Uniden Telephone DECT1363 User Manual

DECT1363 Series User's Guide  
What's in the box?  
DECT1363 base  
with cordless  
Not pictured:  
- Rechargeable battery  
- AC adapter (PS-0035)  
- Telephone cord  
If any items are missing or damaged, contact our Customer Care Line  
immediately. Never use damaged products!  
If You...  
Contact Uniden’s...  
Phone Number  
817-858-2929 or  
have a question or problem  
Customer Care Line*  
need a replacement part or an  
Parts Department*  
need special assistance due to  
a disability  
(voice or TTY)  
Accessibility Help Line  
* During regular business hours, Central Standard Time; see our website for  
detailed business hours.  
© 2009 Uniden America Corp.  
Ft. Worth, Texas  
Printed in Vietnam  
Installing Your Phone  
Charge the Baꢀery  
1. Unpack the handset, battery pack,  
and battery cover. If you need to  
remove the battery cover, press in  
on the notch and slide the cover  
down and off.  
2. Line up the battery connector with the jack inside the handset.  
(The battery connector will only fit one way.)  
ꢀ. Push the connector in until it clicks into place; tug gently on the  
wires to make sure the battery pack is securely connected.  
4. Replace the battery cover and slide it into place.  
ꢁ. Connect the AC adapter to the  
plug into the notch.  
jack on the base. Set the  
AC IN 8V  
6. Plug the other end of the adapter into a standard 120V AC outlet.  
7. Place the handset in the base with the display facing forward. The  
display on the handset should light up; if it doesn’t, reseat the  
handset or try plugging the AC adapter into a different outlet.  
Charge the handset completely (about 15 hours) before using it.  
Connect the Telephone Cord  
Use the telephone cord to connect the  
standard telephone wall jack.  
jack on the base to a  
Test the Connecꢁon  
1. Pick up the handset from the cradle and press Talk. You should  
hear a dial tone, and the display should say Talk.  
If you don't hear a dial tone or the display says Check Tel Line,  
check the connection between the base and the phone jack.  
2. Make a quick test call. (Press End to hang up.)  
If you keep hearing a dial tone, try changing to pulse dialing mode.  
If there is a lot of noise, see page 1ꢀ for tips on avoiding  
Changing from Tone to Pulse Dialing  
Your phone communicates with the telephone network in two ways:  
tone dialing or pulse dialing. Most telephone companies use tone  
dialing. If your phone company uses pulse dialing, you will need to  
change your phone’s dial mode.  
1. From the handset, open the menu and select Global Setup. (See  
page 6 for details on using the menu.)  
2. Select Dial Mode, then select Pulse. The phone sounds a  
confirmation tone.  
If you use pulse dialing and you need to send DTMF tones during a call  
(if you're using an automated response system, for example), press  
to temporarily switch to tone dialing. When the call ends, the phone  
automatically returns to pulse dialing mode.  
Geꢁng to Know Your Phone  
12-key dial pad  
Base key and how it works  
Key (icon) What it does  
- In standby: page the handset.  
Handset keys/LEDs and how they work  
Key (icon)  
What it does  
- In standby: start a telephone call (get a dial tone).  
- During a call: switch to a waiting call.  
- During a call: hang up.  
- In the menu or any list: exit and go to standby.  
- In standby: increase the ringer volume.  
- During a call: increase the audio volume.  
- In any menu or list: move the cursor up one line.  
Up (  
- In standby: decrease the ringer volume.  
- During a call: decrease the audio volume.  
- In any menu or list: move the cursor down one line.  
down (  
- In standby or during a call: open the phonebook.  
- In the menu: go back to the previous screen.  
- During text entry: move the cursor to the left.  
lEFT (  
- In standby or during a call: open the Caller ID list.  
- During text entry: move the cursor to the right.  
CallEr id  
- In standby: open the menu.  
- In the menu or any list: select the highlighted item.  
