Sony Microcassette Recorder BM 87DS User Manual

3-043-521-12 (1)  
Operating Instructions  
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly and  
retain it for future reference.  
Ow ners Record  
The model and serial numbers are located on the bottom.  
Record the serial number in the space provided below. Refer to  
them whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this  
Model No. BM-87DST  
Serial No.  
HU-80 (not supplied)  
© 2000 Sony Corporation  
Ta b le o f Co n t e n t s  
Features ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4  
Precautions ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5  
Operation Flow Chart .............................................................................................................................................................. 6  
Dictating .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6  
Transcribing ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7  
Location and Function of Controls ........................................................................................................................................ 8  
Preparation .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10  
Connecting the Power Source ............................................................................................................................................ 10  
Connecting the HU-80 Hand Control Unit ...................................................................................................................... 10  
Connecting the Supplied Foot Control Unit. ................................................................................................................... 10  
Inserting a Cassette .............................................................................................................................................................. 11  
Dictating ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13  
Operation .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13  
Useful Functions .................................................................................................................................................................. 14  
Tips for a More Efficient Dictating .................................................................................................................................... 16  
Transcribing ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17  
Operation .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17  
Useful Functions .................................................................................................................................................................. 18  
Tips on Transcribing ............................................................................................................................................................ 20  
Erasing ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 21  
Alarm System .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22  
Telephone Recording ............................................................................................................................................................. 23  
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................................ 24  
Cleaning the Heads ............................................................................................................................................................. 24  
Specifications ........................................................................................................................................................................... 25  
Troubleshooting Guide .......................................................................................................................................................... 26  
Fe a t u re s  
The Sony BM-87DST dictator/transcriber is designed to be used for both dictating and transcribing.  
As a d ict a t o r  
• The Sony HU-80 hand control unit (not supplied) remotely controls the BM-87DST  
dictator/ transcriber.  
• Electronic index signal — “LTR” (letter=end of document) signal — can be recorded on a tape while  
the unit is set in the recording (dictating), telephone recording, stop or playback mode.  
• Alarm sound informs a recording error.  
• Recording of telephone calls can be performed with the use of the optional telephone recording  
• With the use of the supplied headphones, you can monitor the sound with the desired sound level  
during recording.  
(not supplied)  
As a t ra n scrib e r  
• Auto stop function quickly accesses the dictated material.  
• Auto backspace function with the REVERSE TIME control makes transcribing easy by enabling the  
reviewing of the last recorded words each time the playback is resumed.  
• Rapid erasing function with the z ERASE button and the j REW button.  
Foot control unit  
Pre ca u t io n s  
• Operate the unit only on 9 V DC.  
For the AC operation, use the AC power adaptor supplied with the unit. Do not use any other AC  
power adaptor as it may cause a malfunction of the unit.  
• Unplug the AC power adaptor from the wall outlet when it will not be used for an extended period  
of time. To disconnect the adaptor, pull it out by grasping the adaptor itself. Never pull it by the  
• Do not place the unit in a location near heat sources such as radiators or air ducts or in a place  
subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust, mechanical vibration or shock.  
• Allow adequate air circulation to prevent an internal heat build-up. Do not place the unit near  
materials (curtains, draperies, etc.) that may block the ventilation holes.  
• Should any solid object or liquid fall into the unit, unplug the unit and have it checked by qualified  
personnel before operating it any further.  
• The supplied AC power adaptor becomes hot if it is connected to a wall outlet for a long period of  
time. However, this will not cause any mechanical problems.  
If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit that are not covered in this manual,  
please consult the Sony dealer from whom you purchased the unit.  
Op e ra t io n Flo w Ch a rt  
For details, refer to the pages in z.  
: Necessary step  
: Optional step  
Dictating qd  
Connect the AC power adaptor to the unit and to a wall outlet.  
Connect the optional HU-80 hand control unit. q;  
Set the POWER switch to ON.  
Insert a cassette. qa  
Set the TAPE SPEED selector to 2.4 or 4.8. qg  
Press the RESET button to set the TAPE COUNTER to zero.  
