Multi Tech Systems Network Card MT5634ZPX User Manual

Model MT5634ZPX  
Internal ISA Data/Voice/Fax Modem  
User Guide  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description......................................................................... 5  
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 6  
Product Description .................................................................................................................................... 6  
General features ........................................................................................................................................ 6  
Manual Organization .................................................................................................................................. 8  
Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 9  
Chapter 2 - Hardware Installation................................................................ 11  
Hardware Installation - Introduction.......................................................................................................... 12  
Unpacking your MultiModemZPX ............................................................................................................. 12  
Safety Warnings ....................................................................................................................................... 13  
Installation Overview ................................................................................................................................ 13  
Step 1 - Configuring DIP-Switches and Jumpers ..................................................................................... 14  
Step 2 - Install the Modem into Your Computer........................................................................................ 16  
Step 3 - Connect Your Modem to the Telephone Line .............................................................................. 16  
Chapter 3 - Driver Installation ......................................................................................... 18  
Step 4 - Install the Modem Driver ............................................................................................................. 19  
Chapter 4 - Using Your Modem ....................................................................................... 20  
Step 5 - Configure the Modem for Your Country (Global Modem Only) ................................................... 21  
Step 6 - Install Data Communications Software ....................................................................................... 21  
Operating Your MultiModemZPX .............................................................................................................. 22  
Configuring Windows Dial-Up Networking ............................................................................................... 23  
Windows 95/98 Dial-Up Networking .................................................................................................. 23  
Testing Your Modem................................................................................................................................. 24  
Testing Data Functions ...................................................................................................................... 24  
Testing Fax Functions ........................................................................................................................ 24  
MultiModemZPX’s Answering Machine Test ...................................................................................... 25  
Remote Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 25  
Basic Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 25  
Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 25  
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 26  
Chapter 5 - AT Commands and Fax Commands........................................................... 27  
AT Commands.......................................................................................................................................... 28  
Fax Commands ........................................................................................................................................ 28  
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting............................................................................................ 29  
Introduction to Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................ 30  
Initial Checklist ................................................................................................................................... 30  
Common Problems ............................................................................................................................ 30  
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support ................................................. 34  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Warranty & Repairs Policies............................................................................. 35  
Appendixes ....................................................................................................................... 39  
Appendix A - Regulatory Compliance ....................................................................................................... 40  
Appendix B - Updating Your Modem’s Firmware ...................................................................................... 44  
Appendix C - Global Wizard Configuration Utility ..................................................................................... 47  
Appendix D - ASCII Conversion Chart ..................................................................................................... 50  
Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 51  
Index.................................................................................................................................. 61  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
Congratulations on your purchase of one of the finest internal data/fax/voice modems  
available today - the MultiModemZPXfrom Multi-Tech Systems.  
Product Description  
One Modem, Worldwide Use. The MultiModemZPX MT5634ZPX global build is  
designed for global applications with approvals in many countries. This means one  
modem can ship around the world. The global modem is ideal for businesses with  
global operations that want to standardize on one modem and are looking to simplify the  
which this modem has approvals.  
The MultiModemZPX is an internal, half-length, fax modem card that can be plugged  
into any 16-bit ISA expansion slot.Your MultiModemZPX incorporates V.90/K56flexTM  
modem technology, which enables Internet connections at data rates up to 56 Kbps  
over standard telephone lines. V.90/K56flex technology is able to propel data  
downstream from the Internet to your computer at speeds of up to 56 Kbps because  
data is digitally encoded instead of modulated. Upstream transmission, mostly  
keystroke and mouse commands from your computer to the central site, continues to  
flow at the conventional data rate of 33.6 Kbps.  
Note: Though this modem is capable of 56 Kbps download performance, line impairments,  
public telephone infrastructure, and other external technological factors currentlyprevent  
maximum 56 Kbps connections.  
Your MultiModemZPX offers interactive automatic dialing, as well as command mode  
option configuration.You can store two command line/telephone numbers, of up to 40  
characters each, in the modem’s nonvolatile memory. The modem pulse or tone dials  
and recognizes dial tones and busy signals for reliable call-progress detection. The  
modem can detect AT&T calling card tones. It is FCC-Registered for connection to  
telephone networks without any Data Access Arrangements (DAAs).  
The MultiModem ZPX is a full-featured internal data/fax/voice modem designed for  
Pentium computers in either Windows Plug and Play or non-windows environments.  
General features  
Compliance with major ITU-T, TIA, and EIA international standards to ensure  
compatibility with other modems  
Distinguishes data, fax, and voice calls  
Easy Windows Plug and Play (PnP)  
Compliance with the V.80 standard, allowing video conferencing over analog  
telephone lines with any H.324 video phone system  
Supports V.90/K56flexTM for data transmission speeds up to  
56 Kbps while maintaining compatibility with lower-speed modems  
Note: The V.90/K56flex standard asymmetrically transfers data—client downloads at  
speeds up to 56 Kbps; client uploads at speeds up to 33.6 Kbps  
Supports the enhanced ITU-T V.34 standard with data transmission speeds to 33.6  
Kbps while also maintaining compatibility with lower-speed modems  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
Supports V.90/K56flex speeds plus 33.6K, 31.2K, 28.8K, 26.4K, 24K, 21.6K, 19.2K,  
16.8K, 14.4K, 12K, 9.6K, 7.2K, 4.8K, 2.4K, 1.2K, and 0–300 bps  
Automatic fallback to slower speeds in noisy line conditions and fall-forward to faster  
speeds as conditions improve (line quality monitoring)  
ITU V.42 LAP-M and MNP Class 3 and 4 error correction  
ITU V.42bis (4-to-1) and MNP 5 (2-to-1) data compression  
H.324 compliant (videophone ready)  
Automatic disabling of compression when transferring already compressed files  
Autodial, redial, pulse (rotary), and touch-tone dial  
Dial tone and busy signal detection for reliable call-progress detection  
Distinctive ring support to route voice, data, or fax calls on a single phone line  
Plug and Play (PnP) support  
FlashROM upgradable (customer upgradable in a Windows environment)  
Compatibility with the standard AT command set used by most communication  
Stores up to two telephone numbers  
Supports V.17, Group 3 fax communication standards, allowing it to communicate  
with other fax modems as well as with fax machines  
Responds to Class 1 and Class 2 fax commands, enabling it to exchange editable  
and encrypted faxes with other Windows computers  
Sends and receives faxes from your computer at 14,400 bps, 9600 bps, 7200 bps,  
4800 bps, 2400 bps, or 300 bps  
Full duplex speakerphone support with adjustable speaker volume control; can  
record and play back answering machine messages using optional microphone and  
Remote/local telephone answering machine (TAM) capabilities include voice mail  
control, record/playback, and call screening  
Supports the TIA/EIA IS-101 AT+V voice command set  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
Manual Organization  
This User Guide will help you to install, configure, use, and troubleshoot your modem.  
The manual is divided into seven chapters and four appendices:  
Chapter 1: Introduction and Description. This chapter Introduces the MT5634ZPX,  
briefly describing features and technical specifications.  
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation. Chapter 2 contains information about unpacking your  
MultiModemZPX adapter. It also provides information on safety warnings and describes  
how to install the modem in your computer and connect it to a telephone, telephone line,  
microphone, and speaker.  
Chapter 3: Driver Installation. Chapter 3 describes how to install the modem’s drivers  
under various operating systems. This chapter also describes the process for  
configuring your modem’s initial setup for operation within your country.  
Chapter 4: Using your Modem. In this chapter, instructions are provided for configuring  
your communications software and Windows Dial-up Networking. The chapter also  
describes several tests which can assist you in confirming that your modem is installed  
Chapter 5: AT Commands, S-Registers and Result Codes. Chapter 5 refers you to  
separate reference guides:  
AT commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes  
Fax Commands Class 1  
Fax Commands Class 2  
Chapter 6:Troubleshooting. The troubleshooting chapter describes common problems  
you may have with your modem and how to solve them.  
Chapter 7: Warranty, Service and Technical Support. This chapter provides  
information on the terms of your warranty and describes how to get help with your  
modem from Multi-Tech Systems Technical Support group.  
Appendix A: Regulatory Compliance  
Appendix B: Updating Your Modem’s Firmware  
Appendix C: Global Wizard Configuration Utility  
Appendix D: ASCII Conversion Chart  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
Technical Specifications  
Trade Name  
Model Number  
Data Rates  
V.90/K56flex* speeds when accessing an ISP-type  
K56flex server (actual speed depend on server capabilities  
and line conditions)  
Data Rates  
Enhanced V.34 speeds to 33,600 plus 31,200, 28,800,  
26,400, 24,000, 21,600, 19,200, 16,800, 14,400, 12,000,  
9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200, 0-300 bps  
Fax Rates  
14,400, 12,000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, and 300 bps  
Serial, binary, asynchronous  
Data Format  
Data Compatibility  
V.90/K56flex, ITU V.34 extended, V.34, ITU V.32bis, V.32,  
V.22bis, V.21, V.22, V.23; Bell 212 and 103; ITU V.42,  
Fax Compatibility  
ITU Group 3, T.4, T.30, V.21, V.27ter, V.29, V.17, and TIA/EIA  
578 Class 1, Class 2  
Voice Compatibility  
Voice Mode Sampling  
Plug and Play  
TIA/EIA IS-101, H.324 (V.8, V.25ter), V.80  
Up to 44.100 kHz (down-sampled to 11.025 kHz)  
PnP ISA Specification 1.0a for one logical device, PnP  
autoconfguration sequence compliant, full 16-bit address  
decode to meet Microsoft’s PC 95 requirements for Windows  
Logo certification.  
Error Correction  
Data Compression  
Speed Detection  
ITU V.42 (LAP-M and MNP Classes 2–4)  
ITU V.42bis (4:1 compression) and MNP 5 (2:1 compression)  
Automatic speed detection and switching between available  
In adverse line conditions, the modem falls back from its  
current operating speed to the next reliable slower speed in  
2400 bps decrements (V.34 mode). If conditions improve, the  
modem falls forward to the fastest reliable speed in 2400 bps  
increments. In V.90/K56flex mode, modem falls back and  
falls forward in increments of 2000 bps  
Modes of Operation  
Full-duplex operation over dial-up lines, automatic dialing,  
automatic or manual answer  
Flow Control  
Software (XON/XOFF), hardware (RTS/CTS)  
Intelligent Features  
Fully AT command compatible, autodial, redial, pulse or tone  
dial, dial pauses, call status display, auto-parity and data rate  
selection, keyboard-controlled modem options, nonvolatile  
memory and on-screen displays for modem parameters  
Command Buffer  
Data Modulations  
40 characters  
FSK at 300 bps, DPSK at 1200 bps, QAM at 2400, 4800,  
and 9600 bps (non-trellis), QAM with trellis-coded  
modulation (TCM) at 9600, 12,000, 14,400, 16,800, 19,200,  
21,600, 24,000, 26,400, 28,800, 31,200, 33,600 and 56,000  
Fax Modulations  
V.21 CH2: FSK at 300 bps  
V.27ter: DPSK at 4800 and 2400 bps  
V.29: QAM at 9600 and 7200 bps  
V.17: TCM at 14400, 12000, 9600, and 7200 bps  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description  
1600, 1646, 1680, 1800, 1829, 1867,  
Carrier Frequencies:  
1920, 1959, 2000 Hz  
Carrier Frequencies:  
1800 Hz  
Carrier Frequencies:  
ITU-T V.22bis/V.22 or  
Bell 212A Standard  
(2400 & 1200 bps)  
Carrier Frequencies:  
Bell 103  
Transmit Originate:  
Transmit Answer:  
Receive Originate:  
Receive Answer:  
Transmit Originate:  
1200 Hz  
2400 Hz  
2400 Hz  
1200 Hz  
1270 Hz mark  
1070 Hz space  
2225 Hz mark  
2025 Hz space  
2225 Hz mark  
2025 Hz space  
1270 Hz mark  
1070 Hz space  
(300 bps)  
Transmit Answer:  
Receive Originate:  
Receive Answer:  
Fax Carrier Frequencies V.21 CH2 (half duplex):  
1650 Hz mark, 1850 Hz space for Transmit Originate  
1650 Hz mark, 1850 Hz space for Transmit Answer  
V.27ter: 1800 Hz Originate/Answer  
V.29 QAM: 1700 Hz Originate/Answer  
V.17 TCM: 1800 Hz Originate/Answer  
Power-on self-test (POST) and local analog loop  
Transmit Level  
Frequency Stability  
Receiver Sensitivity  
AGC Dynamic Range  
Serial Interface  
Bus Type  
Transmit level varies by country where the device is used  
-43 dB under worst-case conditions  
43 dB  
ITU-T V.24/V.28  
16-bit ISA or EISA  
Two RJ-11 phone jacks and two plugs for microphone, and  
One RJ-11 phone cable  
Temperature range 0° to 40° C (32° to 104° F), humidity  
range 20–90% (non-condensing)  
0.7" W × 4.8" H × 5.8" L  
1.8 cm × 12.2 cm × 14.7 cm  
Limited Warranty  
10 years  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 2 - Hardware Installation  
Chapter - 2 Hardware Installation  
Hardware Installation - Introduction  
This chapter describes how to install the MultiModemZPX hardware into your computer.  