- In standby: open the redial list.  
- While entering a phone number: insert a 2-second  
- In standby: access your voice mail service.  
- During a call: mute the microphone.  
- If the phone is ringing: mute the ringer for this call  
- While entering text: Delete the entered text.  
What it means  
- On: the battery is charging.  
- Blinking: there are new messages.  
Reading the Display  
This table shows possible status icons and what they mean. Since the  
icons appear based on what you're doing with the phone, you won't  
ever see all of these icons at the same time.  
What it means  
The ringer is turned off and will not ring for new calls.  
You have a voice message waiting.  
The microphone is muted; the caller can't hear you.  
T-coil mode is on (see page 13).  
The battery is 1) fully charged, 2) half charged, 3) getting  
low, or 4) empty.  
[Aa] [aA]  
Enter 1) capital or 2) lower case letters (see page 7).  
Using the Menu  
To open the  
menu, press  
If you open the  
menu during a call,  
use lEFT to back out  
of the menu without  
hanging up.  
to choose the  
highlighted option  
The cursor  
Handset Setup  
Day & Time  
shows the  
To move the  
cursor, use  
UP & DOWN.  
If you don't press  
any keys for about  
thirty seconds, the  
handset exits the  
Global Setup  
Ringer Tones  
To go back a  
screen, press  
press END  
to exit the  
Handset Setup Menu  
Turn on T-coil mode to reduce noise on some hearing  
aids (for more details, see page 13).  
Choose the handset's ring tone. As you highlight each  
ring tone, the phone plays a sample. When you hear  
the tone you want, press MEnU/sElECT.  
Have the handset answer a call when you pick it up  
from the cradle (without pressing any buttons).  
Ringer Tones  
Any Key  
Have the handset answer a call when you press any  
key on the 12-key dialpad.  
Change the display language.  
Key Touch Tone Have the keypad sound a tone when you press a key.  
Day & Time Menu  
Use this menu to set the clock manually. (If you have Caller ID, the  
phone sets the day and time from the CID data.) Select the day of week,  
then use the number keypad to enter the hour and minutes in HHMM  
format (e.g., enter 0ꢀ4ꢁ for ꢀ:4ꢁ). Use Up or down to select AM/PM.  
Global Setup Menu  
Change the way your phone communicates with the  
telephone network (see page 4).  
Dial Mode  
Edit Voice  
Program your voice mail access number so you can get  
messages by pressing one button (see page 11).  
Reset your Visual Message Waiting Indicator to bring it  
back in sync with your voice mail service.  
VMWI Reset  
Entering Text on Your Phone  
Use the 12-key dial pad when you want to enter text into your phone  
(a name in the phonebook, etc.).  
The phone defaults to a capital letter for the first letter and any  
letter after a space; otherwise, it uses small letters.  
To switch to all capital letters, press . The phone defaults to all  
capital letters first (e. g. ABCabc2) until you enter a blank space or  
press again. (Any time you want to change case, just press .)  
If two letters in a row use the same number key, enter the first letter  
and wait a few seconds (or press righT); the cursor will move to the  
next space. Enter the next letter.  
Press to enter a blank space.  
To change a letter, move the cursor to that letter and press ClEar to  
erase the letter. Then, enter the new letter.  
To erase the entire entry, press and hold ClEar.  
Press to cycle through all available symbols and punctuation.  
To do this...  
make a call  
answer a call  
hang up  
Do this...  
Dial the number, then press Talk/Flash.  
Press Talk/Flash.  
Press End or put the handset in the cradle.  
mute the microphone  
during a call  
Press MEssagEs/MUTE-ClEar. Press again to  
turn the microphone back on.  
mute the ringer for this  
call only  
While the phone is ringing, press MEssagEs/  
Changing the Volume  
Anytime you are listening to the earpiece, press Up to increase the  
volume and down to decrease it.  
