Sony Car Stereo System DCC FMT3 User Manual

2 Connect the stereo mini plug to the headphone jack on the portable  
If the reception from this unit declines  
audio device.  
If the reception from this unit declines, even though it was good at the frequency  
set in the beginning, solve the problem referring to the following remedies,  
according to your circumstances.  
multiplex stereo  
Transmission frequency  
88.1 MHz, 88.3 MHz, 88.5 MHz, 88.7 MHz, 88.9 MHz, 106.7 MHz,  
106.9 MHz, 107.1 MHz, 107.3 MHz, 107.5 MHz, 107.7 MHz, 107.9 MHz  
Electric strength  
less than 250 µV/m (3 m)  
Power voltage  
DC 12/24 V (only for negative # grounded cars)  
ø3.5 mm (stereo mini plug)  
If your portable audio device has separate settings for headphone and LINE  
OUT, set the portable audio device to the headphone setting. Sound may be  
distorted if it is connected to LINE OUT.  
With this unit, you can enjoy listening to audio played on portable audio devices  
through a car FM radio. Music from portable audio devices such as an HDD,  
flash memory, MD or CD WALKMAN*, etc., is transmitted to the car’s FM  
radio via FM radio waves.  
Transmission system  
After setup, reception from this unit declines while driving.  
c FM broadcast reception may be poor in certain locations, such as  
underground parking, behind tall buildings, etc. If the car radio and this unit  
were set up in such a location; due to poor FM broadcast reception, the  
frequency you set for this unit may be already occupied. If so, the occupying  
FM broadcast station is received when its reception conditions improve (as  
you drive) resulting in interference with this unit’s same set frequency. In  
this case, reset the car radio and this unit to another open frequency in a  
location where the FM broadcast reception is better.  
Pour éviter tout risque d’incendie ou de choc électrique, n’exposez  
pas l’appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité.  
Pour éviter tout choc électrique, n’ouvrez pas le boîtier. Confiez l’entretien à un  
technicien qualifié exclusivement.  
N’installez pas l’appareil dans un espace confiné, tel qu’une bibliothèque ou une  
armoire encastrée.  
Pour éviter tout risque d’incendie ou de choc électrique, ne placez pas d’objets  
remplis de liquide, tels que des vases, sur l’appareil.  
Stable clear sound  
• Using the flexible transmitting antenna cable, it is possible to transmit a stable  
FM radio wave in any kind of car. The flexible transmitting antenna cable has a  
magnet to anchor itself to a metal part inside the car.  
• Digital frequency selection, rather than analog, assures a more stable and clear  
Car FM Stereo  
Nous vous mettons en garde contre le fait que tout changement ou modification  
non expressément approuvé dans le présent manuel peut invalider votre droit à  
utiliser cet appareil.  
Easy operation with the frequency select dial  
Select from 12 FM radio frequencies (channels) to transmit.  
Unit: mm  
Reception from this unit is disrupted when you move to a new  
Operating Instructions  
Mode d’emploi  
Compact design  
Portable audio  
The small design of this unit allows it to be used in the cigarette lighter socket.  
This unit is designed so as its protruding part is in one direction only, and when  
installed can be rotated in order to avoid any obstructions around the cigarette  
lighter socket.  
c FM broadcast reception conditions vary from one location to another. After  
setting an open frequency in one location, as you move to other areas, that  
frequency may become occupied by a broadcast station’s signal. In this case,  
reset the frequency on both the car radio and this unit to another open  
Cet appareil est conforme à la partie 15 de la réglementation FCC et à la règle IC  
Son utilisation est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes : (1) il ne doit pas  
produire de brouillage et (2) l’utilisateur du dispositif doit être prêt à accepter tout  
brouillage radioeléctrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de  
compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.  
Manual de instrucciones  
No dry batteries  
This unit connects to a 12 V or 24 V DC car battery (cigarette lighter socket),  
available in many types of cars and trucks.  
3 Insert this transmitter (this unit) into the cigarette lighter socket.  
Interference or noise occurs.  
