Uniden Automobile LRD 747 User Manual

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  
Feature Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2  
Included with Your Radar Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  
Speed Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  
Speed Detection Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  
Radar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4  
Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5  
Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  
Controls and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  
LED Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8  
Helpful Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9  
Adjusting the Windshield Mounting Clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10  
Connecting the Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11  
Replacing the Fuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12  
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Power On. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Volume Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  
Memory Retention Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Full Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Audio Alert Only Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  
Visual Alert Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
Auto Mute Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15  
City Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16  
LED Signal Strength Meter in City Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
Safety Warning System Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  
Care and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18  
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19  
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20  
NOTE: Foldout the  
back cover of this  
reference guide to  
refer to the “Controls  
& Functions” page.  
Welcome to the world of sophisticated, early warning laser/radar  
detection. You have purchased one of the most advanced  
laser/radar detectors available. The LRD 747/LRD 757 is a  
completely integrated laser/radar detector. It responds to the X-,  
K-, and Ka-SuperWideband radar guns in use today and also  
provides 360° detection of the latest speed monitoring system —  
the laser gun. The built-in Safety Warning System (SWS™) is  
capable of detecting a hazardous warning signal transmitted on  
the K-band.  
The LRD 747/LRD 757 provides distinct visual and audio alerts to  
warn you of the presence of X-, K-, and Ka-SuperWideband radar  
signals as well as IR laser signals. You can drive with confidence  
when you bring along the LRD 747/LRD 757.  
The LRD 747/LRD 757 employs Super Stalker Technology (SST), a  
state-of-the-art electronic system designed to make this radar  
detector invisible to all current VG-2 radar detector detectors. The  
LRD 747/LRD 757 also uses the new D.R.O. (Dielectric Resonant  
Oscillator) and E.D.I.T.  
(Electronic Data Interference Terminator) circuitry, giving  
more reliable performance.  
We are certain that you will enjoy the LRD 747/LRD 757, and to  
ensure that you get the most from its features, please read this  
Reference Guide carefully before installing and operating the unit.  
360° Laser Detection  
Safety Warning System™  
All Band Coverage  
7 Alarm Tones  
Signal Strength Meter  
Warning Lights  
Visual Only Mode  
Auto Mute Mode  
Super Wideband  
VG-2 Undetectable  
K/Ka Priority  
Audio Only Mode  
Self Test  
Memory Retention Feature  
City and Highway Modes  
Pulse Detection  
To get the most from  
your laser/radar  
detector, please read  
this Reference  
Guide thoroughly.  
Reference Guide  
Windshield Clip  
Fuses and Spare Parts  
Printed Material  
If any of these items  
are missing or damaged,  
contact your dealer  
immediately. Be sure  
to complete and mail  
the product registration  
card. Included with  
your radar detector.  
Straight Power Cord  
LRD 747 Only  
Coiled Cigarette Adapter  
LRD 757 Only  
A speed detection device (often called a radar gun) sends out  
either a microwave signal or beam of light. When this signal  
reaches its target, part of the signal is reflected or bounced back  
toward the emitting gun. The time required for the signal to leave  
the gun, bounce off an object, and return is used to determine a  
vehicle’s distance and speed.  
Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging) is a microwave system for  
detecting the speed of moving objects by reflected pulses of high  
frequency radio waves. There are three radar bands  
(microwave frequencies): X band (10.49 to 10.56GHz), K band  
(24.04 to 24.26GHz), and the “superwide” Ka band (33.4 GHz to  
36 GHz).  
The X band was the first used for traffic, followed by the K band  
which is harder to detect (most instant-on radar is K band). The  
Ka band was introduced in 1987, and widened to Ka SuperWideband  
in 1990 by the FCC. The LRD 747/LRD 757 monitors all current  
radar bands including the entire Ka SuperWideband.  
The radar beam is cone shaped — the narrower the beam, the  
greater the resolution. A moving vehicle reflects radar signals  
back towards the radar gun. The LRD 747/LRD 757 can detect the  
signals emitted by radar guns, and it will sound an audio alarm  
and flash a warning indicator. For continuously transmitting  
radar, use the LRD 747/LRD 757 to get accurate detection from a  
safe distance. Weak signals cause the audio and visual alarms to  
sound intermittently, but as the signal gets stronger (the closer  
you get to the radar gun), both alarms increase in intensity.  
