Polk Audio Speaker PSW202 User Manual

O W N E R ’ S  
M A N U A L  
t h e s p e a k e r s p e c i a l i s t s  
G E T T I N G S T A R T E D  
Please inspect your loudspeaker carefully. Notify your Polk dealer if you notice any damage or missing items. Keep the carton and packing  
material. It will do the best job of protecting your speaker if it needs to be transported.  
P L A C E M E N T ( F I G U R E S 1 , 2 & 3 )  
Your PSW Series subwoofer offers many placement options—in an entertainment center, behind furniture, or next to a sofa or chair. It can be  
placed anywhere in the room, but you will get the best performance from it when it is on the same side of the room as the front satellites.  
Placing it near a wall or in a corner will increase bass loudness. Allow at least 6 inches (15cm) of space between any subwoofer driver and a  
wall or obstruction (Figure 1). The subwoofer should only be placed on its base (Figure 2). It may lie on its side, but NEVER LAY THE SUB-  
The PSW202 subwoofer is magnetically shielded for safe placement near your television set. If you notice video distortion or discoloration,  
immediately move the subwoofer away from the TV and call Polk Audio Customer Service 800-377-7655 (US & Can), 410-358-3600, 9am-6pm  
EST, Monday through Friday, or email: [email protected].  
Youll find an informative article on Subwoofer Positioning and Adjustment”  
in the set up section at: http://www.polkaudio.com/home/faqad/  
C O N N E C T I N G T H E S U B W O O F E R T O T H E S Y S T E M G E N E R A L  
If you elect to use the speaker level inputs, use two-conductor 16 gauge or thicker speaker wires. See your Polk dealer for  
wire recommendations.  
Note that one of the speaker input terminals on the rear of the speaker is marked red (+) and the other black (-). Make certain that you  
connect the wire from the red (+) terminal of your amplifier to the red (+) terminal on your speaker, and the wire from the black  
(-) terminal of the amplifier to the black (-) terminal on your speaker. Most wire has some indication (such as color coding, ribbing,  
or writing) on one of the two conductors to help maintain consistency. If your subwoofer doesnt seem to produce much bass, it is  
most likely that one of the speaker wires is connected backwards. Double check all connections for correct polarity.  
Strip 1/2" of insulation from each of the two conductors on both ends to expose the bare wire. Twist the exposed wire of each conductor  
to form two un-frayed strands. Connect two conductors to the receiver or amp (refer to the owners manual supplied with your electronics  
for assistance with proper hookup). Connect the two conductors on the other end of the wire to the speaker terminals. Repeat for the  
other channel.  
U S I N G P U S H - T A B ( F I G U R E 4 )  
Push the plastic tab of one connector to open up the hole. Insert the bare wire into the hole, and release the plastic tab. Repeat this step for the  
other terminal (Figure 4).  
Make sure that the two bare wire ends do not touch each other. Such contact could result in an electrical short and cause your receiver or ampli-  
fier to turn off or malfunction.  
R E C O M M E N D E D H O O K - U P M E T H O D F O R S A T E L L I T E S Y S T E M S  
( F I G U R E S 5 & 6 )  
Connect the left and right front speaker outputs of your receiver or amplifier to the speaker level inputs of the powered subwoofer with  
speaker wire.  
Then, connect the left and right front satellite speakers with speaker wire from the speaker level outputs from the powered subwoofer.  
If it is more convenient, parallel wire the subwoofer and front satellites from your receiver (Figure 6).  
Connect the Center Channel Speaker directly to the center channel output from your receiver.  
Connect the Rear Surround Satellites directly to the rear or surround channel outputs from your receiver.  
R E C E I V E R S E T- U P / B A S S M A N A G E M E N T  
All surround receivers allow you to customizetheir performance depending on the size of your speakers. Refer to the owner's manual of your  
receiver or surround processor to learn how this is done. To get the best performance from small satellite/subwoofertype systems, use the  
following settings with the above hook-up method:  
Front speakers -- set to large”  
Center speaker -- set to normalor small”  
Surround speakers -- set to small”  
Subwoofer -- set to OFFor none.(We know. Doesnt make sense, right? Your system obviously has a subwoofer. But really truly, this is the  
correct setting for the recommended hook-up method. By setting the front left and right speakers to Largeand routing them through the sub-  
woofer as instructed above, you deliver a full range signal to the subwoofers low pass filter. The low pass filter takes the low frequencies and  
passes the rest on to the front speakers, for perfect sub/sat blending.)  