Signal cable length  
Approx.1 m (3.3 ft)  
Antenna cable length  
Approx.1.5 m (4.9 ft)  
Approx. 40 g (1.42 oz) (without cables)  
Supplied accessories  
c Other FM broadcasts or non-licensed broadcastings in a city area may  
interfere with the reception of the frequency set for this unit. In this case, set  
the car radio and this unit to a less-influenced frequency.  
*“WALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation to represent  
Headphone Stereo products.  
Cet appareil vous permet d’écouter des programmes avec des appareils audio  
portables par l’intermédiaire d’un autoradio FM. La musique provenant d’appareils  
portables tels qu’un lecteur HDD, une mémoire flash, un MD ou CD  
• Do not attempt to connect this unit, or to operate this unit, a portable audio  
device, or a car radio while driving or waiting at a traffic signal. Park in a safe  
place first.  
• Plug securely into the cigarette lighter socket.  
• This unit may not fit, depending on the location or shape of the cigarette lighter  
• Route the antenna cable and the audio cable (with the stereo mini plug at its  
end) in a manner that does not interfere with your driving, and is out of the  
reach of children.  
• Install this unit in a manner that will not hinder the airbag function in an  
Identifying the parts  
Operating Instructions (1)  
WALKMAN*, etc., est transmise à l’autoradio du véhicule par les ondes radio FM.  
to a cigarette  
lighter socket  
Frequency select dial  
Son clair et stable  
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.  
• Avec le câble d’antenne émetteur flexible, il est possible de transmettre une onde  
radio FM stable dans n’importe quelle voiture. Le câble d’antenne émetteur flexible  
dispose d’un aimant permettant de le relier à une partie métallique de la voiture.  
• Une sélection numérique des fréquences, au lieu d’une sélection analogique,  
permet une transmission plus stable et claire.  
Frequency display  
©2005 Sony Corporation  
Printed in China  
Utilisation facile grâce à la molette de sélection des fréquences  
Choix de 12 fréquences radio FM (canaux) pour la transmission.  
POWER lamp  
Antenna cable  
Format compact  
Le format compact de cet appareil vous permet de l’utiliser sur l’allume-cigare.  
Il est conçu de sorte à ne présenter une partie saillante que dans une direction,  
ainsi lorsqu’il est installé, il peut être pivoté afin de n’occasionner aucune gêne  
autour de l’allume-cigare.  
Fuse replacement  
If this unit does not work correctly, check the fuse in the cigarette lighter plug.  
If the fuse is blown, replace it.  
Portable audio  
Pas de piles sèches  
Cet appareil se branche sur une batterie de voiture 12 V ou 24 V CC (allume-  
cigare) disponible dans la majorité des voitures et camions.  
For customers who purchased this product in the USA  
Please register this product on line at  
to tighten  
Stereo mini plug  
Proper registration will enable us to send you periodic mailings about new  
products, services, and other important announcements.  
Registering your product will also allow us to contact you in the unlikely  
event that the product needs adjustment or modification. Thank you.  
* « WALKMAN » est une marque déposée par Sony Corporation pour  
représenter les produits stéréo dotés d’écouteurs.  
4 Start playback on the portable audio device.  
• Do not activate any bass boost or equalizer function on the portable audio  
device. Refer to the operating instructions supplied with the portable audio  
• Set the volume control of the portable audio device as high as possible, but  
not so high that the audio signal becomes distorted. If sound is still low,  
turn the volume up on the car radio.  
to remove  
Set the car radio  
Identification des pièces  
Cigarette lighter  
End of the  
1 Set your car radio to FM.  
Molette de sélection  
des fréquences  
2 Select a channel that does not get good FM broadcast reception  
1 Pull this unit out of the cigarette lighter socket.  
2 Detach the end of the plug by turning it counter-clockwise.  
3 Take out the fuse.  
from the list below.  
88.1 MHz, 88.3 MHz, 88.5 MHz, 88.7 MHz, 88.9 MHz, 106.7 MHz,  
106.9 MHz, 107.1 MHz, 107.3 MHz, 107.5 MHz, 107.7 MHz, 107.9 MHz  
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this  
apparatus to rain or moisture.  
To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified  
personnel only.  
Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a bookcase or built-in  
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not place objects filled with  
liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus.  
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in  
this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.  