Set the function selector of the HU-80 to DICT. Speak into the  
For quick reviewing (playback) and correcting the dictated material  
Keep the function selector of the HU-80 pressed down toward  
B. SPACE to rewind the tape unit the desired point on the tape is  
reached. Release the selector and playback of the dictating begins.  
When the reviewing is completed, set the function selector to  
DICT to proceed with the dictating.  
Record the LTR signal at the end of each dictated material. qf  
Set the function selector of the HU-80 to STOP.  
Press the eject button to remove the cassette.  
Hand the cassette to your secretary or transcriptionist.  
Transcribing qj  
Disconnect the HU-80 hand control unit (if it is connected).  
Connect the supplied foot control unit. 0  
Set the POWER switch to ON.  
Insert the dictated cassette. qa  
Foot control unit  
Set the TAPE SPEED selector to 2.4 or 4.8. qg  
Set the SPEAKER selector to BUILT-IN w; or connect  
headphones. w;  
Set the AUTO STOP selector to OFF. qk  
Press the j REW button.  
When the beginning of the dictated cassette is reached, a beep  
tone is heard and the unit automatically shuts off.  
Keep the right side of the pedal depressed. w;  
(When the supplied foot control unit is connected).  
Press the G LISTEN button. w;  
(When the BM-87DST is used for operation.)  
Adjust the VOLUME control and the TONE control.  
Adjust the starting point for playback with the use of the REVERSE  
TIME control. (When the supplied foot control unit is used.) Set the  
SPEED CONTROL selector to ON and adjust the tape speed with  
the SPEED control. qk  
After transcribing, stop the tape.  
Release the pedal. (When the supplied foot control unit is used.)  
Press the s STOP button. (When the G LISTEN button on the  
BM-87DST is pressed to play back the tape.) w;  
Erase the tape.  
Lo ca t io n a n d Fu n ct io n o f Co n t ro ls  
For details, refer to the pages indicated in z.  
Cassette holder  
RESET button qd  
Eject button  
Press to eject the cassette.  
Built-in speaker  
Press to set the TAPE  
COUNTER to zero  
POWER lamp  
Lights up when the POWER  
switch is set to ON.  
REC (record)/ERASE lamp qdwa  
Lights up while recording or  
erasing. Flickers when the  
microphone picks up sound.  
LTR(letter)INDEX lamp qf  
Lights up when the LTR signal is  
TEL REC (telephone recording) button wd  
z ERASE button wa  
Tape operation buttons  
j REW (rew ind) button  
J FF (fast forw ard) button  
G LISTEN button  
s STOP button  
VOLUME control  
TONE control  
REVERSE TIME control ql  
SPEED control qk  
selector w;  
ON) selector qk  
selector qk  
TAPE SPEED (2.4/4.8) selector qg  
POWER (OFF/ON) sw itch qa  
Left side  
i jack qfw;  
DC IN 9V jack 0  
CONTROL UNIT connector 0  
Pre p a ra t io n  
Connecting the Pow er Source  
Note on the AC pow er adaptor  
Use only the AC power adaptor  
(supplied). Do not use any other  
AC power adaptor.  
to a wall outlet  
AC power adaptor  
to the DC IN 9V jack  
Polarity of the plug  
Connecting the HU-80 Hand Control Unit (not supplied)  
For operation, refer to “Dictating” on page 13.  
Not this way  
This w ay  
Attaching the cradle  
Attach the cradle which is supplied to the HU-80 to the left or right side of the unit. Place the HU-80  
hand control unit on the cradle while not in use. Insert the cradle into the slots and slide to secure it.  
Right side  
Left side  
Connecting the Supplied Foot Control Unit.  
For operation, refer to “Transcribing” on page 17.  
This w ay  
Not this way  
Foot control unit  
Inserting a Cassette  
1 Take up any slack in the tape.  
2 Set the POWER sw itch to ON.  
The POWER lamp lights up.  
3 Press the eject button to open the cassette holder.  
4 Insert a cassette into the cassette holder w ith the side to be recorded or  
played back facing upw ard.  
5 Close the cassette holder.  
Pre p a ra t io n  
xNo t e s o n ca sse t t e s  
• Any standard cassette can be used, but the optional Sony leaderless cassette DC-60 or DC-90 is  
recommended. The use of a TYPE II (High position) or TYPE IV (metal) cassette is not advisable.  
