  
User Guide Supplement  
BlackBerry 8707h Smartphone  
third-party. You are solely responsible for determining whether such third-party licenses are required and are  
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Information shall be governed by and subject to you agreeing to the terms of the Third-Party Information licenses.  
Any Third-Party Information that is provided with RIM's products and services is provided “as is”. RIM makes no  
representation, warranty or guarantee whatsoever in relation to the Third-Party Information and RIM assumes no  
liability whatsoever in relation to the Third-Party Information even if RIM has been advised of the possibility of  
such damages or can anticipate such damages.  
Research In Motion Limited  
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Published in Canada  
PGP Support Package for BlackBerry devices installation.................................................................................7  
PGP keys.................................................................................................................................................................... 9  
Certificate servers ................................................................................................................................................... 17  
PGP messages..........................................................................................................................................................19  
Memory cleaning.................................................................................................................................................... 27  
Legal notice.............................................................................................................................................................29  
Verify that you have installed and configured the  
PGP Universal™ Satellite or PGP Desktop client  
on your computer. Refer to the PGP  
documentation to determine the correct version  
for your configuration.  
Install the PGP Support Package for BlackBerry  
devices on your computer  
Verify that you have obtained the installer for the  
PGP Support Package for BlackBerry devices from  
PGP Corporation or an authorized PGP reseller.  
Install the PGP Support Package for BlackBerry  
devices on your BlackBerry device  
Verify that your BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
supports the PGP Support Package for BlackBerry  
Enroll with the PGP Universal Server  
About the PGP Support Package for  
BlackBerry devices  
Install the PGP Support Package for  
BlackBerry devices on your computer  
The PGP® Support Package for BlackBerry devices is  
designed to permit you to send PGP messages from—  
and receive PGP messages on—your BlackBerry®  
device, if you are already sending PGP messages from  
and receiving PGP messages on your computer. The  
PGP Support Package for BlackBerry devices supports  
OpenPGP messages and, if your BlackBerry device is  
integrated with an account that uses BlackBerry  
Enterprise Server Version 4.1.2 or later, PGP/MIME  
1. Double-click the installer for the PGP® Support  
Package for BlackBerry® devices.  
2. Complete the instructions on the screen.  
Install the PGP Support Package for  
BlackBerry devices on your  
BlackBerry device  
1. Connect your BlackBerry® device to your  
PGP Support Package for BlackBerry  
devices prerequisites  
2. On the taskbar, click Start > Programs >  
BlackBerry > Desktop Manager.  
Verify that you have installed the BlackBerry®  
Desktop Software on your computer. The installer  
for the PGP® Support Package for BlackBerry  
devices uses components from the BlackBerry  
Device Software.  
3. Double-click the Application Loader icon.  
4. Click Next.  
5. Select the BlackBerry PGP Support Package  
check box.  
User Guide Supplement  
6. Click Next.  
7. Click Finish.  
Enroll with the PGP Universal Server  
1. After your BlackBerry® device has completed  
enterprise activation, at the prompt, click Enroll  
2. Type your email address or domain login  
3. Click OK.  
4. Click OK again.  
5. To download PGP keys from the PGP Universal™  
6. Type the pass phrase to decrypt your private key.  
7. Click OK.  
Related topic  
Legal notice (See page 29.)  
About PGP keys  
Do not back up or restore items in the key store  
About PGP key icons  
Shortcuts for viewing PGP key information in the PGP  
Keys screen  
Download a personal PGP key from the PGP Universal  
PGP key troubleshooting  
About PGP keys  
A PGP® key might contain several cryptographic keys,  
including a parent key to verify signatures and one or  
more subkeys to encrypt messages. PGP keys are  
generated in pairs, with a public key and a private key.  
A PGP public key binds the identity and the public  
cryptographic information of the PGP public key user.  
A PGP public key is required to verify and encrypt  
messages. PGP public keys are shared and are  
accessible by both message senders and recipients.  