Instant-on transmitters fire a short radar pulse beam at a vehicle  
and instantly read its speed. When detected at a distance, you will  
hear a few beeps and see the strength meter begin to light.  
Instant-On radar signals are the most difficult to detect at a safe  
distance because they are transmitted only when directed at you  
or at a vehicle directly ahead of you.  
The Laser Speed Detection System, also called LIDAR (for Light  
Detection and Ranging), uses a laser gun that emits infrared light  
pulses just outside the spectrum of visible light. Each reflected  
pulse measures the speed of the object coming toward or going  
away from the laser gun.  
Unlike radar, the laser gun emits a very narrow beam of light, so  
it can pinpoint a speeding car within traffic. The infrared beam  
spreads out, but slowly and over a longer distance than a  
radar signal.  
The laser gun can acquire a speed reading as quickly as 0.3  
seconds, sometimes less. However, since it isn’t easy to accurately  
aim at and hit a moving target, an operator often moves the laser  
gun in several directions to get a reading. So laser signals  
are emitted continuously for a few seconds for each  
speed measurement.  
To be safe, do not  
ignore any warnings.  
Although there are  
other types of radar  
signals that may  
cause interference,  
when the  
LRD 747/LRD 757  
detects a signal, be  
on the alert. It is  
important to exercise  
caution at all times.  
The LRD 747/LRD 757 can detect these light pulses from as far  
away as 1.5 miles, which is about four times the effective  
range of a laser gun (2,000 feet), and about ten times its  
average operating range (500-800 feet).  
Clip Release — Press the clip release button to remove the  
LRD 747/LRD 757 from the windshield mounting clip.  
Rear and Side Laser Detector Lense — For rear and side  
detection of laser signals.  
Press the city button to help reduce X-band false  
alarms while driving in the city. When you turn  
on the City Mode, the City indicator turns on.  
While driving on highways, turn off the City  
Mode for long-range detection.  
Press the audio button to activate the Audio Alert  
Only operation. All the LEDs dim, and the signal  
strength meter is disabled.  
Press the mute button to activate the Auto Mute  
feature, which produces a full alert level when a  
signal is first received, then automatically  
reduces to chirps for the rest of the warning.  
Speaker — Sounds audio alert. There are six different audio  
alert tones to distinguish each type of signal received. When  
you become familiar with all the distinct alert tones, you can  
operate the LRD 747/LRD 757 just by listening, devoting  
your full attention to the traffic in front of you.DC 12V  
Power Input — Connect the DC power cord here.  
DC 12V Power Input — Connect the DC power cord here.  
On-Off/Volume Control — Turns the power on and adjusts  
the Audio Alert volume.  
LED Panel — LEDs display visual alerts, signal strength, and  
operation mode.  
NOTE: Foldout the  
back cover of this  
reference guide to  
refer to the “Controls  
& Functions” page.  
D1) X-Band Signal Indicator — A green LED lights and blinks to indicate  
the presence of an X-band radar signal. The blink rate increases as  
the radar source gets closer. A distinct audio alert is also heard.  
D2) K-Band Indicator — An amber (orange) LED lights and blinks to  
indicate the presence of a K-band radar. The blink rate increases as  
the radar source gets closer. A distinct audio alert is  
also heard.  
D3) Ka-SuperWideband Signal Indicator — A red LED lights and blinks to  
indicate the presence of a Ka-SuperWideband radar signal. The blink  
rate increases as the radar source gets closer. A distinct audio alert is  
also heard.  
Every time you turn  
on the LRD 747/LRD  
757, a self test is  
performed for all LEDs  
and Alert tones. You  
will hear, in-order,  
four distinct tones for  
the X-, K-, and  
radar bands, as well  
as for laser, laser L2  
and SWS.  
D4) Power-On Indicator — A green LED under P lights to indicate power  
is being supplied to the unit and the unit is turned on.  
D5) LED Signal Strength Meter — Three LEDs give an accurate visual  
indication of the strength of radar or laser signals.  
D6) City Mode Indicator — A green LED under C lights to indicate that  
you selected City Mode.  