• Choose a cassette of suitable length. The recording time on each side of these cassettes is as follows:  
Sony DC-60 approx. 30 minutes (4.8 cm/ s)  
Sony DC-90 approx. 45 minutes (4.8 cm/ s)  
• The use of cassettes whose running time is longer than 90 minutes (total time) are not advisable.  
• The letter A on the Sony cassette is embossed to help you distinguish that side of the cassette in a  
dimly lit area.  
To prevent accidental erasure  
When the unit is operated in the recording mode, any previous recordings will be automatically  
erased. For this reason, cassettes incorporate a safety device to prevent any accidental erasure.  
When the small tabs at the rear of a cassette are broken off, an interlock on the unit will be activated,  
preventing recording.*  
To protect the recording on side A, break off the tab of that side.  
To protect the recording on side B, break off the tab of that side.  
Side A  
tab of side A  
Remove the broken tab.  
To reuse a cassette for recording after the tabs have been removed, simply cover each slot with a small  
piece of plastic tape. Do not stick any material on any other part of the cassette except the circled part,  
as illustrated below.  
Plastic tape  
* When the cassette is loaded for telephone recording with the tabs broken off and the TEL REC  
button is pressed, the beep tone is heard and the TEL REC button does not operate.  
When the cassette is loaded for dictating with the tabs broken off and the function selector is set to  
DICT, recording cannot be made and the beep tone is heard.  
Dict a t in g  
To use the unit as a dictating machine, connect the HU-80 hand control unit (not supplied). For the  
connection instructions, see page 10.  
* The SEC button does not  
function w ith the BM-87DST.  
Micro p h o n e  
DICT la m p  
(SEC b u t t o n )*  
FWD SPACE b u t t o n  
Fu n ct io n  
se le ct o r  
DICT (dictating)  
b u t t o n  
Ha n d  
sp e a ke r  
HU-80 (not supplied)  
1 Set the POWER sw itch to ON.  
The POWER lamp lights up.  
2 Insert a cassette. (See page 11.)  
3 Set the TAPE SPEED selector to 2.4 (cm/s) or 4.8 (cm/s). (See page 15.)  
4 Press the RESET button to set the TAPE COUNTER to zero.  
5 Set the function selector to DICT.  
Recording starts. Speak into the microphone.  
The DICT lamp (HU-80) lights up and REC/ ERASE lamp (BM-87DST) flickers  
when the microphone picks up the sound.  
To stop the tape  
Set the function selector to STOP.  
Keep the HU-80 away from the BM-87DST during recording.  
If not, noise may be recorded.  
Dict a t in g  
Useful Functions  
xLTR (le t t e r) sig n a l  
You can record electronic index signals on the tape with the HU-80 while the unit is set in the  
recording (dictating), telephone recording, stop or playback mode.  
LTR (letter=end of document) signal: Record at the end of each dictated material.  
When the Auto stop function (page 18) is activated (AUTO STOP:ON), the tape automatically stops at  
each index signal when it is rewound or fast forwarded. Dictated material can be located without the  
users having to listen to the entire tape.  
To record the LTR signal  
Press the LTR button on the HU-80.  
Each time the button is pressed, the LTR INDEX lamp (BM-87DST) lights up for about 3 seconds.  
• The LTR signal should be recorded with the intervals of more than 6 seconds.  
• Playback sound is muted while the LTR signal is recorded. However, the recorded material will be  
• While the LTR signal is being recorded with the SPEED CONTROL selector set to ON, the tape will  
run at the normal tape speed.  
xMo n it o rin g w h ile d ict a t in g  
The recording can be monitored through the headphones. Connect the supplied stereo headphones to  
the i jack located on the left side of the unit. You can hear the sound in stereo through the stereo  
headphones. The sound is monaural through the built-in speaker. Adjust the VOLUME monitor if  
to the i jack  
xQu ick re vie w in g (p la yb a ck) a n d co rre ct in g t h e d ict a t e d m a t e ria l  
You can easily play back the dictated material and correct it if necessary.  