Installing the MultiModemZPX consists of five steps:  
1. Installing the modem in the computer.  
2. Connecting the modem to the telephone line and, optionally, to an external speaker  
and microphone.  
3. Installing the modem’s drivers.  
4. Configuring your modem for country-specific operation.  
5. Configuring your communications software.  
Unpacking your MultiModemZPX  
One MultiModemZPX internal modem.  
One telephone cable.  
One MultiModemZPX CD, which includes modem drivers, the MultiModemZPX User Guide in  
Adobe .pdf format, PhoneTools (communications software), and Adobe Acrobat Reader.  
Quick Start Guide.  
One brochure with a warranty card.  
If any item is missing, please contact Multi-Tech Systems or your dealer/distributor.  
What You’ll Need  
Before you start, make sure you have everything you need:  
The contents of your MultiModemZPX package.  
A PC with Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000 or Linux operating system installed.  
CD-ROM drive.  
An available16-bit ISA expansion slot.  
Tools to open your computer.  
Your PC manual.  
A nearby telephone line jack.  
An external speaker or headphone (optional).  
An external microphone (optional).  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter - 2 Hardware Installation  
Safety Warnings  
Never install telephone wiring during a lighting storm.  
Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed  
for wet locations.  
This product is to be used with UL and cUL listed computers.  
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has  
been disconnected at the network interface.  
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.  
Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm.  
There may be a remote risk of electrical shock from lightning.  
Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.  
To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger Telecommunication line  
Installation Overview  
The MT5634ZPX board contains a four-position DIP switch for COM port assignment and  
nine Berg jumpers for setting the IRQ address. The DIP switches and jumpers are  
located in the upper left corner of the PC board as shown below. The factory default for  
this board is Plug-N-Play (automatic COM port and IRQ address assignment).  
MT5634ZPX DIP Switches and Jumpers  
Installing the MultiModemZPX consists of six steps:  
1. Configuring the modem’s DIP Switch and Jumper settings.  
2. Installing the modem in the computer.  
3. Connecting the modem to the telephone line and, optionally to an external speaker  
and microphone.  
4. Installing the modem’s software drivers.  
5. Configuring your modem for country-specific operation (if you are using the Global  
build of the MT5634ZPX).  
6. Configuring your communications software.  
Note: unless otherwise noted, the procedures which follow apply to both PnP and non-PnP  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter - 2 Hardware Installation  
Step 1 - Configuring DIP-Switches and Jumpers  
Windows Plug and Play  
The MultiModemZPX board is shipped from the factory pre-configured for Plug and Play  
If you would like to use the Plug and Play feature, you do not need to make any changes  
to the DIP switches or jumpers.  
The MT5634ZPX Default PnP Settings  
These DIP-Switches and Jumpers would have to be changed if you wanted to use non-  
Plug and Play or if you did not have an available IRQ for the modem due to too many  
other devices attached to your PC.  
Unlike an external modem, the MultiModemZPX contains its own serial port. When  
Windows detects the MultiModemZPX, it assigns the next available COM port number to  
the device. Since COM1 and COM2 are standard serial ports within Windows, COM3  
will typically be assigned to the MultiModemZPX serial port. Windows also assigns the  
MultiModemZPX a port address and interrupt request (IRQ) number. Because the  
number of IRQs is limited, a computer with several accessories may not have an  
available IRQ for your new modem. If that is the case, you may have to decide which of  
the other devices you can modify or do without. If you want to change the IRQ settings,  
follow the directions below.  
Checking Your IRQ  
Note: Changing resource settings improperly can disable your hardware and can cause  
your computer to malfunction or be inoperable. Be aware that resource settings should  
be changed only by users with expert knowledge of computer hardware and hardware  
Use the following procedure to check the assignments Windows has made for your  
1. Click Start | Settings | Control Panel. Double-click the System icon.  
2. When the System Properties dialog box displays, click the Device Manager tab. A  
list of device types appears.  
3. Double-click Modem to display a list of modems installed in your computer.  
4. Double-click Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZPX. The Modem Properties dialog box  
5. Click the Resources tab and note the Conflicting Device list. If there is a conflict  
between your modem and another device in your computer, the information appears  
here. For help in resolving a conflict, click Start | Help, and then search the Help  
index for the Hardware Conflict Troubleshooter. When finished, click OK to exit the  
System Properties dialog box.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter - 2 Hardware Installation  
6. In Control Panel, double-click the Modems icon.  
7. If prompted, enter the necessary dialing information for your location. When the  
Modems Properties dialog box displays, click the Diagnostics tab. A list of ports  
and devices appears.  
8. Highlight the COM port associated with the Multi-Tech MT5634ZPX. Click More  
Info. Clicking More Info causes Windows to send commands to and receive  
responses from the modem. The system also displays information about the  
modem’s COM port.  
9. Write down the modem’s port, interrupt, address, and highest speed.You will need  
this information to configure legacy (nonWindows) communications software you  
Port: COM ______ Interrupt:_______ Address:_______ Speed: _______  
10. Click the General tab. Select Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZPX and click Properties  
to review the modem’s default communications settings. Do not change any settings  
unless you have special requirements.  
11. From General tab, click Dialing Properties and review your dialing settings. If you  
are required to dial 9 to get an outside line, type 9 in the local and long distance  
boxes. If you have call waiting service, disable it to prevent it from interrupting a data  
or fax transmission. When finished, click OK to exit the Modems Properties dialog  
The Four Position DIP Switch  
Open (Up)*  
Closed (Down)  
2 Open  
Selects Plug and Play  
Selects Non-Plug and Play  
Base Address = 3F8 COM1  
3 Open  
2 Closed  
3 Open  
2 Open  
3 Closed  
2 Closed*  
3 Closed*  
Base Address = 2F8 COM2  
Base Address = 3E8 COM3  
Base Address = 2E8 COM4  
Reserved for future use  
* Factory Default Setting  
After you have selected the desired COM Port via the 4-position DIP-Switch, you must  
assign an IRQ address by placing the IRQ jumper in the correct position. The figure  
which follows shows the jumper and DIP-switch in the default position for PnP.  
Select the IRQ for your COM port by moving the supplied shorting plug, or jumper, to the  
two pins below the desired IRQ number. Select an address and an IRQ that does not  
conflict with others in your computer. Supported IRQ values for the MT5634ZPX are  
3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 and 15.  
Note: The jumper must be in the default position (IRQ3) for PnP.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter - 2 Hardware Installation  
Step 2 - Install the Modem into Your Computer  
Installing the MultiModemZPX requires you to open your computer. Please consult your  
computer manual in addition to the following instructions:  
1. Turn off the computer and unplug it. Failure to do so may result in damage to both  
the MultiModemZPX and the computer. Do not turn on the computer until the  
instructions tell you to do so.  
2. Remove the cover from the computer as instructed in the computer manual.  
3. Select an empty 16-bit ISA expansion slot. Remove the expansion slot cover and  
save the retaining screw.  
4. Before handling the MT5634ZPX, discharge static in your body by touching a metal  
piece of the computer chassis. Carefully remove the MultiModemZPX from its  
antistatic bag, handling it only by the mounting bracket and edges. Do not touch the  
gold-plated connectors along the bottom edge.  
5. Place the MultiModemZPX directly above the expansion slot and gently, but firmly,  
push it into the connector until the card’s retaining bracket is flush against the  
computer chassis.  
6. Fasten the retaining bracket to the computer chassis with the screw saved in step 3.  
7. Replace the cover of the computer.  
Step 3 - Connect Your Modem to the Telephone Line  
The MultiModemZPX communicates over public-switched telephone network lines. Use  
the modular telephone cable provided with the modem to connect the MultiModemZPX to  
your telephone wall jack. If you don’t have a standard modular wall jack near your  
computer, install one or have one installed for you by your telephone company. In the  
U.S., installation kits and adapters are available wherever telephones are sold.  
The MultiModemZPX offers a voice port which allows you to connect your adapter to a  
microphone and speaker. The microphone can be used for recording answering machine  
messages or for speakerphone use. The speaker can be used for playing back  
messages or as a speakerphone.  
MT5634ZPX Internal ISA Modem  
1. Plug one end of the supplied modular telephone cable into the LINE jack.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter - 2 Hardware Installation  
2. Plug the other end of the telephone cable into a working wall jack.  
3. You may connect a telephone to the modem’s PHONE jack.  
Note: The LINE jack is not interchangeable with the PHONE jack. Do not plug a  
phone into the LINE jack or the line cable into the PHONE jack.  
4. To use a microphone with your adapter, insert the microphone plug into the MIC IN  
5. To use a speaker or headphone with the modem, insert the speaker or headphone  
plug into the LINE OUT jack.  
Sound Card Considerations  
If you want speakerphone functions and the ability to record sound or .WAV files through  
the sound card at the same time, you need:  
Two stereo PC microphones  
One stereo male-to-male patch cord  
One sound card and optional speakers  
To connect a third party sound card:  
1. Obtain a stereo male-to-male patch cord at a local PC retail store.  
2. Place one end of the stereo male-to-male patch cord into the LINE OUT jack of the  
MultiModemZPX and the other end into the LINE IN jack of the sound card. This  
allows you to hear the activity of the modem whether it is originating or answering a  
call, or playing a recorded message.  
3. Place the stereo microphones (do not use mono microphones) far enough apart from  
each other to eliminate feedback (e.g., one on each side of the monitor). Make sure  
speakers are amplified with a power source (either a battery or electrical source).  
Plug the connector of both microphones into the MIC IN jack of the Sound Card and  
the MT5634ZPX.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 3 - Driver Installation  
Chapter 3 - Driver Installation  
Step 4 - Install the Modem Driver  
If you use Windows 95/98/Me/2000, you must install the modem driver, which is installed  
using the Windows Plug and Play feature. Note, however, that if you use Windows NT  
4.0, the modem driver must be installed manually. If you use Windows NT 4.0 or another  
operating system, see instructions in Chapter 2 for manual settings. Follow the four-step  
procedure below for installing the driver using Windows Plug and Play:  
1. Make sure your modem is connected properly, and then turn on your computer.  
Windows should detect your new modem and open the Install New Modem wizard.  
Note: If Windows cannot find a modem, your modem may be turned off, it may be  
plugged into the wrong connector on your computer, or the serial cable may be  
faulty. See “Solving Problems” in the User Guide.  
2. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive, and then click OK.  
3. Windows installs the modem driver. Just follow the steps as you go through the  
driver installation Wizard.  
4. Click Finish to exit.  
Removing a Previous Modem from Your PC  
This example uses Windows 2000  
1. To remove a modem adapter from Windows 2000, click Start | Settings | Control  
Panel. Double click Add/Remove Hardware.  