To set the ringer volume: when the phone is in standby, press Up to  
increase the ringer volume and down to decrease it. If you turn the  
ringer volume all the way down, the ringer turns off.  
Using the Caller ID and Redial Lists  
Caller ID (CID) is a service available from your telephone provider  
that shows the phone number (and sometimes the caller’s name) of  
incoming calls. Contact your telephone provider for more information.  
Caller ID list  
Redial list  
- When a call comes in, the phone displays the  
number and name (if available) of the caller.  
- The phone saves the information for the last  
30 received calls to the CID list.  
- When it’s in standby, the handset shows how  
many calls came in since the last time you  
checked the CID list.  
- The handset  
remembers the  
last 5 numbers  
you dialed on it.  
Follow these steps:  
Press CallEr id/righT.  
Open the CID list  
Open the redial list  
Scroll through the  
Press down to scroll from newest to oldest.  
Press Up to scroll from oldest to newest.  
Dial a number from  
the lists  
Highlight the number you want and press  
Close the lists  
Press phonEbook/lEFT.  
* If the number is a toll or long distance call, but there's no 1 at the front of  
the CID record, press to add the 1 before dialing.  
To select a number, highlight the number and press MEnU/sElECT. The  
phone gives you the following options:  
Delete Entry Erase the number from the list.  
Add the number to the phonebook. The handset prompts  
you to edit the name and number.  
Store Into Pb  
Delete All  
(CID list only) Erase all numbers from the list.  
Using Call Waiꢁng  
Call Waiting, a service available from your telephone provider, lets you  
receive calls while you are on another call. Caller ID on Call Waiting  
(CIDCW) service displays Caller ID information for a waiting call.  
If you get a Call Waiting call, the phone sounds a tone and displays any  
CID information received from the waiting call. Press Talk/Flash to  
switch between the current call and the waiting call; each time you  
switch, there is a short pause before you're connected to the other call.  
Using the Phonebook  
The phone can store up to ꢀ0 entries in its phonebook.  
Open/close the phonebook phonEbook/lEFT.  
down (to scroll through the phonebook  
from A to Z) or Up (to scroll from Z to A).  
Scroll through the entries  
Jump to entries that start  
with a certain letter  
the number key corresponding to the  
letter you want.  
Up or down to find the entry you want to  
dial, then press Talk/Flash.  
Dial an entry  
Phonebook Menu Opꢁons  
Open the phonebook with the phone in standby, then press MEnU/  
sElECT to open the phonebook menu. Choose one of these options:  
Add an entry to your phonebook. The phone prompts you  
to enter a name and number.  
Create New  
Delete All  
Erase all the entries in the phonebook.  
If you need the phone to pause before sending the next set of digits,  
press rEdial/paUsE to insert a 2-second pause. The pause shows as a  
in the display.  
You can insert as many pauses as you need, but each pause counts  
as one of your 20 digits.  
Phonebook Entry Opꢁons  
With the phone in standby, open the phonebook and find the entry  
you want. Press MEnU/sElECT to open the individual phonebook entry  
menu. The phone prompts you to edit or delete the entry.  
Finding the Handset  
With the phone in standby, press Find on the base. The handset will  
beep in a ꢀ-beep pattern for 1 minute or until you press Find again.  
You can also end the page by pressing any key from the found handset.  
Chain Dialing  
If you often have to enter a series of digits or a code number during a  
call, you can save that code number to a phonebook entry and use the  
phonebook to send the code number.  
1. Enter the code number (up to 20 digits) into the phonebook just  
like a regular phonebook entry. Be sure to enter the code number  
into the phonebook exactly as you would enter it during a call.  
2. When you hear the prompt that tells you to enter the number,  
open the phonebook and find the entry that contains your code  
number. Press MEnU/sElECT to transmit the code. The phone  
transmits the code number entered in the previous step. If you  
change your mind, use phonEbook/lEFT to close the phonebook.  