1 Keep the function selector of the HU-80 pressed down toward B.SPACE to rewind the tape.  
2 Release the selector. Playback of the dictating begins.  
3 When the reviewing is completed, set the function selector to DICT to proceed with the dictating.  
To fast forward the tape, keep the FWD SPACE button of the HU-80 pressed until the desired section  
is located.  
xTa p e sp e e d se le ct o r  
With the TAPE SPEED selector, you can change the length of recording time on a cassette.  
When the TAPE SPEED selector is set to 4.8(centimeters/ second), you can record the normal length on  
a cassette. (i.e. 60 minutes using both sides of a 60-minute cassette.)  
When the TAPE SPEED selector is set to 2.4(centimeters/ second), you can record double the normal  
length on a cassette. (i.e. 120 minutes using both sides of a 60-minute cassette.)  
Tapes recorded in the TAPE SPEED 2.4 position cannot be played properly by a tape recorder without  
the TAPE SPEED selector function.  
Dict a t in g  
Tips for a More Efficient Dictating  
Before you start dictating  
• Organize your thoughts.  
• Make notes or an outline of what you want to dictate.  
• Check that the cassette is erased. (See page 21.)  
When you start dictating  
• Identify yourself. (Name, department, phone number, etc.)  
• Indicate the type of dictating. (Memo, letter, etc.)  
• Give transcribing instructions. (Type of stationery, number of copies, envelopes, etc.)  
• Specify distribution. (Name, addresses, etc.)  
During dictating  
• Relax and speak clearly, at normal speed.  
• Short sentences are best.  
• Include punctuation.  
• Spell difficult or unusual words.  
• Correct your mistakes. (Review and redictate.) (See page 15.)  
• At the end of each dictated material, record an LTR signal.  
Tra n scrib in g  
To use the unit as a transcribing machine, connect the supplied foot control unit. For the connection  
instructions, see page 10.  
Fast forw ard  
Rew ind  
1 3 5 4  
Foot control unit (supplied)  
1 Set the POWER sw itch to ON.  
The POWER lamp lights up.  
2 Insert the dictated cassette. (See page 11.)  
3 Set the TAPE SPEED selector to 2.4 (cm/s) or 4.8 (cm/s). (See page 15.)  
4 Set the SPEAKER selector to BUILT-IN.  
5 Set the AUTO STOP selector to OFF. (See page 18.)  
6 Press the j REW button to rew ind the tape.  
When the tape reaches the beginning of the dictated cassette, a beep tone is heard  
and the unit automatically shuts off.  
7 Keep the right side of the pedal of the supplied foot control unit depressed to  
play back the tape.  
8 Adjust the VOLUME control and the TONE control.  
To stop the tape  
Release the pedal of the supplied foot control unit.  
To rew ind the tape  
Keep the left side of the pedal of the supplied foot control unit depressed.  
To fast forw ard the tape  
Keep the center top of the pedal of the supplied foot control unit depressed.  
Tra n scrib in g  
Useful Functions  
x Au t o st o p fu n ct io n  
With the Auto stop function, recorded documents can be located without the users having to listen to  
the entire tape. This function activates only in the rewind or fast forward mode.  
When the AUTO STOP selector is set to ON, the tape automatically stops at each LTR signal  
previously recorded on the tape. (See “LTR signal” on page 14.)  
• The tape does not stop at the LTR signal even if the AUTO STOP selector is set to ON while the J  
FF button or the j REW button is continuously depressed.  
• When the AUTO STOP selector is set to ON, the tape automatically stops at each SEC signal  
previously recorded on the tape with the Sony Professional Dictation Machine.  
When the AUTO STOP selector is set to OFF, the tape does not stop even if the electronic index  
signals have been previously recorded.  
• E-INDEX signal of the Sony conventional models corresponds to the LTR signal of BM-87DST.  
• LTR signal and E-INDEX signal do not correspond to the cue signals used for the consumer type  
tape recorder.  