H O O K - U P M E T H O D # 2 ( F I G U R E 7 )  
This method can be used with electronics that include a SUB OUTfeature (Figure 7). It is not recommended for use with RM Series  
Connect a single RCA cable from the SUB OUTof your electronics to the left and right. Use a Ycable to connect the single subwoofer output jack  
to the two Line Level Inputs of the subwoofer. This input bypasses the subwoofers variable low pass filter and relies on the filter built into your elec-  
tronics. If your SUB OUTis an unfiltered signal (check your owners manual), use either  
left or right Line Level Input,to use the low pass crossover in the subwoofer.  
When using method #2, it is necessary to adjust the settings of your electronics as follows: Front speakers = large or small depending on their  
output capabiliteis; Subwoofer = ON.  
H O O K - U P M E T H O D # 3 ( F I G U R E 8 )  
This method is for use with electronics featuring PRE OUTjacks. Connect the front left and right preamp outputs from your electronics to the  
left and right LINE LEVEL input of the subwoofer. This may require use of RCA Ycables (not supplied) to hookup both the subwoofer and  
your electronics. When using this option, it is necessary to adjust the settings on your electronics as follows: Front speakers = LARGE,”  
Subwoofer = OFFor NO.”  
S U B W O O F E R A D J U S T M E N T S ( F I G U R E 9 )  
The PSW202 Powered Subwoofer offers a range of setting options. We recommend the following settings as starting points, but the settings that  
are best for you depend upon your speaker placement, electronics and personal taste. After youve become familiar with what the settings do,  
experiment with alternate options to find the method that works best for your system setup. Youll find an informative article on Subwoofer  
Positioning and Adjustmentin the set up section at: HTTP://WWW.POLKAUDIO.COM/HOME/FAQAD/  
A C P O W E R ( F I G U R E 9 )  
The PSW202 Powered Subwoofer has a built-in power amplifier and must be plugged into a standard household AC power source in order to  
operate. The power switch has three positions: On,” “Offand Auto.When the Powered Subwoofer is plugged in (even with the power switch  
in the offposition) the power light will glow RED. In the Autoposition, the amplifier will automatically turn on as soon as the speaker sens-  
es a signal coming from your electronics. The power light will change from RED to GREEN upon sensing a signal. The subwoofer will turn off  
approximately 15 minutes after input signal ceases, and the power light will return to RED.  
In the Onposition, the power amplifier will operate and the power light will glow GREEN until the switch is set to the Offposition or the  
AC cord is disconnected from a power source. We recommend using the Autoposition. Turn it to Offif the system will not be used for  
extended periods of time, such as during vacations.  
S U B W O O F E R L E V E L C O N T R O L V O L U M E ( F I G U R E 9 )  
Subwoofer level (volume) is adjusted via the knob on the rear amplifier plate. To set Subwoofer Level, play a piece of music that has an average  
amount of bass content. Start with the knob set to 12 oclock and the Phase Switch set to 0. Adjust by ear using a wide variety of CDs and video  
sources. Adjust for deep, powerful bass without boominess.”  
Contact Polk Audio Customer Service 1-800-377-7655, [email protected]  
L O W P A S S F I L T E R ( F I G U R E S 9 & 1 0 )  
This control adjusts the frequency range over which the subwoofer operates. Experiment and let your ears be the final judge. If male vocals  
sound thin,turn this control up until the voice sounds rich but not boomy. If male vocals sound too thickor chesty,turn this control  
down until the voice sounds natural.  
Turning the knob clockwise from the recommended setting (Figure 10 or 10a) will add more warmthto the bass and lower midrange,  
possibly at the sacrifice of bass tightnessand midrange clarity. Turning the knob down from the recommended setting will make the bass  
and lower midrange sound thinner.”  