2. The Add/Remove Hardware Wizard displays. Click Next>.  
3. When the Choose Hardware Task dialog box displays, select Uninstall/Unplug a  
4. Next, in the Choose a Removal Task dialog box, select Uninstall a device, then  
click Next>.  
5. The Installed devices on your computer dialog box provides a list of devices  
installed on your computer. Select the device you want to uninstall from the list.  
Click Next>.  
6. In the Uninstall a Device dialog box, verify the correct device is highlighted and  
select Yes. Click Next> to continue.  
7. The Completing the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard indicates Windows has  
successfully uninstalled the device. Click Finish to complete the removal of the  
Note: If you are removing a Plug and Play device from Windows, you must physically  
remove the device from the computer or Windows will request driver installation each  
time the system starts.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 4 - Using Your Modem  
Chapter 4 - Using Your Modem  
Step 5 - Configure the Modem for Your Country (Global  
Modem Only)  
Different countries have different requirements for how modems must function.  
Therefore, before you use your modem, you must configure it to match the defaults of  
the country in which you are using it.You can use one of two configuration methods:  
D Using the Global Wizard to Configure Your Modem  
D Using AT Commands to Configure Your Modem  
Using the Global Wizard to Configure Your Modem  
(For Global Modems Only)  
The Global Wizard configuration utility is recommended for computers running  
1. Insert the MT5634ZPX CD into the CD-ROM drive. The Autorun dialog box  
2. Click Initial Setup and Country Selection.  
3. Choose either:  
Run Global Wizard from CD. This will not load the wizard onto your hard  
drive, or  
Install Global Wizard on the HD. This will install the wizard onto your  
hard drive for future use.  
4. The Global Wizard dialog box appears. Click Next.  
5. The Global Wizard searches for your modem and identifies it. Click Next.  
6. Select the country in which the modem will be used, and then click Next.  
7. Review your choice of country. If it is correct, click Next to configure the  
8. When Global Wizard announces that the parameters have been set, click  
Finish to exit.  
After completing your hardware and driver installation, if you are using the Global build  
of the MT5634ZPX, you must configure your modem for country-specific operation.  
Step 6 - Install Data Communications Software  
Data communications software is designed to send and receive messages. Multi-Tech  
includes PhoneTools communications software with your modem. However, the modem will  
work with most data communications software. To install Phone Tools, insert the CD into the  
CD-ROM drive; click the Phone Tools icon. You will be asked to choose your language.  
The software automatically loads onto your PC.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 4 - Using Your Modem  
Operating Your MultiModemZPX  
If you’re an experienced modem user, you may only want to check your modem’s settings  
for data compression, error correction, and so on.You’ll find you can get moving quite  
quickly by using a terminal window (you may use HyperTerminal in Windows) to issue the  
AT&V<cr> command. This command will list your modem’s current configuration, the  
stored (user) profiles, and the stored telephone numbers. If you come across a setting  
you’re unsure of, refer to the AT Command Reference Guide for AT commands and S-  
Register explanations and defaults.  
Your MT5634ZPX can be controlled by issuing AT commands and setting S-Registers.  
Since your MultiModemZPX default settings use a traditional modem set to make a dial-  
up call to a remote installation where the call is answered automatically—you shouldn’t  
need to change the current configuration.  
In operating your MultiModemZPX, it is likely that you will use your data communications  
software to either:  
Enter terminal mode, where you can speak most directly to the modem by issuing  
AT commands, or  
Launch a data communications or Dial-Up Networking session through a set of  
modem configurations that you select and then associate with a target telephone  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 4 - Using Your Modem  
Configuring Windows Dial-Up Networking  
Microsoft’s Dial-Up Networking (DUN) is a system component of Windows 95, 98, NT and  
2000 enabling you to connect your computer to a variety of computer systems and  
networks, including the Internet.  
Dial-Up Networking has been integrated into Windows 2000. If you are using Windows  
95, 98, or Me, you may need to install the Dial-Up Networking code from the full-release  
Windows CD, a companion CD from your Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or  
from a complete set of installation (*.CAB) files on your hard drive. If you are connecting  
to the Internet, the TCP/IP protocol suite must also be installed on your computer.  
TCP/IP is an acronym for “Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol”. TCP/IP is a  
suite of communication protocols, or set of rules, used by computers to communicate  
with each other. TCP/IP is the standard protocol used on the Internet.  
If you are making a Dial-Up connection to the Internet, you’ll need to set up an account  
with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Your ISP should provide you with the following  
Your access account userid and password.  
The access phone number(s) for dialing into your Internet Service Provider.  
The protocol used to connect to your ISP (PPP or SLIP).  
Your ISP may or may not provide a static TCP/IP (or IP) address for your computer.  
If your ISP provides a static IP address for your computer or for their Domain Name  
Server (DNS), you’ll need to enter these addresses when you configure the Dial-Up  
connection. Many ISPs use dynamic IP addresses which means they issue your  
computer a new IP address each time you log into their system. If your ISP uses  
dynamic IP addresses, you do not need to configure an IP address when you create  
your Dial-Up Connection.  
The following instructions will guide you through setting up a basic Dial-Up Networking  
connection to the Internet. Many features and settings beyond those shown here are  
available for use when creating a Dial-Up connection.  
Windows 95/98 Dial-Up Networking  
Note: Before beginning, make certain Dial-Up Networking and TCP/IP are installed on  
your computer.  
1. To begin your set up:  
a. In Windows 95, Click Start | Programs | Accessories | Dial-Up Networking.  
b. In Windows 98, Click  
Start | Programs | Accessories | Communications | Dial-Up Networking.  
c. To set up a Dial-Up Networking connection within Windows 2000, select  
Start | Settings | Network and Dial-up Connections.  
2. Then follow the Dial-Up Networking Wizard directions.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 4 - Using Your Modem  
Testing Your Modem  
Testing Data Functions  
You can test your modem’s data transfer functions by logging on to Multi-Tech’s Web site  
to register your modem.  
Note: This procedure assumes you have set up a successful dial-up Internet connection  
and you have a web browser installed on your computer.  
1. Make your connection to the Internet.  
3. Complete and submit the form.  
Testing Fax Functions  
Test your modem’s fax capabilities by sending a fax to Multi-Tech or to a fax machine in  
your office.  
Windows 95, 98 and 2000 include a faxing application. If you are using Windows NT and  
want to fax from your computer, you will need to install a third party faxing application.  
The Windows fax application can act as a stand-alone fax program, or it can be used to  
fax from within an application such as a word processor. If you are using Windows 2000  
and are not familiar with the faxing procedure, use the Windows 2000 Help index to find  
the topic entitled Fax, how to fax a document. If you are faxing from Windows 95 or  
Windows 98, use the following procedure:  
1. Click Start | Programs | Accessories | WordPad.  
2. Create a message in WordPad, for example: This is a test of the  
MultiModemZPX’s fax capabilities.  
3. Save the file as ZPXTest.doc and exit WordPad.  
4. Click Start | Programs | Accessories | Fax | Compose New Fax.  
5. The Compose New Fax wizard appears. Click Next.  
6. To send the file to your own fax machine or to another fax modem in your office, type  
the destination name and phone number in the To and Fax # boxes.  
7. Click Add to List; then click Next.  
8. Select a cover page; then click Next.  
9. Type a subject line (e.g., MultiModemZPX Fax Test) and a note to go on the cover  
page; then click Next.  
10. Click Add File. In the Open a File to Attach dialog box, select ZPX Test.doc and  
click Open. The ZPX Test.doc file is added to the Files to Send list box.  
11. Click Next; then click Finish.  
12. Microsoft Fax opens the ZPX Test.doc file in WordPad, prints it to the Rendering  
System, dials the recipient, and then sends the fax.  
13. Exit Microsoft Fax when the Status dialog box displays that the fax was sent  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 4 - Using Your Modem  
Other Methods for Accessing Microsoft Fax  
In Windows, select File | Print and select Microsoft Fax or Fax as the default  
In a Windows application, select File | Send.  
In Microsoft Exchange, select Compose and then New Fax.  
MultiModemZPX’s Answering Machine Test  
Test the MultiModemZPX’s voice function by using the included software to set up the  
MultiModemZPX as a telephone answering machine. Have a friend call and leave a  
message; then play it back.  
Remote Configuration  
Remote configuration is a network management tool that allows you to configure  
modems anywhere in your network from one location. With password-protected remote  
configuration, you can issue AT commands to a remote MT5634ZPX modem for  
maintenance or troubleshooting as if you were on-site.  
Basic Procedure  
The following procedure is valid regardless of whether the connection is established by  
the local or remote Multi-Tech modem.  
1. Establish a data connection with a remote MT5634ZPX modem.  
2. Send three remote configuration escape characters followed by AT and the setup  
password. Then press ENTER. Example: %%%ATMTSMODEM, press the Enter  
key. You have four attempts to enter the password correctly before being  
disconnected. If the password is correct, the remote modem responds with OK.  
Note: The default setup password for your Multi-Tech Modem is MTSMODEM.  
Keep in mind, passwords are case sensitive.  
3. You now can send AT commands to configure the remote modem.  
CAUTION: Hanging up improperly while you are in remote configuration mode can  
lock up the remote modem.  
4. When you finish configuring the remote modem, save the new configuration by  
typing AT&W0, press the Enter key. Then type ATO, followed by pressing the Enter  
key to exit remote configuration.You can then break the connection in the normal  
Multi-Tech modems are shipped with a default setup password (MTSMODEM). For  
security measures, you should change the password. As an added security measure,  
also change the remote configuration escape character.  
Changing the Setup Password  
Caution: You can only change the setup password locally; you cannot do it remotely.  
1. Open a data communications program such as HyperTerminal.  
2. In the terminal window, type AT#SMTSMODEM (or AT#Syyyyyy if you have  
replaced the MTSMODEM password with yyyyyy) and press Enter. The modem  
responds with OK if the setup password is correct and ERROR if it is wrong.  
3. To change the password, type AT#S=yyyyyy, where yyyyyy is the password, and  
press Enter. The password can include any keyboard character and must be one to  
eight characters long. The modem responds with OK.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 4 - Using Your Modem  
4. The new password is saved automatically.You now can enter more AT commands or  
exit the data communications program.The next time you remotely configure the  
modem you must use the new setup password.  
Changing the Remote Escape Character  
To increase security, you can change a remote modem’s remote configuration escape  
character.The remote configuration escape character is stored in register S9.The factory  
default is 37, which is the ASCII code for the percent character (%). For more information  
on ASCII codes, refer to Appendix D.  
1. Establish a remote configuration link with the remote modem as described in Basic  
Procedure on the previous page.  
2. Type ATS9=n, where n is the ASCII code for the new remote configuration escape  
character.Then press ENTER.  
Caution: Setting S9 to 0 (zero) disables remote configuration entirely—if you disable  
remote configuration you will no longer be able to configure this device from a remote  
3. To save the new value, type AT&W and press Enter.  
4. Type ATO, then Enter to exit remote configuration.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 5 - AT Commands and Fax Commands  
Chapter 5 - AT Commands and Fax Commands  
AT Commands  
A complete AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes Reference Guide can be found  
on the MT5634ZPX CD and on the Multi-Tech Web site.  
Fax Commands  
Fax commands resemble AT commands, but are more complicated to use. Because of  
this, we recommend that you use a fax program to send and receive faxes rather than  
attempting to control the modem directly. Developers who need to know the fax  
commands for the MT5634ZPX can find Fax Class 1 and Fax Class Class 2 Reference  
Guides on the MT5634ZPX CD as well as the Multi-Tech Web site.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting  
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting  
Introduction to Troubleshooting  
This chapter describes common problems you may have with your modem and how to  
solve them. If you are unable to make a successful connection, or if you experience data  
loss or garbled characters during a connection, use the Initial Checklist below to begin  
the troubleshooting process. If the problem is not resolved after going through the Initial  
Checklist, review the Common Problems section for further troubleshooting  
recommendations. If you are still unable to make a successful connection, refer to  
Chapter 7 for information on how to reach a technical support technician via our toll-free  
telephone number or the Internet. Make certain you’ve completed the Recording Modem  
Information section in Chapter 7 before contacting a technician.  