D7) Auto Mute Indicator — A red LED under M lights to indicate that  
you selected the Auto Mute feature.LED Signal Strength Meter —  
Three LEDs give an accurate visual indication of the strength of  
radar or laser signals.  
D8) Laser Signal Indicator — For laser signals, a red LED under L lights  
and blinks to indicate the presence of a laser signal. For the  
UltraLyte laser gun, an amber LED under lights and blinks to  
indicate the presence of a UltraLyte laser signal. A distinct audio  
alert is also heard.  
D9) SWS Signal Indicator — When an early warning hazard or  
informational signal is detected, the green SWS LED begins to blink.  
A distinct audio alert is also heard.  
D10) VG2 Signal Indicator — A rapid flashing red and green LED  
indicates the presence of a VG2 signal.  
NOTE: Foldout the  
back cover of this  
reference guide to  
refer to the “Controls  
& Functions” page.  
The LRD 747/LRD 757 uses a highly sensitive horn-type antenna  
and IR laser sensor to receive laser/radar signals. Its sensitivity  
and range depend on the method of installation and the direction  
of the antenna/sensor in relation to the signal source. The  
inherent nature of radar waves makes them reflect off metallic  
surfaces. This is why these waves are so useful for measuring the  
speed of a vehicle. The IR laser light may reflect only from shiny  
surfaces. Both radar waves and IR laser light will, however, pass  
through plastic or glass.  
Before you decide where to put your radar detector, please keep in  
mind these two important factors:  
For safety, do not mount the LRD 747/LRD 757 in a location  
where it will obstruct your driving vision.  
Most vehicles have the top part of the windshield tinted.  
Mounting the LRD 747/LRD 757 behind tinted or mirrored  
glass may reduce the effectiveness of laser detection by  
reducing the amount of laser light received by the dectector.  
The antenna and the forward looking sensor are located  
behind the rear panel of the unit, (and the rear- and  
side-looking sensors are located on top of the unit), directly  
behind the mode selection keys. The antenna and sensors  
should not be obstructed by metal or metallic surfaces  
and should be pointed at the horizon for accurate  
long-range detection.  
Do not mount the unit behind the windshield wiper blades,  
radio antenna, tinted glass area, or mirrored glass. Be sure  
the unit is free from obstruction by seat backs, rear view  
mirror, sun visors, or the ceiling of the automobile.  
Do not mount the unit in front of the heater or  
defroster vents.  
Do not leave the unit in direct sunlight or in the glove  
compartment of a closed car for long periods of time, as  
extreme changes in temperature may cause internal damage.  
Also, removing the unit from the windshield makes you less  
susceptible to break-in and theft.  
The metal portion of the bracket locks into the plastic  
portion at three different positions. These positions can be  
used for vehicles with different vertical angles of their  
windshields. The back position can be used for vehicles with  
windshields that are slanted back  
For optimum laser detection, bend the angled portion of the  
windshield mounting bracket so that the LRD 747/LRD 757  
is parallel to the road surface. Be sure the LRD 747/LRD 757  
is mounted so it is free of obstructions from seat backs, rear  
view mirror, sun visors, or the ceiling of the automobile.  
There must be a clear 360° line of sight to the outside of the  
To mount the LRD 747/LRD 757:  
Press the button on top of the radar and insert the  
windshield clip into the LRD 747/LRD 757. The metal  
portion of the bracket locks in to the plastic portion.  
Place the bracket and the LRD 747/LRD 757 in the proper  
location on the windshield of your vehicle, and press the  
suction cups firmly against the windshield.  
The LRD 747/LRD 757 is designed to operate on most 12 VDC  
negative ground vehicle electrical systems. The power cord  
provided with the unit has a cigarette lighter socket plug at one  
end and a small connector at the other.  
Use only a Uniden  
supplied power cord  
or its replacement.  
Insert the small connector into the jack on the side of  
the unit.  
Insert the other end into the cigarette lighter socket of  
your vehicle.  
When installing the power cord, make sure that:  
The socket is clean to allow proper contact.  
The power cord does not block the antenna area on the back  
of the unit.  