P H A S E S W I T C H ( F I G U R E 9 )  
Changing the phase of your subwoofer can strengthen its bass attack.If the bass sounds muddy or unclear, try toggling the phase control.  
Have someone else switch between the two settings while you sit in your favorite listening position. Use music with good bass (preferably  
pluckedstring bass) and a deep male vocal. When you hear the best balance of deep bass and natural lower octaves of the male voice, you  
have achieved optimum phase tuning.  
M A I N T A I N I N G T H E A P P E R A N C E O F Y O U R P S W 2 0 2  
Your new speaker cabinet can be dusted or cleaned with a damp soft cloth. Avoid harsh detergents and cleaning fluids, they can permanently  
damage your speakers finish. Vacuum the grille to remove dust.  
Q : W h y d o e s m y s y s t e m h u m ? ”  
A : B e c a u s e i t d o s e n ’ t k n o w t h e w o r d s . ”  
This is what passes for humor in the audio business. Heres the real answer: If you have any electrical (50/60Hz) hum in your system youre  
going to hear it clearly as soon as you hook up your subwoofer. Most hum problems are caused by ground loops.That is, the electrical grounds  
of the components in your system are not at the same electrical potential. A very common ground loop source is cable TV. Disconnect the coaxial  
cable from your TV and/or VCR. If the hum goes away, the cable is the ground loop villain. In that case you need a 75 ohm ground loop isolator.  
This device attaches to your coaxial cable where it plugs into your VCR (or television). Theyre simple to install and usually solve the hum prob-  
lem. Find 75 ohm ground loop isolators at your audio dealer, Radio Shack stores, or online at http://shop.polkaudio.com.  
Ground loops and hum can also be the result of faulty electrical wiring in your home. Consult a licensed electrician to evaluate and, if necessary,  
repair the AC wiring in your home. Light dimmers also tend to introduce noise into audio systems. Remove them.  
If none of our suggestions work for you, contact Polk Audio Customer Service 800-377-7655 (US & Canada), 410-358-3600, 9am-6pm EST,  
Monday through Friday, or email: [email protected].  
T E C H N I C A L A S S I S T A N C E O R S E R V I C E  
If, after following these hook up directions, you experience difficulty, please double-check all wire connections. Should you isolate the problem  
to the speaker, contact the authorized Polk Audio dealer where you made your purchase, or call Polk Audios friendly Customer Service  
Department at 1-800-377-7655 (calls from US or CAN only), 410-358-3600 9am to 6pm EST, Monday through Friday. You may also contact  
us via email: [email protected].  
For more detailed hook up information and manual updates, visit:  
For recommended accessories (including speaker stands, brackets, accessories and exclusive Polk Audio logowear), visit our Webstore:  
Figure 1  
Figure 2  
Figure 3  
6" (15cm)  
Figure 4  
Figure 5  
This method is the  
best choice when  
using small satellite  
systems such as the  
Polk RM Series.  
Este es el mejor  
método para sistemas  
con satélites pequeños  
tales como los de la  
serie Polk RM.  
Cette méthode est la  
meilleure pour les sys-  
tèmes à petits satellites  
tels que ceux de la  
gamme Polk RM.  
Diese Methode eignet  
sich am besten für kleine  
Satellitensysteme, wie  
z.B. die Polk RM-Serie.  
Contact Polk Audio Customer Service 1-800-377-7655, [email protected]  
Figure 6  
Figure 7  
This method is best  
for systems that use  
bookshelf or floor-  
standing speakers.  
Este es el mejor método  
para sistemas con altav-  
oces de estante o de  
Cette méthode est la  
meilleure pour les sys-  
tèmes à enceintes de  
bibliothèque ou à  
Diese Methode eignet  
sich am besten für  
Systeme mit Regal- oder  
Figure 8  
This method is for  
use with electonic  
components featuring  
a PRE OUT.  
Este método es para  
componentes elec-  
trónicos con salida de  
(PRE OUT).  
Cette méthode est  
prévue pour les com-  
posants électroniques  
à fonction PRE OUT.  