Initial Checklist  
The following checklist will help to ensure the modem has been properly set up.  
Make sure the COM port you chose during setup matches the COM port set in your  
communications software. See Chapter 4 for more information.  
Check that the phone cord between the modem’s LINE jack and the wall jack is  
undamaged and firmly connected to both.  
If you have modem with voice capabilities and have connected a telephone to your  
modem, check that the phone cord between the modem’s PHONE jack and the  
telephone is undamaged and firmly connected to both.  
If you have a modem with voice capabilities and have connected a microphone to  
your modem, check the connection of the microphone plug to the modem’s MIC IN  
If you have a modem with voice capabilities and have connected speakers to your  
modem, check the connection of the speaker plug to the modem’s LINE OUT jack.  
Retry whatever action was not working.  
If it still does not work, check the following section for a description and possible  
solution to your problem.  
Common Problems  
The following is a list of common problems associated with using a modem:  
The modem does not respond to commands.  
The modem dials but cannot make a connection.  
The modem disconnects while online.  
The modem cannot connect when answering.  
File transfer appears slower than it should be.  
Data is being lost.  
Garbage characters display on the monitor.  
Fax and communications software won’t run at the same time.  
Use the following instructions to guide you through troubleshooting these problems  
before contacting Technical Support:  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting  
The modem does not respond to commands  
Make sure you are in terminal mode in your data communications program; then type  
AT and press Enter.You should get an OK response. If not, reset your modem by  
sending it an ATZ or AT&F command in terminal mode. If using legacy software  
(software designed for an older operating system), make sure the initialization string  
includes &F as the first command to cancel any leftover commands that could  
interfere with the modem’s operation. For more information on initialization strings,  
refer to Chapter 5.  
If you don’t get an OK, the problem may still be in the communications software.  
Make sure you have properly configured the port in your communications software.  
Most legacy (prior to Windows 95) communications programs connect to the COM  
port when the software loads and remain connected until the program terminates.  
Some programs can disconnect without exiting the program. If this is the case, try  
issuing the software’s connection command. If more than one communications  
program is open, they may conflict with each other. Make sure all other  
communications programs are closed and try to make the connection again.  
If using legacy software, the COM port setting may not match the COM port that  
Windows assigned. Compare the COM port setting in your software to the COM port  
reported in Windows. To view your modem COM port settings:  
In Windows 95/98, select Start | Settings | Control  
Panel |Modems, and then Diagnostics.  
In Windows NT, select Start | Settings | Control Panel |Modems. Click  
In Windows 2000, click Start | Settings | Control Panel |Modem and  
Phone Options | Properties.  
Another expansion card (such as a sound card) may be using the same COM port,  
memory address, or interrupt request (IRQ) as your modem. See Chapter 3 for  
information on verifying the configuration for your operating system. Look for  
conflicts with other devices installed on your computer. Resources are assigned at  
power up by thecomputer’s BIOS. If the resources assigned to the MultiModemZPX  
conflict with the resources of another device, the resources of the second device  
have to be changed. Select the port the conflicting device is on and change it to  
resolve the conflict. If you need to change switches or jumpers on the conflicting  
device, refer to the device’s documentation.  
If you have another MultiModemZPX, install it and try to make a connection.  
The modem dials but cannot make a connection  
Several reasons why the MultiModemZPX fails to make a connection include:  
Lack of a physical connection to the telephone line.  
A wrong dial tone.  
A busy signal.  
A wrong number.  
No modem at the other end.  
A faulty modem, computer, or software at the other end.  
Incompatibility between modems.  
Narrow the list of possibilities by using extended result codes. If you disabled the  
modem’s extended result codes, enable them by entering ATV1X4 in a terminal  
window and press Enter. When you dial again, the modem reports the call’s  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting  
If the modem reports NO DIALTONE, check that the modem’s telephone line cable is  
connected to both the modem’s LINE jack (not the PHONE jack) and the telephone  
wall jack. If the cable looks secure, try replacing it.  
If that doesn’t work, the problem may be in your building’s telephone installation. To  
test the building installation, plug a telephone into your modem’s telephone wall jack  
and listen for a dial tone. If you hear a dial tone, your modem may be installed behind  
a company phone system (PBX) with an internal dial tone that sounds different from  
the normal dial tone. In that case, the modem may not recognize the dial tone and  
may treat it as an error. Check with your in-house telephone switch (PBX) personnel  
or the PBX system manual to see if you can change the internal dial tone. If you  
can’t, change your modem’s initialization string to include X3, which makes the  
modem ignore dial tones.  
If the modem reports BUSY, the other number may be busy. Try again later. BUSY  
also may indicate that 9 was not added to the phone number (if required to dial 9 for  
an outside line).If you are required to dial 9 to get an outside line, the easiest way to  
dial it automatically using legacy software is to include it in the modem’s dial prefix,  
e.g., ATDT9, (the comma inserts a pause before the number is dialed). If you have  
set up your connection through Dial-Up Networking or another communications  
program, find the dialing configuration dialog box that allows you to add a dial prefix.  
Enter 9 as the prefix when dialing.  
For example, in Windows 95/98, select Start | Settings | Control Panel, and  
then Modems. In the Modems Properties sheet, select the appropriate modem  
model (e.g., Multi-Tech MT5634ZPX), click Dialing Properties and type 9 in the local  
and long distance boxes in the How I dial from this location box.  
If the modem reports NO ANSWER, the other system has failed to answer, or you  
may have dialed a wrong number. Check the number.  
If the modem reports NO CARRIER, the phone was answered at the other end, but  
no modem connection was made. You may have dialed an incorrect number and a  
person answered instead of a computer. A NO CARRIER message may also  
indicate the modem you are calling is turned off or the software on the receiving end  
is faulty or incorrectly configured. Check the number and try again or try calling  
another system to make sure your modem is working. You may also try calling the  
modem’s phone number from your telephone. If you hear harsh sounds, a modem is  
answering the call. If the modem is answering, the modems may be having problems  
negotiating due to modem incompatibilities or line noise. Try the call again connecting  
at a lower speed by setting register S37 to a lower rate (e.g., by typing ATS37=11 in  
the terminal window and pressing Enter).  
The modem disconnects while online  
If you have call waiting on the same phone line as your modem, it may interrupt your  
connection when someone tries to call you. If you have call waiting, disable it before  
each call. In most telephone areas in North America, you can disable call waiting by  
preceding the telephone number with *70 (check with your local telephone company).  
You can disable call waiting automatically by including the disabling code in the  
modem’s dial prefix (e.g., ATDT*70,—note the comma, which inserts a pause before  
the telephone number is dialed). For example, in Windows 95/98 software, select  
Start | Settings | Control Panel, and then Modems. In the Modems Properties  
sheet, select Multi-Tech MT5634ZPX, click Dialing Properties. Check This location  
has call waiting and select the correct code for your phone service.  
Note: *70 is used only in the United States.  
If you have extension phones on the same line as your modem, you or someone else  
can interrupt the connection by picking up another phone. If this is a frequent  
problem, disconnect the extension phones before using the modem or install another  
phone line for the modem only.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting  
Check for loose connections between the modem and the telephone jack.  
You may have a poor connection because of line conditions, or the problem may have  
originated on the other end of the line.Try again.  
If you were online with a commercial online service, it may have hung up because of  
lack of activity on your part or because you exceeded your time limit for the day. Try  
increasing the length of time in minutes the modem will wait before disconnecting  
when no data is sent or received. The Inactivity Timer can be changed using AT  
Command \Tn, or register S30.  
The modem cannot connect when answering  
Auto-answer may be disabled. Turn on auto-answer in your data communications  
program or send the command ATS0=1 to your modem in terminal mode.  
File transfer appears slower than it should  
If you are using a slow transfer protocol, such as Xmodem or Kermit, try Zmodem or  
Ymodem/G instead.  
Is your line noisy? If there is static on your line, the modem has to resend many  
blocks of data to ensure accuracy. You must have a clean line for maximum speed.  
If you are downloading a file compressed with MNP 5 hardware compression  
enabled, try disabling data compression. The transfer may be marginally slower with  
data compression enabled because hardware data compression cannot compress a  
file already compressed by an archiving program.  
Data is being lost  
If you are using data compression, be sure the serial port baud rate is set to a  
minimum of four times the data rate.  
Make sure the flow control method you selected in your software matches the method  
selected in the modem (see AT commands &Kn and \Qn.)  
Try entering the &V (View Parameters) command, making a screen print of the  
diagnostics listing, and checking for parameters that may be unacceptable.  
Garbage characters display on the monitor  
Your computer and the remote computer may be set to different word lengths, stop  
bits, or parities. If you are attempting to connect at 8-N-1, try changing to 7-E-1, or  
vice-versa, using your communications software.  
You may be experiencing line noise. Enable error correction if it is disabled. Or, hang  
up and call again; you may get a better connection.  
At speeds above 2400 bps, the remote modem may not use the same transmission  
or error correction standards as your modem. Try connecting at a slower speed or  
disabling error correction. (With no error correction, however, line noise can cause  
garbage characters.)  
Try entering the &V (View Parameters) command, making a screen print of the  
diagnostics listing, and checking for parameters that may be unacceptable.  
Fax and data software won’t run at the same time  
You can have Windows compliant data and fax communication applications open at  
the same time, but they cannot use the same modem at the same time. Make sure no  
other communications application is open when you try to dial out. If you are using  
legacy communications software with Windows, you may get a message that another  
application is occupying the device even when no call is in progress. Close any open  
legacy communications programs and try again.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Warranty & Repairs Policies  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., (hereafter “MTS”) warrants that its products will be free from defects in  
material or workmanship for a period of two, five, or ten years (depending on model) from date of  
purchase, or if proof of purchase is not provided, two, five, or ten years (depending on model) from  
date of shipment.  
This warranty does not apply to any products which have been damaged by lightning storms, water,  
or power surges or which have been neglected, altered, abused, used for a purpose other than the  
one for which they were manufactured, repaired by Customer or any party without MTS’s written  
authorization, or used in any manner inconsistent with MTS’s instructions.  
MTS’s entire obligation under this warranty shall be limited (at MTS’s option) to repair or replacement  
of any products which prove to be defective within the warranty period or, at MTS’s option, issuance  
of a refund of the purchase price. Defective products must be returned by Customer to MTS’s  
factory – transportation prepaid.  
Repair Procedures for U.S. and Canadian Customers  
In the event that service is required, products may be shipped, freight prepaid, to our Mounds View,  
Minnesota factory:  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
2205 Woodale Drive  
Mounds View, MN 55112  
Attn: Repairs, Serial # ____________  
A Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) is not required. Return shipping charges (surface) will be  
paid by MTS.  
Please include, inside the shipping box, a description of the problem, a return shipping address  
(must have street address, not P.O. Box), your telephone number, and if the product is out of war-  
ranty, a check or purchase order for repair charges.  
Extended two-year overnight replacement service agreements are available for selected products.  
Please call MTS at (888) 288-5470, extension 5308 or visit our web site at  
Please direct your questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the  
product is defective, etc., to our Technical Support department at (800) 972-2439 or email  
[email protected]. Please direct your questions regarding repair expediting, receiving,  
shipping, billing, etc., to our Repair Accounting department at (800) 328-9717 or (763) 717-5631, or  
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physical  
abuse, or user-caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
Repair Procedures for International Customers (Outside U.S.A. and Canada)  
Your original point of purchase Reseller may offer the quickest and most economical repair option  
for your Multi-Tech product. You may also contact any Multi-Tech sales office for information about  
the nearest distributor or other repair service for your Multi-Tech product.  
In the event that factory service is required, products may be shipped, freight prepaid to our Mounds  
View, Minnesota factory. Recommended international shipment methods are via Federal Express,  
UPS or DHL courier services, or by airmail parcel post; shipments made by any other method will be  
refused. A Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) is required for products shipped from outside  
the U.S.A. and Canada. Please contact us for return authorization and shipping instructions on any  
International shipments to the U.S.A. Please include, inside the shipping box, a description of the  
problem, a return shipping address (must have street address, not P.O. Box), your telephone  
number, and if the product is out of warranty, a check drawn on a U.S. bank or your company’s  
purchase order for repair charges. Repaired units shall be shipped freight collect, unless other  
arrangements are made in advance.  