Set a PGP key to not trusted  
Send a PGP key to a contact  
Set options for checking the status of a PGP key  
A PGP private key is required to sign and decrypt  
messages. Private key information is never publicly  
Use the common name when adding a PGP key to the  
key store  
You can generate a PGP key using the PGP Universal™  
Server or PGP Desktop client. If you generate the PGP  
key using the PGP Universal Server, the PGP Universal  
Server signs the key to verify that the key is trusted.  
A PGP key might also contain an X.509 certificate,  
which is used to verify and encrypt Secure  
Delete a PGP key  
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME)  
messages. If you use the PGP Universal Server and you  
have installed the S/MIME Support Package for  
BlackBerry devices, you can use these certificates to  
send and receive S/MIME messages through the PGP  
Universal Server. Certificates that you obtain from  
PGP keys are stored in the key store and appear in the  
Certificates screen.  
About the key store  
Change the key store password  
Set how long your key store password is remembered  
Set how frequently the revocation status is refreshed  
Related topics  
Download another person’s PGP key  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP keys.  
About PGP key icons (See page 10.)  
About digital signatures and encryption (See page 19.)  
About the key store (See page 14.)  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Fetch PGP Keys.  
About PGP key icons  
The following icons indicate the status of PGP® keys  
stored on your BlackBerry® device:  
5. Select a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol  
(LDAP) server.  
6. Type PGP® key subject information in one or more  
Key: The PGP key has a corresponding private key  
on your device.  
of the First Name, Last Name, or Email fields.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Click Search.  
Check mark: The PGP key is trusted, the PGP key  
revocation status is good, and the PGP key is valid.  
9. Click a PGP key.  
Question mark: The revocation status of the PGP  
10. Click Add PGP Key to Key Store.  
11. Type your key store password.  
12. Click OK.  
not yet valid, or could not be verified.  
Related topics  
A selected check box beside a PGP key indicates that  
the PGP key is downloaded and stored in the key store  
Check the status of a PGP key (See page 11.)  
Download an updated PGP key (See page 11.)  
be able to download PGP keys from an LDAP server.  
Download a personal PGP key from  
the PGP Universal Server  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
About PGP keys (See page 9.)  
2. Click PGP.  
Set options for checking the status of a PGP key (See  
page 12.)  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Download Keys.  
5. Type your key store password.  
6. Click OK.  
I cannot download another person's PGP key from an  
LDAP server (See page 15.)  
8. Click OK.  
Find PGP key information  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP keys.  
Related topics  
3. Click a PGP® key.  
About PGP keys (See page 9.)  
4. Click Details.  
Send a PGP key to a contact (See page 12.)  
2: PGP keys  
Related topics  
Adleman (RSA), Digital Signature Algorithm  
(DSA), and Diffie-Hellman (DH) keys.  
PGP key information fields (See page 11.)  
Find PGP subkey information (See page 11.)  
Find PGP subkey information  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP keys.  
Related topics  
About PGP keys (See page 9.)  
Find PGP key information (See page 10.)  
Find PGP subkey information (See page 11.)  
3. Click a PGP® key.  
4. Click Details.  
5. Click View Subkey.  
Check the status of a PGP key  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP Keys.  
Related topics  
PGP key information fields (See page 11.)  
Find PGP key information (See page 10.)  
PGP key information fields  
5. Click Fetch Status.  
Revocation Status: The status of the PGP® key at  
a specified date and time.  
Related topics  
Trust Status: How the PGP key is trusted.  
About PGP key icons (See page 10.)  
Explicitly Trusted: The PGP key itself is  
Download an updated PGP key (See page 11.)  
Implicitly Trusted: A private key on your  
BlackBerry® device corresponds with the PGP  
Download an updated PGP key  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP Keys.  