• Set the AUTO STOP selector to OFF to transcribe either a music cassette or a cassette which has not  
been recorded with the Sony Professional Dictation Machine, otherwise the tape may automatically  
stops in the rewind or fast forward mode.  
x Co n t ro llin g t h e sp e e d  
Set the SPEED CONTROL selector to ON to adjust  
the tape speed with the SPEED control. The tape  
can be played back at a speed faster or slower than  
normal. Set the SPEED CONTROL selector to OFF  
to transcribe the dictated material at the normal  
x Au t o b a cksp a ce fu n ct io n  
This function operates only when the supplied foot control unit is connected. With the use of the  
REVERSE TIME control, the tape is rewound a little each time it is stopped. Then, the last few  
recorded words can be reviewed when you resume playback. Adjust the REVERSE TIME control to  
determine the length of the tape to be rewound. At “9” position, the tape is rewound so that the  
dictated material can be reviewed for approximately 5 seconds*. At “0” position, the tape stops  
without being rewound at all.  
* Measured at some point near the middle of the tape. The reverse time will vary in accordance with  
the remaining length of the tape.  
stops at this point.  
approx. 5 seconds.  
Next playback will start from this point.  
stops at this point.  
Next playback will start from this point.  
Set the REVERSE TIME control to the desired position and keep the right side of the pedal of the  
supplied foot control unit depressed to play back the tape.  
The reverse time will be different by a few seconds according to the remaining length or the total time  
of the tape.  
Tra n scrib in g  
x Ta p e t ra n sp o rt o p e ra t io n  
Supplied foot control unit  
Rew ind  
Press the j  
REW button.  
Keep the function selector  
pressed down toward B.  
Keep the left side of the pedal  
Press the s STOP Set the function selector to  
Release the pedal.  
Press the G  
LISTEN button.  
Set the function selector to  
Keep the right side of the pedal  
forw ard  
Press the J FF  
Keep the FWD SPACE  
button pressed.  
Keep the top center of the pedal  
x Priva t e list e n in g  
Connect the supplied stereo headphones to the i jack.  
The sound will be heard through the stereo headphones and the speaker will be disconnected.  
x Se le ct in g t h e sp e a ke r  
You can play back the dictated material through the built-in speaker or the speaker on the HU-80 by  
setting the SPEAKER selector to BUILT-IN or HAND.  
Tips on Transcribing  
• Before typing, check the number of the dictated material and review the contents using the  
auto stop function.  
• Erase the tape when transcribing is finished.  
Era sin g  
The recording can be erased rapidly.  
s STOP  
1 Insert the cassette w ith the side to be erased facing upw ard.  
Be sure not to rewind the tape after transcribing. The end section of the dictated  
material to be erased should be positioned at the recording head.  
2 Keep the z ERASE button pressed and then press the j REW button.  
The REC/ ERASE lamp lights up. The section of the tape being rewound is erased.  
To stop the tape  
Press the s STOP button.  
Ala rm Syst e m  
The alarm system is activated in the following situations.  
Alarm system  
To release alarm system  
When you press a  
No cassette is inserted.  
• The cassettes safety tabs have  
been removed.  
First, release the button, then  
• Insert a cassette.  
• Insert a new cassette or cover  
the slot.  
When the unit shuts off,  
• The end of the tape has been  
Rewind the tape.  
• The tape is torn.  
Insert a new cassette.  
(about 2 seconds)  
When the unit shuts off,  
The LTR signal is detected while  
the tape is wound rapidly (in the  
fast forward or rewind mode)  
when the AUTO STOP selector is  
The beep tone stops after about  
0.5 second.  
(about 0.5 second) set to ON.  
Te le p h o n e Re co rd in g  
To record a telephone conversation, connect the telephone recording adaptor (not  
supplied)* to the TELEPHONE PICKUP jack. For further details, refer to the instruction  
manual of the telephone recording adaptor.  
to the TELEPHONE PICKUP jack  
Telephone Recording Adaptor (not supplied)  
1 3  
1 Set the POWER sw itch to ON.  
The POWER lamp lights up.  
2 Insert a cassette. (See page 11.)  
3 Set the TAPE SPEED selector to 2.4 (cm/s) or 4.8 (cm/s). (See page 15.)  
4 Keep the TEL REC button pressed for more than a second.  
Telephone recording begins. The REC/ ERASE lamp flickers when the telephone  
recording adaptor picks up the sound.  
To stop the tape  
Press the s STOP button.  
At the beginning of telephone recording  
The LTR signal is automatically recorded.  
While the LTR signal is being recorded (for about 3 seconds), the unit cannot be stopped even though  
the s STOP button is pressed.  