Please direct your questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the  
product is defective, etc., to our Technical Support department nearest you or email  
[email protected]. When calling the U.S., please direct your questions regarding repair  
expediting, receiving, shipping, billing, etc., to our Repair Accounting department at  
+(763) 717-5631 in the U.S.A., or email [email protected].  
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physical  
abuse, or user-caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis.  
Repair Procedures for International Distributors  
Procedures for International Distributors of Multi-Tech products are on the distributor web site.  
Copyright ã Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 2001  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
Online Warranty Registration  
If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can register your Multi-Tech product  
U.S. and Canadian Customers  
In the event that service is required, products may be shipped, freight prepaid, to our Mounds View,  
Minnesota, factory:  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.  
2205 Woodale Drive  
Mounds View, MN 55112  
Attn: Repairs, Serial #______  
A Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) is not required. Return shipping charges (surface) will be  
paid by MTS. Please include inside the shipping box a description of the problem, a return shipping  
address (must have street address, not P.O. Box), a telephone number, and if the product is out of  
warranty, a check or purchase order for repair charges.  
For out of warranty repair charges, go to  
Extended two-year overnight replacement agreements are available for selected products. Please  
call MTS at 888 288-5470, extension 5308, or visit our web site at  
GRAMS/orc/ for details on rates and coverages.  
Please direct your questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the  
product is defective, etc., to our Technical Support department at 800 972-2439 or e-mail  
Please direct your questions regarding repair expediting, receiving, shipping, billing, etc., to our  
Repair Accounting department at 800 328-9717 or +763 785-3500, or e-mail  
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physi-  
cal abuse, or user-caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis.  
International Customers (outside U.S.A. and Canada)  
Your original point of purchase reseller may offer the quickest and most economical repair option for  
your Multi-Tech product.You may also contact any Multi-Tech sales office for information about the  
nearest distributor or other repair service for your Multi-Tech product:  
In the event that factory service is required, products may be shipped, freight prepaid, to our  
Mounds View, Minnesota, factory. Recommended international shipment methods are via Federal  
Express, UPS or DHL courier services, or by airmail parcel post; shipments made by any other  
method will be refused. A Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) is required for products shipped  
from outside the U.S.A. and Canada. Please contact us for return authorization and shipping  
instructions on any international shipments to the U.S.A. Please include, inside the shipping box, a  
description of the problem, a return shipping address (must have street address, not P.O. Box), your  
telephone number, and if the product is out of warranty, a check drawn on a U.S. bank or your  
company’s purchase order for repair charges. Repaired units will be shipped freight collect, unless  
other arrangements are made in advance.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support  
Please direct questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the  
product is defective, etc., to our Technical Support department nearest you, as listed at http://  
calling the U.S., please direct questions regarding repair expediting, receiving, shipping, billing, etc.,  
to our Repair Accounting department at +763 717-5631 in the U.S.A., or e-mail  
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physical  
abuse, or user-caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis.  
International Distributors  
Procedures for international distributors of Multi-Tech products are on the Distributor Web site at  
Replacement Parts  
SupplyNet, Inc., can supply you with replacement power supplies, cables and connectors for  
selected Multi-Tech products.You can place an order with SupplyNet via mail, phone, fax or the  
Internet at the following addresses:  
SupplyNet, Inc.  
614 Corporate Way  
Valley Cottage, NY 10989  
800 826-0279  
914 267-2420  
Technical Support  
Multi-Tech Systems has an excellent staff of technical support personnel available to help you get  
the most out of your Multi-Tech product. If you have any questions about the operation of this unit,  
please call 800 972-2439 (USA and Canada) or 763 785-3500 (international and local). Please have  
modem information available.You can also contact Technical Support by e-mail at the following  
U.S.A., Canada  
Rest of world:  
+(33) 1-64 61 09 81  
+91 (124) 6340778  
+(44) 118 959 7774  
800 972-2439  
+763 717-5863  
Please note the status of the modem before contacting Technical Support. Status information can  
include the state of the LED indicators, screen messages, diagnostic test results, problems with a  
specific application, etc.  
Internet Sites  
Multi-Tech is a commercial provider on the Internet. Multi-Tech has a Web site at  
and an ftp site at  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix A - Regulatory Compliance  
Appendix A - Regulatory Compliance  
FCC Part 68 Telecom Analog/Modem  
1. This equipment complies with part 68 of the Federal Communications Commission Rules. On the  
outside surface of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC  
registration number. This information must be provided to the telephone company.  
2. As indicated below, the suitable jack (Universal Service Order Code connecting arrangement) for  
this equipment is shown. If applicable, the facility interface codes (FIC) and service order codes  
(SOC) are shown.  
3. A FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment. This  
equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a  
compatible modular jack which is Part 68 compliant. See installation instructions for details.  
4. The ringer equivalence number (REN) is used to determine the quantity of devices which may be  
connected to the telephone line. Excessive REN’s on the telephone line may result in the device  
not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most , but not all areas, the sum of the REN’s  
should not exceed (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to the line,  
as determined by the total REN’s, contact the local telephone company.  
5. If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in  
advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice is not  
practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be  
advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.  
6. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures  
that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will  
provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications in order to maintain  
uninterrupted service.  
7. If trouble is experienced with this equipment (the model of which is indicated below) please  
contact MultiTech Systems, Inc. at the address shown below for details of how to have repairs  
made. If the equipment is causing harm to the network, the telephone company may request you  
to remove the equipment from the network until the problem is resolved.  
8. No repairs are to be made by you. Repairs are to be made only by MultiTech Systems or its  
licensees. Unauthorized repairs void registration and warranty.  
9. This equipment should not be used on party lines or coin lines.  
10. If so required, this equipment is hearing-aid compatible.  
MultiTech Systems Inc.  
Trade Name:  
Model Number  
FCC Registration Number:  
Ringer Equivalence:  
Modular Jack (USOC):  
Service Center in USA:  
Multi-Tech Systems Inc.  
2205 Woodale Drive  
Mounds View, MN 55112 (800) 328-9717  
(763) 785-3500 (763) 785-9874 FAX  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix A - Regulatory Compliance  
Fax Branding Statement  
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a  
computer or other electronic device, including fax machines, to send any message unless such  
message clearly contains the following information:  
• Date and time the message is sent  
• Identification of the business, or other entity, or other individual sending the message  
Telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual  
This information is to appear in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page on the first  
page of the transmission. (Adding this information in the margin is referred to as fax branding.)  
Since any number of fax software packages can be used with this product, the user must refer to  
the fax software manual for setup details. Typically, the fax branding information must be entered  
via the configuration menu of the software.  
Canadian Limitations Notice  
Notice: The ringer equivalence number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an  
indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface.  
The termination of an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the  
requirement that the sum of the ringer equivalence numbers of all the devices does not exceed  
Notice: The Industry Canada label identifies certificated equipment.This certification means that  
the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety  
requirements. The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s  
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the  
facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an  
acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above  
conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.  
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility  
designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or  
equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to  
disconnect the equipment.  
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power  
utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together.  
This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.  
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the  
appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.  
Class B Statement  
FCC Part 15  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can  
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,  
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that  
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful  
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off  
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix A - Regulatory Compliance  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.  
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.  
(2) This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.  
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible  
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
Industry Canada  
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing  
Equipment Regulations.  
Cet appareil numerique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement sur le materiel  
brouilleur du Canada.  
European Low Voltage Directive  
When correctly installed and maintained, the modem will present no hazard to the user. When  
correctly installed the modem will be connected to the PSTN or a PW and to a Data Terminal  
Equipment (DTE), whose modem connections comply with ITU-T recommendation V.28. The DTE  
connections are therefore taken to be safe voltages (less than 30 volts).  
Ports which are capable of connecting to other apparatus are defined as SELV. To ensure  
conformity with EN41003, ensure that these ports are only connected to ports of the same type on  
other apparatus.  
Protection Against Contact with TNV Circuit  
(Internal PC Cards)  
The protective cover is fastened to the modem card by means that will only allow a tool to remove  
the cover.  
Warning: Removal of the protective cover will affect product safety and user safety requirements.  
EMC, Safety and R&TTE Directive Compliance  
The CE mark is affixed to this product to confirm compliance with the following European  
Community Directives:  
Council Directive 89/336/EEC of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of the laws of Member States  
relating to electromagnetic compatibility.  
Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonization of the laws of Member  
States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits:  
Council Directive 1999/EC of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal  
equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix A - Regulatory Compliance  
International Modem Restrictions  
Some dialing and answering defaults and restrictions may vary for international modems. Changing  
settings may cause a modem to become non-compliant with the national telecom requirements in  
specific countries. Also note that some software packages may have features or lack restrictions  
that may cause the modem to become non-compliant.  
New Zealand Telecom Warning Notice  
(1) The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom has  
accepted that the item complies with minimum conditions for connection to its network. It  
indicates no endorsement of the product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty.  
Above all, it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all respects with another  
item of Telepermitted equipment of a different make or model, nor does it imply that any product is  
compatible with all of Telecom’s network services.  
This equipment is not capable under all operating conditions of correct operation at the higher  
speed which it is designated. 33.6 kbps and 56 kbps connections are likely to be restricted to  
lower bit rates when connected to some PSTN implementations. Telecom will accept no  
responsibility should difficulties arise in such circumstances.  
(2)Immediately disconnect this equipment should it become physically damaged, and arrange for its  
disposal or repair.  
(3)This modem shall not be used in any manner which could constitute a nuisance to other Telecom  
(4)This device is equipped with pulse dialing, while the Telecom standard is DTMF tone dialing.  
There is no guarantee that Telecom lines will always continue to support pulse dialing.  
Use of pulse dialing, when this equipment is connected to the same line as other equipment, may  
give rise to ‘bell tinkle’ or noise and may also cause a false answer condition. Should such  
problems occur, the user should NOT contact the Telecom Faults Service.  
The preferred method of dialing is to use DTMF tones, as this is faster than pulse (decadic) dialing  
and is readily available on almost all New Zealand telephone exchanges.  
(5)Warning Notice: No ‘111’ or other calls can be made from this device during a mains power failure.  
(6)This equipment may not provide for the effective hand-over of a call to another device connected  
to the same line.  
(7)Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom’s Telepermit requirements are dependent  
on the equipment (PC) associated with this device. The associated equipment shall be set to  
operate within the following limits for compliance with Telecom’s Specifications:  
For repeat calls to the same number:  
There shall be no more than 10 call attempts to the same number within any 30 minute period  
for any single manual call initiation, and  
The equipment shall go on-hook for a period of not less than 30 seconds between the  
end of one attempt and the beginning of the next attempt”  
For automatic calls to different numbers:  
The equipment shall be set to ensure that automatic calls to different numbers are spaced  
that there is no less than 5 seconds between the end of one call attempt and the beginning of  
For automatically answered incoming calls:  
The equipment shall be set to ensure that calls are answered between 3 and 30 seconds of  
receipt of ringing.  
(8)For correct operation, total of the RN’s of all devices connected to a single line at any time should  
not exceed 5.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix B - UpdatingYour Modem's Firmware  
Appendix B - Updating Your Modem’s Firmware  
Your modem is controlled by semi-permanent software, called firmware, which is stored in  
flash memory. Firmware is nonvolatile; that is, it remains stored in memory when the  
modem is turned off. However, either the manufacturer or the user can change the  
firmware as bugs are fixed or new features are added.  
Multi-Tech System’s Flash Wizard utility can be used in the Windows operating system to  
update (flash) your modem’s firmware.  