Not Trusted: The PGP key is not explicitly  
trusted and does not chain to a trusted PGP  
key on your device, and a chain of digital  
signatures to a trusted key does not exist.  
Creation Date: The date the key was generated.  
Expiration Date: The expiration date that is set by  
the PGP Universal™ Server.  
Related topics  
About PGP keys (See page 9.)  
Email Address: The email address associated with  
the key. Multiple Email Address fields might  
About PGP key icons (See page 10.)  
Check the status of a PGP key (See page 11.)  
Public Key Type: The standard to which the public  
key complies. Your device supports Rivest Shamir  
User Guide Supplement  
Related topic  
Set a PGP key to trusted  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP Keys.  
Import a PGP key from a message (See page 20.)  
Set options for checking the status of  
a PGP key  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
5. Click Trust.  
2. Click PGP keys.  
Related topics  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
About PGP keys (See page 9.)  
4. Click Fetch PGP Keys.  
About PGP key icons (See page 10.)  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
Set a PGP key to not trusted (See page 12.)  
6. Click Options.  
7. Perform one of the following actions:  
Set a PGP key to not trusted  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP Keys.  
To always check the status of a PGP® key  
when you add it to the key store, set the Fetch  
Status field to Yes.  
To be prompted to check the status of a PGP  
key when you add it to the key store, set the  
Fetch Status field to Prompt.  
5. Click Distrust.  
To never check the status of a PGP key when  
you add it to the key store, set the Fetch  
Related topics  
About PGP keys (See page 9.)  
Revoke a PGP key (See page 13.)  
Delete a PGP key (See page 13.)  
9. Click Save.  
Related topics  
About the key store (See page 14.)  
Send a PGP key to a contact  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP Keys.  
Check the status of a PGP key (See page 11.)  
Use the common name when adding  
a PGP key to the key store  
The common name is the name set for the key when it  
is generated. You can use the common name as a label  
for the key on your BlackBerry® device or you can set  
the label to one that has more meaning to you.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Send via Email or Send via PIN.  
When you send a PGP key, only the public key is sent  
and not the private key.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2: PGP keys  
2. Click PGP keys.  
6. Click Yes.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click Fetch PGP Keys.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Click Options.  
7. Press the Space key to set the Reason field to the  
appropriate revocation reason.  
8. Click OK.  
9. Click Save.  
Related topics  
Revocation reasons (See page 13.)  
Related topics  
Set a PGP key to not trusted (See page 12.)  
Delete a PGP key (See page 13.)  
Change the display name for a PGP key (See page 13.)  
Add a contact when adding a PGP key to the key store  
(See page 14.)  
Revocation reasons  
Change the display name for a PGP  
Unknown: The reason is unspecified.  
Superseded: A new PGP® key is replacing an  
existing PGP key.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
Key Compromise: A person who is not the key  
subject might have discovered the private key  
2. Click PGP keys.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
User ID Invalid: The user information is no longer  
7. Click OK.  
Related topic  
Related topic  
Revoke a PGP key (See page 13.)  
Use the common name when adding a PGP key to the  
key store (See page 12.)  
Delete a PGP key  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP keys.  
Revoke a PGP key  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP Keys.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Delete.  
3. Highlight a PGP® key.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Revoke.  
Related topics  
About the key store  
The key store on your BlackBerry® device stores the  
following items:  
Revoke a PGP key (See page 13.)  
Set a PGP key to not trusted (See page 12.)  
Personal PGP® keys (public and private key pairs)  
PGP public keys downloaded from a Lightweight  
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server  
Add a contact when adding a PGP  
key to the key store  
You can add new contacts from PGP® keys to your  
address book automatically when you add a PGP key  
to the BlackBerry® device key store.  
PGP public keys imported from a message  
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions  
(S/MIME) certificates downloaded from an LDAP  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Key Stores.  
S/MIME certificates imported from a message  
The key store is protected by a key store password.  