Using a Voice Mail Service  
If you subscribe to a voice mail service, your phone can notify you  
when you have a new message and give you one-touch access to your  
voice mailbox.  
To Program Your Access Number  
The voice mail company will provide you with the access number.  
1. With the phone in standby, open the menu and select Global Setup.  
2. Select Edit Voice Mail.  
ꢀ. Enter the access number (up to 20 digits) that your voice mail  
provider gave you. Be sure to enter the number exactly as you  
would dial it.  
4. When you’re finished, press MEnU/sElECT.  
To access your mailbox, just press MEssagEs/MUTE-ClEar when the  
phone is in standby. The phone dials the access number exactly as you  
entered it.  
New Message Noꢁꢂcaꢁon  
This feature supports Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) message  
notification. Contact your voice mail provider for more information.  
When you have new messages, the voice message icon appears in  
the display, and the  
light on the handset blinks.  
After you listen to your messages, the voice message icon turns off.  
If it doesn’t, you can reset it: With the phone in standby, open the  
menu and select Global Setup; select VMWI Reset, then select Yes.  
Important Informaꢀon  
Solving Problems  
If you have any trouble with your phone, try these simple steps first. If  
you need help, call our Customer Care line listed on the front cover.  
- Checking the telephone cord connection.  
I can’t make or receive  
- Disconnecting the base AC adapter. Wait  
a few minutes, then reconnect it.  
- Making sure the base is plugged in.  
The handset won’t ring. - Making sure the ringer is turned on.  
- Charging the battery for 15-20 hours.  
- Checking the battery connection.  
The handset is not  
- Letting calls ring twice before answering.  
- Making sure your CID service is active.  
The handset won’t  
display CID information.  
- The battery is getting low. Check the  
handset for a low battery alert. Finish  
your conversation and return the handset  
to the cradle as soon as possible.  
I hear a beeping during  
a call.  
Weak or Hard To Hear Audio  
Do you use a T-Coil hearing aid?  
If you have a hearing aid  
If a caller’s voice sounds weak or soft,  
the signal might be blocked by large  
metal objects or walls; you might  
also be too far from the base or the  
handset’s battery may be weak.  
equipped with a telecoil (T-coil)  
feature, the interacꢂon between  
the hearing aid & digital cord-  
less phones can cause noise  
in the handset. If you have a  
T-coil hearing aid & you have  
problems with noise on the  
line, try turning on T-coil mode.  
Open the menu. Select Handset  
Try moving around while you’re  
on a call or moving closer to  
the base to see if the sound gets  
Setup, then select T-coil  
Make sure the handset’s battery is  
fully charged.  
Using T-coil mode can shorten  
the handset’s talk ꢂme; make  
sure to watch the baꢁery status  
and keep the baꢁery charged.  
Try adjusting the earpiece volume.  
Noise or �taꢁc on the Line  
Interference is the most common cause of noise or static on a cordless  
phone. Here are some common sources of interference:  
electrical appliances, especially microwave ovens  
computer equipment, especially wireless LAN equipment and DSL  
radio-based wireless devices, such as room monitors, wireless  
controllers, or wireless headphones or speakers  
fluorescent light fixtures (especially if giving off a buzzing noise)  
other services that use your phone line, like alarm systems,  
intercom systems, or broadband Internet service  
If static is in 1 location:  
If static is in all locations:  
- Check nearby for one of the  
common interference sources.  
- Check near the base for the  
source of interference.  
- Try moving the handset away  
from a suspected source, or try  
moving the suspected source so  
it’s not between the handset and  
the base.  
- Try moving the base away from  
a suspected source, or turn off  
the source if possible.  
- If the base has an adjustable  
antenna, try raising the antenna  
- There is always more noise at the so it stands straight up.  
edges of the base's range. If an  
Out of Range message displays,  
try moving closer to the base.  
- If you have any service that  
uses the phone line, you might  
need a filter (see below).  