5 Route the antenna cable inside the car for best audio reception from  
this unit.  
4 Check the fuse.  
The FM broadcast reception conditions may change as your location changes.  
If the selected frequency becomes occupied by a broadcast signal, select  
another open frequency.  
Fenêtre d’affichage  
des fréquences  
The method to install the antenna cable will depend on your car  
type. Find the position that provides the best reception, and then  
install the cable.  
If the fuse is blown, go to Step 5.  
If no fuse is blown, go to Step 6.  
Voyant POWER  
5 Install a new fuse.  
• For details about car radio settings, refer to the car radio operating instructions.  
• Turn the car radio volume down before setting the car radio.  
Use a fuse of the correct amperage, as stated on the fuse compartment of this  
unit (1 A, 125 V, 20 mm).  
<Example of installation in a car with its FM radio antenna built-  
in the rear window, or its rod antenna mounted on the rear of the  
car body>  
6 Insert the fuse.  
Install the unit  
7 Reattach the end of the plug by turning it clockwise firmly.  
1 Rotate the frequency select dial to select the same frequency that  
you set on the car radio.  
• Use of a higher amperage fuse may cause serious damage or fire.  
• Do not use a piece of wire instead of a fuse.  
• If the replaced fuse blows again, consult your dealer.  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and RSS-210 of the IC rules.  
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not  
cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including  
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  
Minifiche stéréo  
Réglez l’autoradio  
1 Réglez votre autoradio à FM.  
• Do not attempt to connect this unit, or to operate this unit, a portable audio  
device, or a car radio while driving or waiting at a traffic signal. Park in a safe  
place first.  
2 Sélectionnez un canal dont la réception des émissions FM est  
médiocre dans la liste ci-dessous.  
• Unplug this unit from the cigarette lighter socket whenever the engine of the  
car is not running. Depending on the car type, even if the ignition key is off, the  
power supply may not turn off automatically. In this case, this may cause  
unnecessary car battery consumption.  
• When not in use, unplug this unit from the cigarette lighter socket and store in a  
safe place where it will not interfere with your driving or become entangled in  
parts of the car interior (seat, door, etc.).  
88,1 MHz, 88,3 MHz, 88,5 MHz, 88,7 MHz, 88,9 MHz, 106,7 MHz,  
106,9 MHz, 107,1 MHz, 107,3 MHz, 107,5 MHz, 107,7 MHz, 107,9 MHz  
Les conditions de réception FM peuvent changer au fur et à mesure que vous  
vous déplacez. Si la fréquence sélectionnée devient occupée par un signal  
d’émission, sélectionnez une autre fréquence libre.  
Antenna cable  
• Pour plus de détails sur les réglages de l’autoradio, reportez-vous au mode  
d’emploi de celui-ci.  
• Baissez le volume avant de régler l’autoradio.  
The selected frequency appears in the frequency display window. The  
mark appears at the transition point between a low frequency band  
(88.1 MHz~88.9 MHz) and a high frequency band (106.7 MHz~107.9 MHz).  
The mark is a border between high frequency and low frequency.  
• Be sure to fully secure the portable audio device connected to the unit to avoid  
moving when braking.  
• Route the antenna cable or signal cable properly so that they will not interfere  
with your driving or become entangled in parts of the car interior (seat, door,  
• Never yank or pull the antenna cable or signal cable. This may cause  
malfunctions or wire breaks.  
• Do not drop or hit the unit. This may cause malfunctions.  
• Route the antenna cable close to the car antenna. This may help to improve  
the reception from this unit.  
• For details about the car radio antenna, refer to the car operating  
Installez l’appareil  
1 Faites tourner la molette de sélection des fréquences pour  
This warranty is valid only in the United States.  
sélectionner la même fréquence que celle réglée sur l’autoradio.  
• This unit may become warm while using. This is not a malfunction.  
About the antenna cable magnet  
The antenna cable is supplied with a magnet attached at the end. It  
is used to anchor the cable to a metal part of the car, such as a  
passenger’s seat rail (see illustration below). The magnet at the end  
of the antenna cable is to anchor the antenna’s best reception  
position and prevents it being moved, for example, when  
passengers get in or out of the car.  