Your device might prompt you to set the key store  
password the first time that you open the key store.  
an application tries to access your private key to sign  
3. Set the Key Store Address Injector field to  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
Related topic  
About the key store (See page 14.)  
Related topics  
Download a personal PGP key from the PGP Universal  
Server (See page 10.)  
Set the service used to download PGP  
Download another person’s PGP key (See page 10.)  
Verify that your system administrator has provided you  
with the service record for the BlackBerry Mobile Data  
System™ (BlackBerry MDS™) Connection Service that  
your BlackBerry® device uses to download PGP® keys.  
Change the key store password  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Key Stores.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Key Stores.  
4. Click Change Password.  
3. Set the Certificate Service field to the correct  
Related topics  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
About the key store (See page 14.)  
5. Click Save.  
Set how long your key store password is remembered  
(See page 15.)  
Related topic  
Download another person’s PGP key (See page 10.)  
2: PGP keys  
Set how long your key store password Do not back up or restore items in the  
is remembered  
After a password timeout occurs, you must type your  
password to access private keys.  
key store  
The Allow Key Store Backup/Restore field determines  
whether items in the key store are backed up or  
restored when your BlackBerry® device is backed up or  
restored. Although the keys are encrypted on your  
computer, you might want to set this field to No if you  
do not want your private key backed up to your  
computer for security reasons.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Key Stores.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Key Stores.  
5. Click Save.  
Related topics  
3. Set the Allow Key Store Backup/Restore field to  
About the key store (See page 14.)  
Change the key store password (See page 14.)  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
Set how frequently the revocation  
status is refreshed  
When your BlackBerry® device stores a PGP® key  
longer than the time limit specified in the Certificate  
Status Expires field, your device should download a  
new revocation status automatically the next time your  
device uses the PGP key.  
Related topic  
About the key store (See page 14.)  
Shortcuts for viewing PGP key  
information in the PGP Keys screen  
To view the PGP® key label, press the Space key.  
To view PGP key information, press the Enter key.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Key Stores.  
To view the security level of a private PGP key, press  
3. Set the Certificate Status Expires After field to  
the length of time that a revocation status can be  
stored before your device considers the status to  
To view the serial number for a PGP key, press the Alt  
key and S.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
PGP key troubleshooting  
I cannot download another person's PGP key from an  
LDAP server  
5. Click Save.  
Related topic  
Check the status of a PGP key (See page 11.)  
I cannot download another person's  
PGP key from an LDAP server  
Try performing the following actions:  
User Guide Supplement  
Verify that your organization permits you to  
download PGP® keys from an LDAP certificate  
server. For more information, contact your system  
BlackBerry® device uses to connect to the LDAP  
certificate server, try using the default connection  
Related topic  
LDAP certificate server options (See page 17.)  
LDAP certificate server options  
Friendly Name: Type the common name that is  
associated with the server.  
LDAP certificate server options  
Change certificate server information  
Delete a certificate server  
Server Name: Type the network address of the  
Base Query: Type the base query information as it  
is configured in your LDAP server. Content  
appears in X.509 distinguished name (DN) syntax  
(for example,  
Send certificate server information to a contact  
About certificate servers  
Your BlackBerry® device uses Lightweight Directory  
Access Protocol (LDAP) servers to search for and  
Port: Type the port number as it is configured on  
your organization’s network. The default port  
number is 389.  
Authentication Type: Set whether you require  
authentication credentials to connect to the  
If you use the PGP Universal™ Server, you might not  
be able to download PGP keys from an LDAP server.  
device uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or  
Transport Layer Security (TLS) to connect to the  
Related topic  
Add a certificate server (See page 17.)  
Add a certificate server  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Certificate Servers.  
3. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topic  
Add a certificate server (See page 17.)  
Change certificate server information  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Certificate Servers.  