The Flash Wizard utility is available on the MT5634ZPX System CD or can be  
Upgrade Overview  
The upgrade (flash) procedure for the Windows operating system consists of the  
following steps:  
1. Identify the modem’s model number and firmware version.  
2. Identify the current version of the firmware.  
3. Download the upgrade (.HEX) file for your modem.  
4. Extract the firmware upgrade (.HEX) file.  
5. Install The Flash Wizard .  
6. Document your stored parameters.  
7. Upgrade the modem’s firmware using the .HEX file and the Flash Wizard.  
8. Restore your parameters.  
Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware  
You must know the model number and firmware version of your Multi-Tech modem to  
know whether you should update it.  
1. Run your favorite terminal program. If you are using Windows 95, Windows 98,  
Windows NT, or Windows 2000, you can use HyperTerminal.  
2. In the program’s terminal window, type AT&F. Even if you cannot see the AT&F  
command on your screen, be sure to type it completely, and then press Enter. The  
modem should respond OK.  
3. After the modem responds OK, type ATI and press Enter. Record your results. The  
model number and firmware version should appear.  
Step 2: Identify the Current Firmware Version  
Identify the current version of the firmware available for your modem on the Multi-Tech  
web site. If your modem already has the current firmware, there is no need to update it.  
1. Using your favorite Web browser, go to Multi-Tech System’s support web page.  
Follow the links to the modem firmware page.  
2. Locate your modem model number.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix B - UpdatingYour Modem's Firmware  
3. Compare the firmware version number for your modem as found in Step 1: Identify the  
Modem Firmware, to the latest firmware version as listed on the web site. If your  
modem is at the current version, it does not need to be updated.  
4. If the current firmware version is greater than the firmware version number found in  
Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware, your modem has an older firmware version.  
Continue with Step 3: Download the Upgrade File.  
Step 3: Download the Upgrade File  
At Multi-Tech’s Support web page, follow the links to the modem firmware page. Locate  
the entry for your modem model and click on the upgrade file name to begin downloading  
the file to a temporary directory on your hard disk.  
Step 4: Install the Flash Wizard  
Install the Flash Wizard upgrade utility from the MT5634ZPX System CD.  
1. Insert the MT5634ZPX System CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.  
2. When the Autorun menu appears, click Utilities.  
3. From the Select Utility Program dialog box, select Flash Wizard. Click OK.  
4. The Welcome dialog box displays.  
5. Before continuing with the firmware update, exit all Windows programs. Click Cancel  
to quit Setup if you need to close other Windows programs. Close any programs that  
are running and restart the update Wizard. When you are ready to proceed, click  
Next> to continue.  
6. The Choose Destination Location dialog box displays. You may click Browse and  
select another folder if you do not want to use the default installation path.  
Remember the location of the destination folder; you’ll need to copy the firmware  
.Hex file to the same location before using the Flash Wizard to update your modem.  
Destination Folder ________________________  
Click Next>.  
7. When the program finishes copying files to your computer, the Setup Complete  
dialog box displays indicating that you must restart your computer before using the  
8. Select Yes, then Finish to restart your system.  
Note: You must restart your computer to finish the Flash Wizard installation  
Step 5: Extract the Upgrade Files  
1. When the system restarts, move the upgrade file (downloaded from the web site) to  
the Flash Wizard utility directory on your computer’s hard drive.  
2. In Windows, double-click the self-extracting update file. The extracted files include  
the .HEX file used to update your modem.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix B - UpdatingYour Modem's Firmware  
Step 6: Document Your Stored Parameters  
Before you flash your modem it is important that you record the parameters that are  
currently stored in your modem so you can reprogram it after flashing.  
1. Run your favorite terminal program.  
2. In the program’s terminal window, type AT&V and press Enter to list your modem’s  
current parameters.  
3. Record your parameters by saving the screens and sending them to your printer.  
4. Close the terminal program.  
Step 7: Upgrade the Modem’s Firmware  
CAUTION: If you are using Windows NT, you must disable Windows RAS and Microsoft  
Fax Service before upgrading the modem’s firmware.  
To disable RAS and your Fax service (Windows NT Only):  
Click Start | Settings | Control Panel, then double-click Services. Select Remote  
Access Server and click Startup.... Select Manual as the Start Up Type and click OK.  
If you are using a Fax service in NT, change its Start Up Type to Manual.  
Using the Flash Wizard  
1. Use Windows Explorer to copy the new .Hex file (which you downloaded from the  
Multi-Tech web site) to the folder in which the Flash Wizard program was installed.  
2. Click Start | Programs | Flash Wizard to start the firmware update process. The  
program begins by identifying devices attached to your computer.  
3. The Wizard displays a list of installed devices able to be flashed with the update.  
You may update more than one device in a single procedure. Select the device(s)  
you’d like to update and click Next> to continue.  
4. Next, the Firmware Update Wizard displays current firmware version information.  
The top portion of the window provides port, version and country identification for  
the firmware currently installed on your device(s). The Hex File list box displays the  
firmware versions available for updating your modem.  
a. If your modem’s firmware version number matches or is higher than the version  
number listed in the Hex File list, click Cancel to end the update process.  
b. If your modem’s firmware version number is lower than the firmware version shown  
in the Hex File list, continue with the update process. Select the port for the device  
you are updating. Use the list box to select the latest .Hex file version number for  
your country and click Next>.  
5. The Firmware Update Wizard displays a progress indicator and begins updating  
your devices with the new firmware version. When the Wizard finishes the update,  
the progress indicator status changes to Programming Complete, and the Finish>  
button becomes active. Click Finish> to complete the update.  
6. When the update completes, the Firmware Update Wizard displays indicating the  
device has been successfully updated. Click Next> to close the Wizard.  
7. You must restart your computer to make the firmware changes effective for your  
Note: If you are using Windows NT, be certain to enable RAS and your fax program  
when the operating system restarts.  
Step 8: Restore Your Parameters  
Your modem has been updated.You can now open your terminal program to reprogram  
your modem parameters or to confirm the update by typing ATI in the terminal window.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix C - Global Wizard Configuration Utility  
Appendix C - Global Wizard Configuration Utility  
If you are using the Global build of the MT5634ZPX modem, before using the device, or if  
you operate your modem from a different country than it was originally set up in, you  
must configure it for country-specific operation. If you are using Windows 95, 98, or  
2000, you may quickly and easily configure your modem for country-specific operation  
using Multi-Tech Systems Global Wizard configuration utility.  
If you are using a non-Windows operating system, or if you prefer to configure your  
Windows based modem for country-specific operation using AT commands, follow the  
configuration procedures in the AT Command Reference Guide.  
Global Wizard  
1. Insert the MT5634ZPX System CD into your CD-ROM drive. The MT5634ZPX  
AutoRun dialog box displays:  
2. Click the “Initial Setup & Country Selection” icon.  
3. Select either Run GlobalWizrd or Install GlobalWizard.  
Run GlobalWizard allows you to configure your modem by running Multi-Tech’s  
Global Wizard configuration utility from the CD. If you select this option, continue  
with Step 4.  
If you plan to use your computer from different countries, you may want to select  
Install GlobalWizard to install the configuration utility to your hard drive and add the  
Global Wizard to your Start Menu.  
Once you’ve installed Global Wizard to your hard drive, you may use the Global  
Wizard by selecting Start | Programs | Global Wizard.  
4. The Global Wizard dialog box displays, prompting you to begin the configuration  
Click Next>.  
5. Wait while the wizard searches for your modem (this process may take a couple of  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix C - Global Wizard Configuration Utility  
6. The Global Wizard dialog box indicates the modem has been identified.  
click Next>.  
7. An informational message appears indicating that the country list provided within  
the Global Wizard application does not indicate that the modem you are using is  
approved for use in that country*. Refer to Multi-Tech System’s web site at for the most up-to-date country approval information.  
Click OK to continue.  
8. The Global Wizard prompts you to select the country to configure the modem for.  
9. Scroll through the country list and highlight the country from which you’ll operate  
the modem.  
10. The Global Wizard dialog box displays the country which you have selected.  
Click Next>.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix C - Global Wizard Configuration Utility  
11. The GlobalWizard dialog box indicates it will set the homologation parameters for  
the country you have selected.  
If the correct country is displayed, click Next> to continue; otherwise, click the  
<Back button and make the appropriate country selection.  
12. The Global Wizard dialog box displays asking you to wait while it sets the  
homologation parameters for the selected country.  
13. The Global Wizard indicates the homologation parameters have been successfully  
set for the country you selected.  
Click Finish to exit the Global Wizard.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Appendix D - ASCII Conversion Chart  
Appendix D - ASCII Conversion Chart  
0A 10  
0B 11  
0C 12  
0D 13  
0E 14  
0F 15  
10 16  
11 17  
12 18  
13 19  
14 20  
15 21  
16 22  
17 23  
18 24  
19 25  
1A 26  
1B 27  
1C 28  
1D 29  
1E 30  
1F 31  
SP 20  
40 64  
41 65  
42 66  
43 67  
44 68  
45 69  
46 70  
47 71  
48 72  
49 73  
4A 74  
4B 75  
4C 76  
4D 77  
4E 78  
4F 79  
50 80  
51 81  
52 82  
53 83  
54 84  
55 85  
56 86  
57 87  
58 88  
59 89  
5A 90  
5B 91  
5C 92  
5D 93  
5E 94  
5F 95  
60 96  
61 97  
62 98  
63 99  
64 100  
65 101  
66 102  
67 103  
68 104  
69 105  
6A 106  
6B 107  
6C 108  
6D 109  
6E 110  
6F 111  
70 112  
71 113  
72 114  
73 115  
74 116  
75 117  
76 118  
77 119  
78 120  
79 121  
7A 122  
7B 123  
7C 124  
7D 125  
7E 126  
DEL 7F 127  
Null, or all zeros  
Start of Header  
Start of Text  
End of Text  
End of Transmission  
Bell or Alarm  
Horizontal Tab  
Line Feed  
Vertical Tab  
Form Feed  
Carriage Return  
Shift Out  
Shift In  
Data Link Escape  
Device Control 1  
Device Control 2  
Device Control 3  
Device Control 4  
Negative Acknowledge  
End Transmission Block  
End of Medium  
File Separator  
Group Separator  
Record Separator  
Unit Separator  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Bit (Binary digit): A bit is the basis of the binary number system.  
It can take the value of 1 or 0. Bits are generally recognized as the  
electrical charge generated or stored by a computer that represent  
some portion of usable information.  
Analog signal: A waveform which has amplitude, frequency and  
phase, and which takes on a range of values between its  
maximum and minimum points.  
Bps (bits per second): A unit to measure the speed at which data  
bits can be transmitted or received. Bps differs from baud when  
more than one bit is represented by a single cycle of the carrier.  
Analog Transmission: One of two types of telecommunications  
which uses an analog signal as a carrier of voice, data, video, etc.  
An analog signal becomes a carrier when it is modulated by  
altering its phase, amplitude and frequency to correspond with the  
source signal. Compare with digital transmission.  
Bridges: 1. A functional unit that interconnects two local area  
networks that use the same logical link protocol but may use  
different medium access control protocols. 2. A functional unit that  
interconnects multiple LANs (locally or remotely) that use the  
same logical link control protocol but that can use different  
medium access control protocols. A bridge forwards a frame to  
another bridge based on the medium access control (MAC)  
address. 3. In the connection of local loops, channels, or rings, the  
equipment and techniques used to match circuits and to facilitate  
accurate data transmission.  
Application Program Interface (API): A software module created  
to allow dissimilar, or incompatible applications programs to  
transfer information over a communications link. APIs may be  
simple or complex; they are commonly required to link PC  
applications with mainframe programs.  
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)  
(pronounced “askey”): A binary code for data that is used in  
communications and in many computers and terminals. The code  
is used to represent numbers, letters, punctuation and control  
characters. The basic ASCII code is a 7-bit character set which  
defines 128 possible characters. The extended ASCII file provides  
255 characters.  
Buffer: A temporary storage register or Random Access Memory  
(RAM) used in all aspects of data communications which prevents  
data from being lost due to differences in transmission speed.  