Installing a Line Filter or D�L Filter  
Sometimes, broadband Internet services that use the telephone line  
can interfere with phones. One of these services−DSL−often causes  
static on telephones. A DSL filter or telephone line filter usually solves  
this problem. The technician who installed your DSL service might  
have left some filters for you; if not, call your DSL provider or look in  
any electronics store.  
Plug the DSL filter into the telephone wall jack and plug your phone’s  
base into the filter. Make a test call to make sure the noise is gone.  
Liquid Damage  
Moisture and liquid can damage your cordless phone.  
If the exterior housing of the handset or base is exposed to moisture  
or liquid, wipe off the liquid, and use as normal.  
If moisture or liquid is inside the plastic housing (i.e. liquid can  
be heard in the phone or liquid has entered the handset battery  
compartment or vent openings on the base), follow these steps:  
1. Remove the battery cover and disconnect  
the battery.  
2. Let dry for at least 3 days with the battery  
disconnected and the cover off for  
1. Disconnect the AC  
adapter to cut off  
the power.  
2. Disconnect the  
telephone cord.  
3. After the handset dries, reconnect the  
battery and replace the cover. Recharge the  
battery fully (15-20 hours) before using.  
3. Let dry for at least  
3 days before  
CAUTION! DO NOT use a microwave oven to speed up the drying  
process. This will cause permanent damage to the handset, base and  
the microwave oven.  
AC Adapter and Baꢂery Informaꢀon  
Use only the supplied AC  
adapters. Be sure to use the  
proper adapter for the base &  
any chargers.  
Part number  
Input voltage 120V AC, 60 Hz  
Output voltage 8V AC @ 300mA  
Do not place the power cord  
where it creates a trip hazard  
or where it could become  
Part number  
500mAh, 2.4V DC  
chafed and create a fire or electrical hazard.  
Do not place the unit in direct sunlight or subject it to high temperatures.  
Fully charged, the baꢁery should provide about 10 hours of talk ꢂme and about  
7 days of standby ꢂme. For best results, return the handset to the cradle aꢃer  
each call to keep it fully charged.  
When the baꢁery gets too low, the handset shows a low baꢁery alert. If you  
hear a strange beep during a call, check the display: if you see the low baꢁery  
alert, finish your conversaꢂon as quickly as possible and return the handset to  
the cradle. If the handset is in standby, none of the keys will operate.  
With normal use, the baꢁery should last about one year. Replace the baꢁery  
when the talk ꢂme becomes short even when the baꢁery is charged. To buy a  
replacement baꢁery, call the Parts Department listed on the front cover.  
Rechargeable Nickel-Cadmium Baꢂery Warning  
This equipment contains a rechargeable Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) baꢁery.  
Cadmium and Nickel are chemicals known to the State of  
California to cause cancer.  
Do not short-circuit the baꢁery.  
The rechargeable Ni-Cd baꢁeries contained in this equipment  
may explode if disposed of in a fire.  
Do not charge the baꢁery used in this equipment in any charger other than the  
one designed to charge this baꢁery as specified in the owner's manual. Using  
another charger may damage the baꢁery or cause it to explode.  
As part of our commitment to protecꢂng our environment and conserving  
natural resources, Uniden voluntarily parꢂcipates in an RBRC® industry program  
to collect and recycle used Ni-Cd baꢁeries within the United States. Please call 1-  
800-8-BATTERY for informaꢂon on Ni-Cd baꢁery recycling in your area. (RBRC® is  
a registered trademark of the Rechargeable Baꢁery Recycling Corporaꢂon.)  
Rechargeable batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly.  
Uniden works to reduce lead content in PVC coated cords in our  
products & accessories.  
Warning! The cords on this product and/or accessories contain lead,  
a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or  
other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.  