3. Highlight a server.  
4. Click New Server.  
5. Set the Server Type field.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
8. Click Save.  
5. Click Edit.  
Related topics  
6. Edit the appropriate fields.  
7. Click the trackwheel.  
LDAP certificate server options (See page 17.)  
8. Click Save.  
Related topics  
LDAP certificate server options (See page 17.)  
Delete a certificate server  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Certificate Servers.  
3. Highlight a server.  
5. Click Delete.  
6. Click Yes.  
Related topic  
Change certificate server information (See page 17.)  
Send certificate server information to  
a contact  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Certificate Servers.  
5. Click Email Server or PIN Server.  
Related topics  
Send a PGP key to a contact (See page 12.)  
Attach a PGP key to a message (See page 23.)  
About digital signatures and  
You can digitally sign a message to help the recipient  
verify the authenticity and integrity of the message.  
When you digitally sign a message using your private  
key, the recipient uses your public key to verify that  
you sent the message and not someone who was  
pretending to be you, and that no one changed the  
message before it arrived.  
You can encrypt a message to keep the message  
confidential. When you encrypt a message, your  
encrypt the message. Only the recipient’s private key  
no one else read the message.  
Related topics  
About encryption icons (See page 19.)  
About signature icons (See page 20.)  
Display small status icons for PGP messages  
Select your default PGP key  
When you open an encrypted message, a lock icon  
represents the encryption status. Your system  
administrator sets an IT Policy that determines  
whether the encryption algorithm that the message  
uses is considered to be strong or weak.  
Set the default message classification that you use to  
send messages  
Lock with a question mark: The message is  
Turn off the prompt that appears when you use a PGP  
key that is not recommended for use  
weakly encrypted.  
PGP message troubleshooting  
Related topic  
About signature icons (See page 20.)  
User Guide Supplement  
If you receive a message that uses message  
classifications, your can view the abbreviated  
classification in the subject line of the message and  
the message. The abbreviated classification and  
description also appear in messages in your Sent  
Items folder.  
About signature icons  
When you open a digitally signed message, a ribbon  
icon represents the verification status of the digital  
Ribbon with a check mark: Your BlackBerry®  
device verified the digital signature.  
Ribbon with an X: Your device could not verify the  
digital signature.  
Related topic  
Digitally sign or encrypt an email message (See page  
Ribbon with a question mark: Your device  
requires more data to verify the digital signature.  
The icon after the ribbon icon represents the status of  
the sender’s PGP® key.  
Download a sender’s PGP key  
1. In an open PGP® message, highlight the digital  
signature or trust status icon.  
Certificate with a check mark: The sender’s PGP  
key is trusted.  
X: The sender’s PGP key cannot be found on your  
device, is revoked, is not trusted, or cannot be  
verified, or the sender’s email address does not  
match the email address in the key.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Fetch Sender’s PGP key.  
Question mark: Your device requires more data to  
status to be stale.  
The Fetch Sender’s PGP key menu item appears only if  
the sender’s PGP key is not included in your  
BlackBerry® device key store or the sender’s message.  
Clock: The sender’s PGP key has expired.  
be able to download the sender’s PGP key, or your  
Related topic  
About encryption icons (See page 19.)  
Related topics  
About message classifications  
Download another person’s PGP key (See page 10.)  
If your BlackBerry® device is integrated with an  
account that uses BlackBerry Enterprise Server  
Version 4.1.2 or later and your system administrator  
turns on message classifications, the BlackBerry  
Enterprise Server applies a minimum set of security  
actions to each message that you compose, forward, or  
reply to, based on the classification that you assign to  
the message. Your system administrator configures  
the set of message classifications that you can use.  
I cannot add a PGP key to the key store from an email  
or PIN message (See page 25.)  
Import a PGP key from a message  
1. In an open message, highlight the digital  
signature or trust status icon.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Import PGP Key.  