Keyboards, serial ports, muxes and printers are a few examples of  
the devices that contain buffers.  
Bus: A common channel between hardware devices either  
internally between components in a computer, or externally  
between stations in a communications network.  
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM): A very high-speed method  
of transmission that uses fixed-size cells of 53 bytes to transfer  
information over fiber; also known as cell relay.  
Bus Enumeration: Detecting and identifying Universal Serial Bus  
AT Commands: A standard set of commands used to configure  
various modem parameters, establish connections and  
disconnect. The “AT” is used to get the “attention” of the modem  
before the actual command is issued.  
Byte: The unit of information a computer can handle at one time.  
The most common understanding is that a byte consists of 8  
binary digits (bits), because that’s what computers can handle. A  
byte holds the equivalent of a single character (such as the letter  
Availability: The measure of the time during which a circuit is  
ready for use; the complement of circuit “outage” (100% minus %  
outage = % available).  
Babble: unexpected bus activity that persists beyond a specified  
point in a frame.  
Call Setup Time: The time to establish a circuit-switched call  
between two points. Includes dialing, wait time, and CO/long  
distance service movement time.  
Backbone: 1. A set of nodes and their interconnecting links  
providing the primary data path across a network. 2. In a local  
area network multiple-bridge ring configuration, a high-speed link  
to which the rings are connected by means of bridges. A backbone  
may be configured as a bus or as a ring. 3. In a wide area  
network, a high-speed link to which nodes or data switching  
exchanges (DSEs) are connected. 4. A common distribution core  
that provides all electrical power, gases, chemicals, and other  
services to the sectors of an automated wafer processing system.  
Capabilities: Those attributes of a Universal Serial Bus device  
that are administerable by the host.  
Carrier Group Alarm (CGA): A T1 service alarm generated by a  
channel bank when an OOF condition occurs for a predefined  
length of time (usually 300mS to 2.5 seconds). The CGA causes  
the calls using a trunk to be dropped and for trunk conditioning to  
be applied.  
Carrier signal: An analog signal with known frequency, amplitude  
and phase characteristics used as a transport facility for useful  
information. By knowing the original characteristics, a receiver can  
interpret any changes as modulations, and thereby recover the  
Background: An activity that takes place in the PC while you are  
running another application. In other words, the active user  
interface does not correspond to the ‘background’ task.  
Bandwidth: the amount of data transmitted per unit of time,  
typically bits per second (bps) or bytes per second (Bps).  
CCITT (Consultative Committee for International Telephone  
and Telegraph): An advisory committee created and controlled by  
the United Nations and headquartered in Geneva whose purpose  
is to develop and to publish recommendations for worldwide  
standardization of telecommunications devices. CCITT has  
developed modem standards that are adapted primarily by PTT  
(post, telephone and telegraph) organizations that operate phone  
networks of countries outside of the U.S. See also ITU.  
Bell Operating Companies (BOC): The family of corporations  
created during the divestiture of AT&T. BOCs are independent  
companies which service a specific region of the US. Also called  
Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs).  
Bell Pub 41450: The Bell publication defining requirements for  
data format conversion, line conditioning, and termination for  
direct DDS connection.  
Bell Pub 62310: The Bell publication defining requirements for  
data format conversion, line conditioning, and termination for  
direct DDS connection.  
Central Office (CO): The lowest, or most basic level of switching  
in the PSTN (public switched telephone network). A business  
PABX or any residential phone connects to the PSTN at a central  
Binary Synchronous Communication (BSC): A form of  
telecommunication line control that uses a standard set of  
transmission control characters and control character sequences,  
for binary synchronous transmission of binary-coded data between  
Centrex: A multi-line service offered by operating telcos which  
provides, from the telco CO, functions and features comparable to  
those of a PBX for large business users. See also “Private Branch  
Exchange”, “Exchange”.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Customer Premise Equipment (CPE): The generic term for data  
comm and/or terminal equipment that resides at the user site and  
is owned by the user with the following exclusions: Over voltage  
protection equipment, inside wiring, coin operated or pay  
telephones, “company-official” equipment, mobile telephone  
equipment, “911” equipment, equipment necessary for the  
provision of communications for national defense, or multiplexing  
equipment used to deliver multiple channels to the customer.  
Channel: A data communications path between two computer  
devices. Can refer to a physical medium (e.g., UTP or coax), or to  
a specific carrier frequency.  
Channel Bank: A device that acts as a converter, taking the digital  
signal from the T1 line into a phone system and converting it to  
the analog signals used by the phone system. A channel bank acts  
as a multiplexer, placing many slow-speed voice or data  
transactions on a single high-speed link.  
Characteristics: Those qualities of a Universal Serial Bus device  
that are unchangeable; for example, the device class is a device  
Data Communications Equipment (DCE): Any device which  
serves as the portal of entry from the user equipment to a  
telecommunications facility. A modem is a DCE for the telephone  
network (PSTN) that is commonly on site at the user’s premises.  
Packet Switched Networks have another level of DCE which is  
most often located at a central office.  
Circuit-switched Network: A technology used by the PSTN that  
allocates a pair of conductors for the exclusive use of one  
communication path. Circuit switching allows multiple  
conversations on one talk path only if the end-users multiplex the  
signals prior to transmission.  
Circuit Switching: The temporary connection of two or more  
communications channels using a fixed, non-shareable path  
through the network. Users have full use of the circuit until the  
connection is terminated.  
Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI): One of the six  
components of a frame relay frame. Its purpose is to distinguish  
separate virtual circuits across each access connection. Data  
coming into a frame relay node is thus allowed to be sent across  
the interface to the specified “address”. The DLCI is confirmed and  
relayed to its destination, or if the specification is in error, the  
frame is discarded.  
Clear Channel: A transmission path where the full bandwidth is  
used (i.e., no bandwidth needed for signaling, carrier framing or  
control bits). A 64 Kbps digital circuit usually has 8 Kbps used for  
signaling. ISDN has two 64 Kbps circuits, and a 16 Kbps packet  
service of which part is used for signaling on the 64K channels.  
Dataphone Digital Service (DDS): A private line digital service  
that offers 2400, 4800, 9600 and 56 Kbps data rates on an inter-  
LATA basis by AT&T and on an intra-LATA basis by the BOCs.  
Client-Server: In TCP/IP, the model of interaction in distributed  
data processing in which a program at one site sends a request to  
a program at another site and awaits a response. The requesting  
program is called a client; the answering program is called a  
Data Service Unit (DSU): A device that provides a digital data  
service interface directly to the data terminal equipment. The DSU  
provides loop equalization, remote and local testing capabilities,  
and a standard EIA/CCITT interface.  
Cluster Controller: A device that can control the input/output  
operations of more than one device connected to it. A cluster  
controller may be controlled by a program stored and executed in  
the unit, or it may be entirely controlled by hardware.  
Dedicated Line: A communication line that is not switched. The  
term leased line is more common.  
Default: This is a preset value or option in software packages, or  
in hardware configuration, that is used unless you specify  
Committed Burst Size: The maximum number of bits that the  
frame relay network agrees to transfer during any measurement  
Default Address: an address defined by the Universal Serial Bus  
Specification and used by a Universal Serial Bus device when it is  
first powered or reset. The default address is 00h.  
Committed Information Rate (CIR): An agreement a customer  
makes to use a certain minimum data transmission rate (in bps).  
The CIR is part of the frame relay service monthly billing, along  
with actual usage, that users pay to their frame relay service  
Default Pipe: the message pipe created by Universal Serial Bus  
system software to pass control and status information between  
the host and a Universal Serial Bus device’s Endpoint 0.  
Device: a logical or physical entity that performs a function. The  
actual entity described depends on the context of the reference. At  
the lowest level, device may refer to a single hardware  
component, as in a memory device. At a higher level, it may refer  
to a collection of hardware components that perform a particular  
function, such as a Universal Serial Bus interface device. At an  
even higher level, device may refer to the function performed by  
an entity attached to the Universal Serial Bus; for example, a data/  
FAX modem device. Devices may be physical, electrical,  
Compression: 1. The process of eliminating gaps, empty fields,  
redundancies, and unnecessary data to shorten the length of  
records or blocks. 2. In SNA, the replacement of a string of up to  
64-repeated characters by an encoded control byte to reduce the  
length of the data stream to the LU-LU session partner. The  
encoded control byte is followed by the character that was  
repeated (unless that character is the prime compression  
character). 3. In Data Facility Hierarchical Storage Manager, the  
process of moving data instead of allocated space during  
migration and recall in order to release unused space. 4. Contrast  
with decompression.  
addressable, and logical. When used as a non-specific reference,  
a Universal Serial Bus device is either a hub or a function.  
Device Address: the address of a device on the Universal Serial  
Bus. The Device Address is the Default Address when the  
Universal Serial Bus device is first powered or reset. Hubs and  
functions are assigned a unique Device Address by Universal  
Serial Bus software.  
COMx Port: A serial communications port on a PC.  
Congestion: A network condition where there is too much data  
traffic. The ITU I.233 standard defines congestion managemennt  
in terms of speed and burstiness.  
Congestion notification: The function in frame relay that ensures  
that user data transmitted at a rate higher than the CIR are  
allowed to slow down to the rate of the available network  
Device driver: Software that controls how a computer  
communicates with a device, such as a printer or mouse.  
Digital Cross-connect System (DCS): The CO device which  
splits and redistributes the T1 bandwidth. the DCS takes time slots  
from various T1 lines and alters them to provide the needed  
connectivity. DCS connections are made with software at an  
administrator’s workstation.  
Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds (CSES): An error  
condition that occurs when from 3 to 9 SES (Severely Errored  
Seconds) are logged consecutively.  
Digital Data: Information represented by discrete values or  
conditions (contrast “Analog Data”).  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Digital Loopback: A technique used for testing the circuitry of a  
communications device. Can be initiated locally, or remotely (via a  
telecommunications device). The tested device decodes and  
encodes a received test message, then echoes the message  
back. The results are compared with the original message to  
determine if corruption occurred en route.  
Encapsulation: A technique used by network-layer protocols in  
which a layer adds header information to the protocol data unit  
from the preceding layer. Also used in “enveloping” one protocol  
inside another for transmission. For example, IP inside IPX.  
End User: The user of a host.  
Endpoint: See Device Endpoint.  
Endpoint Address: The combination of a Device Address and an  
Endpoint Number on a Universal Serial Bus device.  
Digital PBX: A Private Branch Exchange that operates internally  
on digital signals. See also “Exchange”.  
Digital Service, level 0 (DS0): The world-wide standard speed  
(64 Kbps) for digital voice conversation using PCM (pulse coded  
Endpoint Number: A unique pipe endpoint on a Universal Serial  
Bus device.  
Ethernet: A 10-megabit baseband local area network that allows  
multiple stations to access the transmission medium at will without  
prior coordination, avoids contention by using carrier sense and  
deference, and resolves contention by using collision detection  
and transmission. Ethernet uses carrier sense multiple access with  
collision detection (CSMA/CD).  
Digital Service, level 1 (DS1): The 1.544M bps voice standard  
(derived from an older Bell System standard) for digitized voice  
transmission in North America. The 1.544M bps consists of 24  
digitally-encoded 64 Kbps voice channels (north America) and  
2.048M bps (30 channels) elsewhere.  
Digital Signal: A discrete or discontinuous signal (e.g., a  
sequence of voltage pulses). Digital devices, such as terminals  
and computers, transmit data as a series of electrical pulses which  
have discrete jumps rather than gradual changes.  
Excess Zeros: A T1 error condition that is logged when more than  
15 consecutive 0s or fewer than one 1 bit in 16 bits occurs.  
Exchange: A unit (public or private) that can consist of one or  
more central offices established to serve a specified area. An  
exchange typically has a single rate of charges (tariffs) that has  
previously been approved by a regulatory group.  
Digital Signaling Rates (DSn): A hierarchical system for  
transmission rates, where “DS0” is 64 Kbps (equivalent to ISDN B  
channel), and DS1 is 1.5 Mbps (equivalent to ISDN PRI).  