Compliance Informaꢀon  
FCC Part 68 informaꢀon  
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the require-  
ments adopted by the ACTA. On the boꢁom of this equipment is a label that  
contains, among other informaꢂon, a product idenꢂfier in the format US:  
AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this number must be provided to the phone  
An applicable Universal Service Order Codes (USOC) cerꢂficaꢂon for the jacks  
used in this equipment is provided (i.e., RJ11C) in the packaging with each piece  
of approved terminal equipment. A plug and jack used to connect this equip-  
ment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the ap-  
plicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant  
telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to  
be connected to a compaꢂble modular jack that is also compliant. See installa-  
ꢂon instrucꢂons for details.  
The REN is used to determine the number of devices that may be connected  
to a phone line. Excessive RENs on a phone line may result in devices not  
ringing in response to an incoming call. In most but not all areas, the sum of  
RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices  
that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the  
telephone provider. The REN for this product is part of the product idenꢂfier  
that has the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the  
REN without a decimal point (e.g., 03 is a REN of 0.3).  
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone  
company will noꢂfy you in advance that temporary disconꢂnuance of service  
may be required. But if advance noꢂce isn't pracꢂcal, the telephone company  
will noꢂfy the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your  
right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary. The tele-  
phone company may make changes in its faciliꢂes, equipment, operaꢂons or  
procedures that could aꢄect the operaꢂon of the equipment. If this happens  
the telephone company will provide advance noꢂce in order for you to make  
necessary modificaꢂons to maintain uninterrupted service.  
Please follow instrucꢂons for repairing, if any (e.g. baꢁery replacement sec-  
ꢂon); otherwise do not subsꢂtute or repair any parts of the device except as  
specified in this manual. Connecꢂon to party line service is subject to state  
tariꢄs. Contact the state public uꢂlity commission, public service commission  
or corporaꢂon commission for informaꢂon. This equipment is hearing aid  
If you experience trouble with this equipment, contact the manufacturer (see  
the cover of this manual for contact informaꢂon) or an authorized agent.  
If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone  
company may request that you disconnect the equipment unꢂl the problem  
is resolved.  
If your home has wired alarm equipment connected to a phone line, be sure  
that installing the system does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have  
quesꢂons about what will disable alarm equipment, contact your telephone  
company or a qualified installer.  
Any changes or modificaꢂons to this product not expressly approved by the  
manufacturer or other party responsible for compliance could void your authority  
to operate this product.  
NOTICE: According to telephone company reports, AC electrical surges, typi-  
cally resulꢂng from lightning strikes, are very destrucꢂve to telephone equip-  
ment connected to AC power sources. To minimize damage from these types  
of surges, a surge arrestor is recommended.  
FCC Part 15 informaꢀon  
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operaꢂon is subject to the  
following two condiꢂons: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,  
and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interfer-  
ence that may cause undesired operaꢂon. Privacy of communicaꢂons may not  
be ensured when using this phone.  
FCC PART 15.105(b): Note: This equipment has been tested and found to  
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the  
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protecꢂon against  
harmful interference in a residenꢂal installaꢂon. This equipment generates,  
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in  
accordance with the instrucꢂons, may cause harmful interference to radio  
communicaꢂons. However, there is no guarantee that interference will  
not occur in a parꢂcular installaꢂon. If this equipment does cause harmful  
interference to radio or television recepꢂon, which can be determined by  
turning the equipment oꢄ and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the  
interference by one or more of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separaꢂon between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diꢄerent from that to which  
the receiver is connected.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
FCC RF Exposure Informaꢀon  
This product complies with FCC radiaꢂon exposure limits under the following  
The base must be placed to allow a minimum of 20 cm (8 inches) between the  
antenna and all persons during normal operaꢂon.  
The base must not be collocated or operated in conjuncꢂon with any other  
antenna or transmiꢁer.  
The handset is designed for body-worn operaꢂon and meets FCC RF exposure  
guidelines when used with any belt clip, carrying case, or other accessory sup-  
plied with this product. (All necessary accessories are included in the package;  
any addiꢂonal or opꢂonal accessories are not required for compliance with  
the guidelines.) Third party accessories (unless approved by the manufacturer)  
should be avoided as these might not comply with FCC RF exposure guidelines.  