4. Type your key store password.  
4: PGP messages  
5. Click OK.  
3. Click Import Server.  
6. Type a PGP® key label.  
7. Click OK.  
If you use the PGP Universal™ Server, you might not  
Related topics  
Add a certificate server (See page 17.)  
Related topics  
I cannot add a PGP key to the key store from an email  
or PIN message (See page 25.)  
Download a sender’s PGP key (See page 20.)  
Download another person’s PGP key (See page 10.)  
I cannot add a PGP key to the key store from an email  
or PIN message (See page 25.)  
1. In an open message, click the trackwheel.  
Import a PGP key from an attachment  
1. In an open message, click the PGP® key  
Related topics  
attachment icon.  
Digitally sign or encrypt an email message (See page  
2. Click Retrieve PGP Attachment.  
3. Click the PGP key.  
I cannot see all signing or encryption options (See  
page 24.)  
4. Click Import PGP Key.  
Digitally sign or encrypt an email  
If you use the PGP Universal™ Server, you might not  
1. In an unsent message, perform one of the  
following actions:  
Related topics  
To apply the default encoding recommended  
by the PGP Universal™ Server, set the  
Encoding field to PGP Universal Default.  
Download a sender’s PGP key (See page 20.)  
Download another person’s PGP key (See page 10.)  
To attach a digital signature, set the Encoding  
field to Sign.  
I cannot add a PGP key to the key store from an email  
or PIN message (See page 25.)  
To encrypt the message, set the Encoding  
field to Encrypt.  
Import certificate server information  
from a message  
To attach a digital signature and encrypt the  
message, set the Encoding field to Sign and  
1. In an open message, highlight a PGP® server icon.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
2. If required, set the Classification field.  
User Guide Supplement  
Related topics  
If you set the Encoding field to indicate that the  
message should be encrypted and keys are not  
available for all recipients, you might be able to send  
the message to the PGP Universal Server for further  
processing. In this case, you have the option to click  
Send to Server.  
Select your default PGP key (See page 23.)  
I cannot see all signing or encryption options (See  
page 24.)  
View an attachment in a signed  
administrator has specified a minimum set of actions,  
message even if you did not select these actions.  
1. In an open message, click the attachment.  
2. Click Open Attachment.  
Related topic  
Import a PGP key from an attachment (See page 21.)  
Select your default PGP key (See page 23.)  
Select encryption algorithms for PGP messages (See  
page 23.)  
Search the message list  
1. In a message list, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click Search.  
I cannot see all signing or encryption options (See  
page 24.)  
3. Set the search criteria.  
Digitally sign or encrypt a PIN  
In an unsent message, perform one of the following  
4. Perform one of the following actions:  
To search only plain text and signed  
messages, set the Include Encrypted  
Messages field to No.  
To attach a digital signature, set the Encoding  
field to Sign.  
To search plain text, signed, and encrypted  
messages, set the Include Encrypted  
Messages field to Yes.  
To encrypt the message, set the Encoding field to  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
To attach a digital signature and encrypt the  
message, set the Encoding field to Sign and  
6. Click Search.  
If you set the Include Encrypted Messages field to Yes  
prompt you to type your key store password before  
search results appear.  
To send an encrypted personal identification number  
(PIN) message, the recipient must appear in your  
contact list with an associated PIN and email address.  
Your BlackBerry® device uses the email address in  
your contact list to locate a PGP® key for the recipient.  
Related topic  
Set how long your key store password is remembered  
(See page 15.)  
4: PGP messages  
Encrypt a PGP message with a pass  
Display small status icons for PGP  
For conventional encryption, your BlackBerry® device  
uses a pass phrase instead of your PGP® key to  
encrypt the message.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP.  
1. In an unsent message, set the Encoding field to  
one that uses encryption.  
5. Click Save.  
2. Click the trackwheel.  
3. Click Options.  
Related topics  
4. Set the Use Conventional Encryption field to Yes.  
5. Click the trackwheel.  
6. Click Save.  
About encryption icons (See page 19.)  