During telephone recording  
Only the LTR button (HU-80) and the s STOP button (BM-87DST) are operative.  
Ma in t e n a n ce  
Cleaning the Heads  
To produce optimum sound, clean the tape heads after every 10 hours of use.  
approx. 90˚  
Record/ playback head  
Cotton swab  
Erase head  
1 Disconnect the AC pow er adaptor.  
2 Press the eject button to open the cassette holder.  
3 Pull up the lid further to the direction of the arrow .  
4 Moisten a cotton swab or a soft cloth with alcohol and w ipe the parts as show n  
x Cleaning the cabinet  
Clean the cabinet with a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. Never use strong  
solvents, such as thinner or benzine, since they may damage the finish.  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
(Lchannelfor electronicindexsignals,Rchannelfor sound signals)  
4.8 cm/ s or 2.4 cm/ s  
Fastwinding time  
Approx.2min.20sec.with Sony CassetteDC-90  
200 – 8,000 Hz (4.8 cm/ s)  
200 – 5,000 Hz (2.4 cm/ s)  
Approx. 5.7 cm (2 14 in.) dia.  
Sensitivity 0.2mV  
i(headphones)jack (stereominijack)for 8-300ohmsheadphones  
CONTROL UNIT connector  
For HAND control unit or FOOT control unit  
From approx.-20%to+50%  
9 V DC  
AC power adaptor 120 V AC, 60 Hz  
14W (with thesupplied AC power adaptor)  
Approx. 200 × 70 × 245 mm (w ×h×d) (7 78 × 2 78 × 9 34 in.) including  
projectingpartsand controls  
Approx.1.2kg (2lb.11oz.)  
Supplied accessory  
ACpower adaptor (1)  
Design and specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.  
TheBM-87DSTcannotbeused with theMicrocassetteadaptor MA-50.  
Your dealer maynothandlesomeoftheabovelisted optionalaccessories.Pleaseaskthedealer for  
detailed information.  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g Gu id e  
Should anyproblem occur,conductthefollowingsimpleteststodeterminewhether or notservicingis  
required.Iftheproblem persistsafteryou haveconducted thesetests,consultthenearestSony  
Dictation Systemsdealer.  
Th e u n it d o e s n o t o p e ra t e .  
• TheACpower adaptor isnot plugged into a walloutlet.  
• The POWER switch is set to OFF.  
• DisconnecttheACpower adaptor on thedictator and connectitagain.  
No so u n d fro m t h e b u ilt -in sp e a ke r  
• The SPEAKER selector is set to HAND.  
• The VOLUME control is set in the MIN position.  
i(the headphone jack) is plugged in.  
Th e t a p e sp e e d is t o o fa st o r t o o slo w .  
• The SPEED controlis set incorrectly.  
• The SPPED CONTROL selector is set to ON.  
• The TAPESPEED selector is set to 4.8(normalrecording time)or 2.4(double recording time).  
Th e t a p e st o p s in t h e re w in d o r fa st fo rw a rd m o d e a n d t h e b e e p t o n e is  
h e a rd .  
• When the AUTO STOP selector is set to ON,  
acassettewith electronicindexsignalrecorded isused.  
— either amusiccassetteor acassettewhich wasnotrecorded with theSonyProfessionalDictation  
Machine is used. t Set the AUTO STOP selector to OFF.  
• Theentiretapehasbeen wound.  
Re co rd in g fu n ct io n s (Dict , Era se , Te le p h o n e re co rd in g , LTR) d o n o t  
a ct iva t e .  
• Thetapeiscompletelyrewound.  
• Thecassettetabshavebeen removed.  
HU-80 o r t h e su p p lie d fo o t co n t ro l u n it d o e s n o t o p e ra t e .  
• The plug is not connected to the CONTROL UNIT connector firmly.  
• TheBM-87DSTisoperated with thetapeoperation button on theBM-87DST.  
button and proceed with theoperation on theHU-80or thesupplied footcontrolunit.  
tPressthe sSTOP  
So u n d d ro p -o u t s, lo ss o f h ig h fre q u e n cy so u n d s, o r e xce ssive n o ise  
Era sin g is u n sa t isfa ct o ry.  
Theerasehead isdirty.See“Maintenance.”  

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