Your unit also comes with ten power cord mounting clips. You  
can use these clips to attach the power cord to the window frame  
or other parts of the vehicle, keeping it neat and out of the way.  
Use the double-sided foam tape squares to attach each clip. Slip  
the power cord into the clip to hold it securely in place.  
The cigarette lighter plug contains a 1-ampere fuse to protect it  
from power surges.  
To replace the fuse, unscrew the top of the plug.  
Remove the fuse and replace it with the same type.  
To replace the top, push in the two metal contacts and twist  
into place.  
You are now ready to enjoy the convenience and security of your  
LRD 747/LRD 757. Please read this section of the Reference Guide  
carefully to familiarize yourself with the basic operation of this  
Turn the volume control to switch on the power. When you  
power up the LRD 747/LRD 757, it performs a self-test of all its  
circuits. This test takes about 5 seconds, during which you will  
hear the different alarm tones and see all the LEDs. First, you will  
hear the X-band alarm for 2 seconds while the X-band indicator  
lights. The test also checks the signal meter LEDs. It is best to  
adjust the audible alarm during the self-test. Next you’ll hear the  
K-band alarm while the K-band indicator and City LED lights,  
Ka-SuperWideband alarm while the Ka-Band indicator and mute  
LED lights. The laser alarm and the SWS alarm will each alarm  
for 1 second, while the City and Mute LED light. The VG2 alarm  
will alarm for 2 seconds while the City and Mute LED light.(The  
power LED remains on until you turn off the unit.) When turned  
on the LRD 747/LRD 757 always returns to its last setting.  
After the LRD 747/LRD 757 confirms proper operation,  
the alert tones and all LEDs, except the green Power LED, turn  
off. If the Power LED does not light, check the cigarette lighter  
socket connection. If the unit turns on and off intermittently, or  
the alert tone sounds too often for no reason, check the power  
cord connection at both ends to be sure it is not loose.  
Adjust the volume control to a comfortable alarm tone level for  
your vehicle. The volume level does not have any effect on the  
unit’s sensitivity. It is best to adjust the audible alarm during the  
The Memory Retention Feature retains the LRD 747/LRD 757’s  
operational settings in memory for at least 2 days without power.  
When you turn on the LRD 747/LRD 757, it will be in the same  
mode as when you turned it off.  
When the LRD 747/LRD 757 detects a radar, laser, or safety  
warning signal, it emits a distinct warning tone and the  
corresponding alert LEDs (X, K, Ka, L, SWS or VG2) will light  
and blink. The blink rate of the LEDs increases and the signal  
strength meter LEDs light successively as the signal source comes  
Press the audio button for Audio Alert Only operation.  
When Audio Alert Only is selected, the visual alert and signal  
strength meter are disabled. In this mode, all lighted LEDs will  
dim. Press the audio button again for the Full Alert (audio and  
visual) Mode. Do not set the Volume control at minimum when in  
Audio Alert Only because there will be no alert.  
You can operate the LRD 747/LRD 757 in Visual Alert Only by  
setting the volume control at the minimum position in Full  
Alert Mode. At this setting you can barely hear the audio alert  
in a quiet environment. Be sure that the Audio Alert Only  
indicator is off.  
To operate with  
visual alert only, set  
the volume control to  
the minimum.  
Remember though,  
if the volume control  
is turned down and  
Audio Only operation  
is selected, the alarm  
features are  
Press the mute button to activate the Auto Mute feature.  
completely disabled.  
When the Mute Indicator is selected, the unit is in Auto Mute  
Mode. In this mode you hear the full audio alert when a  
signal is first received. The audio alert automatically reduces  
to a chirp for the duration of the warning.  
In highly populated areas, you may encounter many devices that  
use the same frequencies as radar signals, such as motion  
detectors, automatic doors, and intrusion alarms. These devices  
may trigger an alert called “falsing.”  
To filter most of the weaker signals and get the most accurate  
radar signal recognition, press city to turn on the City Mode.  
If you use both the  
Audio Only Alert and  
City modes, you won’t  
receive an audio alert  
until you are very  
close to the radar  
The City indicator lights.  
In City Mode, the combination of visual and audio alert tones  
varies based on the strength of the received signal.  