Industry Canada (I.C.) Noꢀce  
Terminal equipment  
NOTICE: This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal  
Equipment Technical Specificaꢂons. This is confirmed by the registraꢂon  
number. The abbreviaꢂon IC before the registraꢂon number signifies that  
registraꢂon was performed based on a Declaraꢂon of Conformity indicaꢂng  
that Industry Canada technical specificaꢂons were met. It does not imply that  
Industry Canada approved the equipment.  
NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment  
is marked on the equipment itself. The REN assigned to each terminal equip-  
ment provides an indicaꢂon of the maximum number of terminals allowed to  
be connected to a telephone interface. The terminaꢂon on an interface may  
consist of any combinaꢂon of devices subject only to the requirement that the  
sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.  
Radio equipment  
The term IC before the radio cerꢂficaꢂon number only signifies that Industry  
Canada technical specificaꢂons were met. Operaꢂon is subject to the follow-  
ing two condiꢂons: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this  
device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause  
undesired operaꢂon of the device. "Privacy of communicaꢂons may not be  
ensured when using this telephone".  
Warranty (1 Year, limited)  
Evidence of original purchase is required for warranty service.  
ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: Uniden warrants, for one year, to the original retail  
owner, this Uniden Product to be free from defects in materials and craꢃsman-  
ship with only the limitaꢂons or exclusions set out below.  
WARRANTY DURATION: This warranty to the original user shall terminate and  
be of no further eꢄect 12 months aꢃer the date of original retail sale. The  
warranty is invalid if the Product is (A) damaged or not maintained as reason-  
able or necessary, (B) modified, altered, or used as part of any conversion  
kits, subassemblies, or any configuraꢂons not sold by Uniden, (C) improperly  
installed, (D) serviced or repaired by someone other than an authorized  
Uniden service center for a defect or malfuncꢂon covered by this warranty,  
(E) used in any conjuncꢂon with equipment or parts or as part of any system  
not manufactured by Uniden, or (F) installed or programmed by anyone other  
than as detailed by the owner's manual for this product.  
STATEMENT OF REMEDY: In the event that the product does not conform to  
this warranty at any ꢂme while this warranty is in eꢄect, warrantor will either,  
at its opꢂon, repair or replace the defecꢂve unit and return it to you without  
charge for parts, service, or any other cost (except shipping and handling)  
incurred by warrantor or its representaꢂves in connecꢂon with the perfor-  
mance of this warranty. Warrantor, at its opꢂon, may replace the unit with a  
Some states do not allow this exclusion or limitaꢂon of incidental or conse-  
quenꢂal damages so the above limitaꢂon or exclusion may not apply to you.  
LEGAL REMEDIES: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may  
also have other rights which vary from state to state. This warranty is void  
outside the United States of America and Canada.  
ing the instrucꢂons in the owner's manual you are certain that the Product  
is defecꢂve, pack the Product carefully (preferably in its original packaging).  
Disconnect the baꢁery from the Product and separately secure the baꢁery  
in its own separate packaging within the shipping carton. The Product should  
include all parts and accessories originally packaged with the Product. Include  
evidence of original purchase and a note describing the defect that has caused  
you to return it. The Product should be shipped freight prepaid, by traceable  
means, to warrantor at:  
Uniden America Service  
4700 Amon Carter Blvd.  
Fort Worth, TX 76155  
As an Energy Star® Partner, Uniden has determined that this  
product meets the Energy Star® guidelines for energy efficiency.  
Energy Star® is a U.S. registered mark.  
Uniden® is a registered trademark of Uniden America Corporaꢂon.  
The pictures in this manual are for example only. Your phone may  
not look exactly like the pictures.  
May be covered under one or more of the following U.S. patents:  
Other patents pending.  

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