About signature icons (See page 20.)  
7. Type your message.  
Select your default PGP key  
Your BlackBerry® device uses the default PGP® key to  
sign messages and to encrypt messages in the Sent  
8. Click the trackwheel.  
9. Click Send.  
10. Type a pass phrase to encrypt the message.  
11. Confirm the pass phrase.  
12. Click OK.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP.  
5. Click Save.  
the pass phrase is.  
Related topics  
Select your default PGP key (See page 23.)  
Related topic  
Digitally sign or encrypt an email message (See page  
Digitally sign or encrypt an email message (See page  
Attach a PGP key to a message  
1. In an unsent message, click the trackwheel.  
2. Click Attach PGP Keys.  
Select encryption algorithms for PGP  
If a message has multiple recipients, your BlackBerry®  
device uses the first selected algorithm that all  
recipients are known to support.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP.  
5. Click Continue.  
Related topic  
3. Select all content ciphers that you want available  
for encrypting messages.  
Send a PGP key to a contact (See page 12.)  
User Guide Supplement  
Related topic  
About message classifications (See page 20.)  
5. Click Save.  
Related topic  
Turn off the prompt that appears  
when you use a PGP key that is not  
recommended for use  
Digitally sign or encrypt an email message (See page  
By default, a prompt appears when you try to send a  
message using a PGP® key that is not recommended  
for use (for example, a weak or expired PGP key).  
Set the default security options that  
you use to send messages  
Your BlackBerry® device uses the default encoding for  
contacts to whom you have not previously sent a  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click PGP.  
3. Set the Warn about problems with my PGP keys  
field to No.  
1. In the device options, click Advanced Options.  
2. Click Message Services.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
To receive a prompt again, set the Warn about  
5. Click Save.  
Related topic  
PGP message troubleshooting  
About digital signatures and encryption (See page 19.)  
I cannot see all signing or encryption options  
I cannot add a PGP key to the key store from an email  
or PIN message  
Set the default message  
classification that you use to send  
Verify that your system administrator has set up  
message classifications.  
I cannot see all signing or encryption  
Try performing one of the following actions:  
Your BlackBerry® device uses the default message  
classification for contacts to whom you have not  
previously sent a message.  
Verify that the current message classification  
supports the signing or encryption options that  
you want. Try using a different message  
1. In the device options, click Advanced Options.  
2. Click Message Services.  
Verify that your message service is configured to  
support all signing and encryption options.  
3. Set the Default Classification field.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
Related topic  
5. Click Save.  
About message classifications (See page 20.)  
4: PGP messages  
I cannot add a PGP key to the key  
store from an email or PIN message  
Verify with your system administrator that your  
configuration permits you to download PGP® keys  
from an LDAP server.  
User Guide Supplement  
About memory cleaning  
2. Click Memory Cleaning.  
3. Perform any of the following actions:  
Set how frequently the memory cleaning application  
To clear the BlackBerry® device memory every  
time you insert your device in the holster, set  
the Clean When Holstered field to Yes.  
Clear the device memory  
View the memory cleaning icon on the Home screen  
To clear the device memory after your device  
remains idle for a specified period of time, set  
the Clean When Idle field to Yes. Set the Idle  
About memory cleaning  
Your BlackBerry® device turns on the memory  
cleaning application automatically when you turn on  
content protection or when you install the S/MIME  
Support Package for BlackBerry devices or the PGP®  
Support Package for BlackBerry devices on your  
5. Click Save.  
Related topics  
About memory cleaning (See page 27.)  
The memory cleaning application on your device is  
designed to clear sensitive content from memory.  
Examples of sensitive content include sensitive web  
content in the browser cache, unencrypted email  
content, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)  
authentication passwords, and information from  
certificate and key searches.  
Clear the device memory (See page 27.)  
Clear the device memory  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Memory Cleaning.  