Diese Methode ist für  
Komponenten mit  
einem PRE OUT bes-  
Figure 9  
Contact Polk Audio Customer Service 1-800-377-7655, [email protected]  
Overall Frequency  
-3dB Frequency  
Driver Complement  
10 (25.4cm)" long throw driver, shielded  
Subwoofer Amplifier*: 50 Watts continuous  
average power into 4ohms  
<1%THD, 40-180Hz  
Size & Weight  
Dimensions (H x W x D)  
14s" x 132" x 144"  
29 lbs  
37.1cm x 34.3cm x 36.2cm 13.2 kg  
Shipping Weight  
33 lbs. total (15 kg)  
*This specification conforms to Federal regulations regarding amplifier power ratings. For  
purposes of comparison, be certain that all power ratings conform to these stringent FTC  
regulations. Power ratings alone cannot predict actual sound output. For this reason we  
also specify the calculated maximum sound output.  
Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.  
Figure 10  
Figure 10a  
Polk Audio, Inc., warrants to the original retail purchaser only. This  
warranty will terminate automatically prior to its stated expiration if the  
original retail purchaser sells or transfers the Product to any other party.  
This warranty does not include service or parts to repair damage caused  
by accident, disaster, misuse, abuse, negligence, inadequate packing or  
shipping procedures, commercial use, voltage inputs in excess of the rated  
maximum of the unit, cosmetic appearance of cabinetry not directly attrib-  
utable to defect in materials or workmanship, or service, repair, or modifi-  
cation of the Product which has not been authorized or approved by Polk  
Audio. This warranty shall terminate if the Serial number on the Product  
has been removed, tampered with or defaced.  
Polk Audio, Inc., warrants, to the original retail purchaser only, that the  
SURE on this Polk Audio Loudspeaker Product will be free from defects  
in material and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date  
of original retail purchase from a Polk Audio Authorized Dealer.  
This warranty is in lieu of all other expressed Warranties. If this Product  
is defective in materials or workmanship as warranted above, your sole  
remedy shall be repair or replacement as provided above. In no event will  
Polk Audio, Inc. be liable to you for any incidental or consequential damages  
arising out of the use or inability to use the Product, even if Polk Audio,  
Inc. or a Polk Audio Authorized Dealer has been advised of the possibility  
of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. Some states do not  
allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages, so the above  
limitation and exclusion may not apply to you.  
Furthermore, Polk Audio, Inc., warrants, to the original retail purchaser  
may be included in this Polk Audio Loudspeaker Product will be free from  
defects in material and workmanship for a period of three (3) years from  
the date of original retail purchase from a Polk Audio Authorized Dealer.  
To allow Polk Audio to offer the best possible warranty service, please  
fill out the Product Registration Card(s) and send it to the Factory at the  
address provided on the Product Registration Card(s) within ten (10) days  
of the date of original purchase.  
All implied warranties on this Product are limited to the duration of this  
expressed Warranty. Some states do not allow limitation on how long an  
implied Warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.  
This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other  
rights which vary from state to state.  
Defective Products must be shipped, together with proof of purchase, pre-  
paid insured to the Polk Audio Authorized Dealer from whom you purchased  
the Product, or to the Factory at 2550 Britannia Boulevard, Suite D, San  
Diego, California 92154. Products must be shipped in the original shipping  
container or its equivalent; in any case the risk of loss or damage in transit  
is to be borne by you. If upon examination at the Factory or Polk Audio  
Authorized Dealer it is determined that the unit was defective in materials  
or workmanship at any time during this Warranty period, Polk Audio or  
the Polk Audio Authorized Dealer will, at its option, repair or replace this  
Product at no additional charge, except as set forth below. All replaced  
parts and Products become the property of Polk Audio. Products replaced  
or repaired under this warranty will be returned to you, within a reason-  
able time, freight prepaid.  
This Warranty applies only to Products purchased in the United States of  
America, its possessions, and U.S. and NATO armed forces exchanges and  
audio clubs.  
The Warranty terms and conditions applicable to Products purchased in  
other countries are available from the Polk Audio Authorized Distributors  
in such countries.  
10 Contact Polk Audio Customer Service 1-800-377-7655, [email protected]  
t h e s p e a k e r s p e c i a l i s t s  
Polk Audio  
5601 Metro Drive  
Baltimore, Maryland 21215  
(800) 377-7655  

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