Should any problem persist after you have made the following checks, consult  
your nearest Sony dealer.  
There is no sound from the portable audio device to the car radio.  
This unit is not fully plugged into the cigarette lighter socket.  
To use the antenna cable magnet, do the following.  
1 Route the antenna cable where the best reception from this unit is  
c Insert this unit correctly and securely.  
This unit is not fully connected to the portable audio device.  
2 Attach the magnet at the end of the antenna cable to a metal part of the  
car, such as a passenger’s seat rail, to anchor the antenna cable in place  
(see illustration below).  
c Connect this unit correctly and securely.  
The transmission frequency of the unit and the FM car radio do not coincide.  
c Set both the unit and the FM car radio to the same frequency.  
La fréquence sélectionnée s’affiche dans la fenêtre d’affichage des  
<Example of attaching the antenna cable magnet to a passen-  
ger’s seat rail>  
There is no sound from the connecting portable audio device.  
c Start playback on the portable audio device.  
c Set the volume control of the portable audio device as high as possible but  
not so high that the audio signal becomes distorted.  
fréquences. La marque  
apparaît au point de transition entre une bande  
basse fréquence (88,1 MHz~88,9 MHz) et une bande haute fréquence  
(106,7 MHz~107,9 MHz).  
La marque représente une limite entre les hautes fréquences et les basses fréquences.  
The volume is low.  
2 Raccordez la minifiche stéréo à la prise casque de l’appareil audio  
The volume of the portable audio device is set too low.  
c Set the volume control of the portable audio device as high as possible but  
not so high that the audio signal becomes distorted.  
Si votre appareil audio portable présente des réglages différents pour le  
casque et pour LINE OUT, réglez l’appareil audio portable au même réglage  
que le casque. Le son peut être déformé s’il est connecté à LINE OUT.  
If sound is still low, turn the volume up on the car radio.  
The sound is distorted.  
The input signal is too high.  
c If you connected to the LINE OUT jack on the portable audio device,  
disconnect and reconnect to the headphone jack.  
The bass boost function on the portable audio device is on.  
c Cancel the bass boost function.  
Noise is generated.  
The frequency of the unit does not coincide with the FM car radio.  
c Set the unit and the FM car radio to the same frequency.  
Seat rail  
Portable audio  
The reception from this unit is not good.  
Appareil audio  
c Route the antenna cable for the unit inside the car. Position the antenna close  
to the car antenna, or stabilize the antenna cable with the magnet to the  
passenger’s seat rail, and so on. This may help to improve the reception  
from this unit.  
The FM car radio receives a broadcast signal.  
c Select an empty frequency (a non-broadcast frequency, indicated by a static  
hissing sound).  
3 Insérez cet émetteur (cet appareil) dans l’allume-cigare.  
Use the above basic example as a general guideline. Adjust the antenna for  
the best reception, depending on your car.  
The selected frequency is occupied or the signal is jammed.  
c Select another open or frequency which is less influenced by jamming (a  
non-broadcast frequency, indicated by a static hissing sound).  
3 If the reception from this unit becomes worse after attaching the magnet at  
the end of the antenna cable to a passenger’s seat rail, etc., in step 2,  
revert to a previous position (to best reception) in step 1, without using  
the magnet (without attaching it to a passenger’s seat rail, etc.).  
vers un allume-cigare  
The sound is interrupted.  
The signal is jammed locally.  
c Select another frequency which is less influenced by jamming (a non-  
broadcast frequency, indicated by a static hissing sound).  
• Be careful to line the cable so that it will not interfere with driving, become  
entangled with passenger movements, or be damaged by seat adjustments,  
The POWER lamp does not light.  
This unit is not completely plugged into the cigarette lighter socket.  
• If the magnet is attached near movable objects, such as doors or seat rails,  
make sure that the antenna cable does not become entangled. This may  
cause the wire to break.  
• Do not leave floppy disks or personal credit cards with magnetic coding  
near the antenna cable magnet.  
c Insert this unit correctly and securely.  
Depending on the car type, the engine must be started for electric current to  
flow to the cigarette lighter socket.  
c Start the engine.  
The fuse is blown.  
c Replace the fuse.  
Appareil audio  
(Suite à la page suivante)  

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