The device memory is designed to be cleared  
automatically when your device:  
3. In the Registered Cleaners section, click an  
is inserted in the holster  
4. Perform one of the following actions:  
remains idle for a configured period of time  
is synchronized with your computer  
has its time or time zone changed  
is locked  
To clear sensitive content for all applications,  
click Clean Now.  
To clear sensitive content for the highlighted  
application, click Clean <Application>. Click  
Related topics  
Set how frequently the memory  
cleaning application runs  
About memory cleaning (See page 27.)  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
User Guide Supplement  
Set how frequently the memory cleaning application  
runs (See page 27.)  
View the memory cleaning icon on  
the Home screen  
1. In the device options, click Security Options.  
2. Click Memory Cleaning.  
4. Click the trackwheel.  
5. Click Save.  
Related topic  
About memory cleaning (See page 27.)  
Legal notice  
©2007 Research In Motion Limited. All Rights  
Reserved. The BlackBerry and RIM families of related  
marks, images, and symbols are the exclusive  
properties of Research In Motion Limited. RIM,  
Research In Motion, BlackBerry, “Always On, Always  
Connected” and the “envelope in motion” symbol are  
registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office  
and may be pending or registered in other countries.  
PGP is a registered trademark of PGP Corporation in  
the United States and other countries.  
All other brands, product names, company names,  
trademarks and service marks are the properties of  
their respective owners.  
The BlackBerry device and/or associated software are  
protected by copyright, international treaties, and  
various patents, including one or more of the following  
U.S. patents: 6,278,442; 6,271,605; 6,219,694;  
6,075,470; 6,073,318; D445,428; D433,460; D416,256.  
Other patents are registered or pending in various  
countries around the world. Visit  
patents for a list of RIM [as hereinafter defined]  
This document might contain references to third-party  
sources of information, hardware or software, products  
or services and/or third-party web sites (collectively  
the “Third-Party Information”). RIM does not control,  
and is not responsible for, any Third-Party Information,  
including, without limitation the content, accuracy,  
copyright compliance, compatibility, performance,  
trustworthiness, legality, decency, links, or any other  
aspect of Third-Party Information. The inclusion of  
Third-Party Information in this document does not  
imply endorsement by RIM of the Third-Party  
This document is provided “as is” and Research In  
Motion Limited and its affiliated companies (“RIM”)  
assume no responsibility for any typographical,  
technical, or other inaccuracies in this document. In  
order to protect RIM proprietary and confidential  
information and/or trade secrets, this document may  
describe some aspects of RIM technology in  
generalized terms. RIM reserves the right to  
periodically change information that is contained in  
this document; however, RIM makes no commitment to  
provide any such changes, updates, enhancements, or  
other additions to this document to you in a timely  
Information or the third-party in any way. Installation  
and use of Third-Party Information with RIM's  
products and services may require one or more patent,  
User Guide Supplement  
trademark, or copyright licenses in order to avoid  
infringement of the intellectual property rights of  
others. Any dealings with Third-Party Information,  
including, without limitation, compliance with  
applicable licenses and terms and conditions, are  
solely between you and the third-party. You are solely  
responsible for determining whether such third-party  
licenses are required and are responsible for acquiring  
any such licenses relating to Third-Party Information.  
To the extent that such intellectual property licenses  
may be required, RIM expressly recommends that you  
do not install or use Third-Party Information until all  
such applicable licenses have been acquired by you or  
on your behalf. Your use of Third-Party Information  
shall be governed by and subject to you agreeing to  
the terms of the Third-Party Information licenses. Any  
Third-Party Information that is provided with RIM's  
products and services is provided “as is”. RIM makes  
no representation, warranty or guarantee whatsoever  
in relation to the Third-Party Information and RIM  
assumes no liability whatsoever in relation to the  
Third-Party Information even if RIM has been advised  
of the possibility of such damages or can anticipate  
such damages.  

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