The LED signal strength meter gives you instant information  
about the strength of the signal being detected. A weak signal  
causes the first LED to light, but as signal strength increases,  
more LEDs light. All three LEDs light when full signal strength is  
received. Use this meter to judge the distance from the  
signal source.  
Signal Strength  
X-, K-, and  
Visual/Audio Visual/Audio  
Visual/Audio Visual/Audio  
The Safety Warning System (SWS™) is a new communication  
system that will provide an early warning when a road hazard  
exists. The LRD 747/LRD 757 is capable of detecting the SWS  
signal broadcast on the K-band by either law enforcement or  
local departments of transportation. The green SWS LED blinks  
while an audible alert sounds. When this alert sounds, you  
should tune to local radio traffic reports or prepare to slow  
down or stop your vehicle because you could be approaching  
an accident, bad road conditions caused by weather, or road  
crews or construction.  
The LRD 747/LRD 757 is designed to give you years of trouble-free  
service. There are no user-serviceable parts inside, and, except for  
the fuse, no maintenance is required. To keep your detector in  
new condition, follow these important suggestions:  
Never leave the LRD 747/LRD 757 on the windshield when  
you park your vehicle. The temperature in the vehicle in  
summer can reach levels above what is considered to be safe  
for this unit.  
To make you less susceptible to break-in and theft, remove  
the unit from your windshield when you leave your vehicle.  
Do not expose the unit to moisture. Rain, dew, road splash,  
or other liquids can damage the internal components and  
reduce sensitivity of the LRD 747/LRD 757.  
If your LRD 747/LRD 757 does not perform up to expectations, try  
the suggestions listed below. If you cannot get satisfactory results,  
call the Uniden Customer Service Center at (800) 297-1023, 7:00  
a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday.  
Unit does not operate Check the power cord. Be sure the  
(Power LED not on).  
connectors are properly installed.  
Be sure ignition key is ON or in the  
accessory position.  
Fuse out. Check and replace.  
Check power to lighter socket.  
Vehicle electrical problem exists.  
Make sure that the volume control is in the  
ON position.  
Clean cigarette lighter socket.  
Unit fails the self test. Call Uniden Customer Service Center,  
(800) 297-1023.  
Weak detection.  
Check angle of unit. Point to the horizon.  
Antenna/Sensor is obstructed. Move the  
unit clear of any obstruction outside the  
windshield, such as a wiper blade.  
Move the unit clear of the window tint.  
Loose power cord. Check both connectors.  
Inaccurate or  
erratic detection:  
Power cord is broken. Check and replace.  
Beeps over bumps or  
rough road.  
Check that the power cord is connected at  
both ends.  
Clean cigarette lighter socket.  
Beeps at same  
Falsing because you have passed a motion  
sensor or alarm.  
Signal strength meter For highway use, make sure the City Mode  
registers, but  
no audio.  
is OFF.  
Increase the volume.  
The unit  
bounces against  
the windshield.  
Reposition the unit so that the bumpers  
are firmly against the windshield.  
31 9 in. (W) x 45 8 in. (D) x 5 6 in. (H)  
3.5 oz  
Power Requirements:  
Temperature Range:  
13.8 VDC  
Operating: -5°F to 160°F  
(-20°C to 70°C)  
Storage: -40°F to 185°F  
(-40°C to 85°C)  
360° Laser Detector  
Receiver Type:  
Sensor Front End:  
Detector Type:  
Receiver Bandwidth:  
Spectral Response:  
Alert Hold Time:  
Pulse Laser Signal Receiver  
Convex Condenser Lens  
Pulse Width Discriminator  
30 Mhz  
800 - 1100 nm  
3 seconds  
Radar Detector  
Receiver Type:  
Double Conversion  
Self-Contained Antenna  
Detector Type:  
Scanning Frequency  
Antenna Type:  
Linear polarized, E vector vertical  
X band = -114 dBm/cm2  
K band = -104 dBm/cm2  
Ka SuperWideband = -10 dBm/cm2  
Frequency of Operation: 10.490 - 10.560 GHz (X band)  
24.040 - 24.260 GHz (K band)  
33.40 - 36.00 Ghz  
Specifications subject to change without notice.  

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