Exchange Area: A geographical area with a single uniform set of  
charges (tariffs), approved by a regulatory group, for telephone  
services. Calls between any two points within an exchange area  
are local calls. See also “Digital PBX”, “PBX”.  
Digital Transmission: A method of electronic information  
transmission common between computers and other digital  
devices. Analog signals are waveforms: a combination of many  
possible voltages. A computer’s digital signal may be only “high” or  
“low” at any given time. Therefore, digital signals may be “cleaned  
up” (noise and distortion removed) and amplified during  
Exchange Termination (ET): The carrier’s local exchange switch.  
Contrast with “Loop Termination - LT”.  
Explicit Congestion Management: The method used in frame  
relay to notify the terminal equipment that the network is overly  
busy. The use of FECN and BECN is called explicit congestion  
management. Some end-to-end protocols use FECN or BECN, but  
usually not both options together. With this method, a congestion  
condition is identified and fixed before it becomes critical. Contrast  
with “implicit congesion”.  
Digitize: To convert an analog signal to a digital signal.  
DIP switch (pronounced “dip switch”): A set of tiny toggle  
switches, built into a DIP (dual in-line package), used for setting  
configurable parameters on a PCB (printed circuit board).  
Downstream: The direction of data flow from the host or away  
from the host. A downstream port is the port on a hub electrically  
farthest from the host that generates downstream data traffic from  
the hub. Downstream ports receive upstream data traffic.  
Extended Super Frame (ESF): One of two popular formats for  
framing bits on a T1 line. ESF framing has a 24-frame super-  
frame, where robbed bit signaling is inserted in the LSB (bit 8 of  
the DS-0 byte) of frames 6, 12, 18 and 24. ESF has more T1 error  
measurement capabilities than D4 framing. Both ESF and B8ZS  
are typically offered to provide clear channel service.  
Driver: When referring to hardware, an I/O pad that drives an  
external load. When referring to software, a program responsible  
for interfacing to a hardware device; that is, a device driver.  
Drop and Insert: The process where a portion of information  
carried in a transmission system is demodulated (“Dropped”) at an  
intermediate point and different information is included (“Inserted”)  
for subsequent transmission.  
Failed Seconds: A test parameter where the circuit is unavailable  
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment): A term used to include any  
device in a network which generates, stores or displays user  
information. DTE is a telecommunications term which usually  
refers to PCs, terminals, printers, etc.  
for one full second.  
Failed Signal: A T1 test parameter logged when there are more  
than 9 SES (Severely Errored Seconds).  
Fax (facsimile): Refers to the bit-mapped rendition of a graphics-  
oriented document (fax) or to the electronic transmission of the  
image over telephone lines (faxing). Fax transmission differs from  
data transmission in that the former is a bit-mapped approximation  
of a graphical document and, therefore, cannot be accurately  
interpreted according to any character code.  
DTMF (Dual-Tone MultiFrequency): A generic push-button  
concept made popular by AT&T TouchTone.  
DWORD: Double word. A data element that is 2 words, 4 bytes, or  
32 bits in size.  
Dynamic Insertion and Removal: the ability to attach and  
remove devices while the host is in operation.  
Firmware: A category of memory chips that hold their content  
without electrical power, they include ROM, PROM, EPROM and  
EEPROM technologies. Firmware becomes “hard software” when  
holding program code.  
E&M: A telephony trunking system used for either switch-to-  
switch, or switch-to-network, or computer/telephone system-to-  
switch connection.  
Foreground: The application program currently running on and in  
control of the PC screen and keyboard. The area of the screen  
that occupies the active window. Compare with “background”.  
EIA: The Electronics Industries Association is a trade organization  
in Washington, DC that sets standards for use of its member  
companies. (See RS-232, RS-422, RS530.)  
Fractional T1 (FT1): A digital data transmission rate between 56  
Kbps (DS0 rate) and 1.544M bps (the full T1 rate - in North  
America). FT1 is typically provided on 4-wire (two copper pairs)  
UTP. Often used for video conferencing, imaging and LAN  
interconnection due to its low cost and relatively high speed. FT1  
rates are offered in 64 Kbps multiples, usually up to 768 Kbps.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Frequency: A characteristic of an electrical or electronic signal  
which describes the periodic recurrence of cycles. Frequency is  
inversely proportional to the wavelength or pulse width of the  
signal (i.e., long wavelength signals have low frequencies and  
short wavelength signals yield high frequencies).  
Implicit congestion management: A method of informing the  
terminal that the network is busy. This method relies on the end-  
system protocol to detect and fix the congestion problem. (TCP/IP  
is an example of a protocol using only implicit congestion  
management.) See also “explicit congestion management”.  
Foreign Exchange (FX): A CO trunk with access to a distant CO,  
allowing ease of access and flat-rate calls anywhere in the foreign  
exchange area.  
In-band: Refers to the type of signalling over the conversion path  
Foreign Exchange Office (FXO): Provides local telephone  
service from a CO outside of (“foreign” to) the subscriber’s  
exchange area. In simple form, a user can pick up the phone in  
one city and receive a tone in the foreign city. Connecting a POTS  
telephone to a computer telephony system via a T1 link requires a  
channel bank configured for the FX connection. To generate a call  
from the POTS set to the computer telephony system, a FXO  
connection must be configured.  
on an ISDN call. Contrast “out-of-band”.  
Insufficient Ones: A T1 error condition that is logged when fewer  
than one 1 in 16 0s or less than 12.5 % average 1s density is  
Inter Exchange Carrier (IEC): The long distance company (LE)  
who’s central office provides the point of reference for T1 access.  
Any common carrier authorized by the FCC to carry customer  
transmissions between LATAs.  
Foreign Exchange Station (FXS): See FX, FXO. To generate a  
call from the computer telephony system to the POTS set, an FXS  
connection must be configured.  
Internet: Refers to the computer network of many millions of  
university, government and private users around the world. Each  
user has a unique Internet Address.  
Forward Explicit Congestion Notification (FECN): A bit that  
tells you that a certain frame on a particular logical connection has  
encountered heavy traffic. The bit provides notification that  
congestion-avoidance procedures should be initiatedin the same  
direction of the received frame. See also BECN (Backward Explicit  
Congestion Notification).  
Internet Address (IP Address): A unique 32-bit address for a  
specific TCP/IP host on a network. Normally printed in dotted  
decimal format (e.g.,  
Internet Protocol (IP): A protocol used to route data from its  
source to its destination in an Internet enviroment. The Internet  
Protocol was designed to connect local area networks. Although  
there are many protocols that do this, IP refers to the global  
system of interconnecting computers. It is a highly distributed  
protocol (each machine only worries about sending data to the  
next step in the route).  
Function: A Universal Serial Bus device that provides a capability  
to the host. For example, an ISDN connection, a digital  
microphone, or speakers.  
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX): A NetWare  
communications protocol used to route messages from one node  
to another. IPX packets include network addresses and can be  
routed from one network to another. An IPX packet can  
occasionally get lost when crossing networks, thus IPX does not  
guarantee delivery of a complete message. Either the application  
has to provide that control, or NetWare’s SPX protocol must be  
Gateway: 1. A functional unit that interconnects two computer  
networks with different network architectures. A gateway connects  
networks or systems of different architectures. A bridge  
interconnects networks or systems with the same or similar  
architectures. 2. A network that connects hosts.  
Graphical User Interface (GUI): A type of computer interface  
consisting of a visual metaphor of a real-world scene, often of a  
desktop. Within that scene are icons, representing actual objects,  
that the user can access and manipulate with a pointing device.  
Interoperable: Devices from different vendors that can exchange  
information using a standard’s base protocol.  
Interrupt Request: A hardware signal that allows a device to  
request attention from a host. The host typically invokes an  
interrupt service routine to handle the condition which caused the  
Handshaking: A process that two modems go through at the time  
of call setup to establish synchronization over the data  
communications link. It is a synchronization and negotiation  
process accomplished by the exchange of predefined, mutually  
recognized control codes.  
I/O Addresses: Locations within the I/O address space of your  
computer used by a device, such as an expansion card, a serial  
port, or an internal modem. The address is used for  
communication between software and a device.  
IRQ Level (Interrupt Request Level): The notification a  
processor receives when another portion of the computer’s  
hardware requires its attention. IRQs are numbered so that the  
device issuing the IRQ can be identified, and so IRQs can be  
Hexadecimal: A base 16 numbering system used to represent  
binary values. Hex uses the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F:  
usually notated by an “h” (e.g., “4CF h”, read “four charley fox,  
hex”). The result is that one hex digit represents a 4-bit value.  
High-level Data Link Control (HDLC): An ISO standard, bit-  
oriented data communications protocol that provides nearly error-  
free data transfers.  
Isochronous data: Information delivered in a continuous stream  
at a steady rate.  
ISA (Industry Standards Architecture) (pronounced “ice a”):  
The classic 8 or 16-bit architecture introduced with IBM’s PC-AT  
Host: The host computer system where the Universal Serial Bus  
host controller is installed. This includes the host hardware  
platform (CPU, bus, etc.) and the operating system in use.  
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network): An International  
telecommunications standard for transmitting voice, video and  
data over a digital communications line. ISDN is a world-wide  
telecommunications service that uses digital transmission and  
switching technology to support voice and digital data  
communications. Frame relay was partially based on ISDN’s data  
link layer protocol (LAPD). Frame relay can be used to transmit  
across ISDN services offering circuit-switched connection at 64  
Kbps and higher speeds. Contrast Public Switched Telephone  
Network (PSTN).  
Host Controller: The host’s Universal Serial Bus interface. A  
hardware device that provides the interface to the Host Controller  
Driver (HCD) and the USB bus.  
Host Controller Driver (HCD): Software that provides an  
interface to the USB Driver and the Host Controller. (The interface  
to the Host Controller is defined by the OHCI spec.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
ITU-TSS (formerly CCITT): International Telecommunications  
Union-Telecommunications Sector; the United Nations  
organization that prepares standards (“Recommendations”) for  
resolving communications issues and problems.  
Local Exchange Carrier (LEC): The local phone company which  
provides local (i.e., not long distance) transmission services. AKA  
“telco”. LECs provide T1 or FT1 access to LDCs (unless the T1  
circuit is completely intra-LATA). Inter-LATA T1 circuits are made  
up of a combination of Access and Long Haul facilities.  
Local Management Interface (LMI): A specification for frame  
relay equipment that defines status information exchange.  
No Entries.  
Local Loop: A transmission path, typically twisted-pair wire,  
between an individual subscriber and the nearest public  
telecommunications network switching center. The wires provide  
ISDN service, but require an NT1 at the user end and an LT at the  
network end. (AKA, “loop” or “subscriber loop”.)  
Key Telephone System (KTS): Phone devices with multiple  
buttons that let you select incoming or outgoing CO phone lines  
directly. Similar in operation to a PBX, except with a KTS you don’t  
have to dial a “9” to call outside the building.  
Logical Link Control (LLC2): In a local area network, the  
protocol that governs the exchange of transmission frames  
between data stations independently of how the transmission  
medium is shared. The LLC2 protocol was developed by the IEEE  
802 commitee and is common to all LAN standards.  
Key Service Unit (KSU): A small device containing the switching  
electronics for a business key telephone system (KTS).  
Logical Unit (LU): A type of network accessible unit that enables  
end users to gain access to network resources and communicate  
with each other.  
Key Set: A phone set with several buttons for call holding, line  
pickup, intercom, autodialing, etc. Also called a touchtone phone  
(Ericsson) and a KTS (Key Telephone Set).  
Long Haul: The T1 element that connects to the Access portion of  
the long distance company’s (LDC’s) central office. The LDC is  
commonly called the point of presence (POP). Each LDC has a  
number of POPs, located throughout the country. The LDC is also  
called an IEC (Inter Exchange Carrier).  
LAPB: Link Access Procedure Balanced; based on the X.25 Layer  
2 specification. A full-duplex, point-to-point, bit-synchronous  
protocol commonly used as a data link control protocol to interface  
X.25 DTEs. LAPB is the link initialization procedure that  
establishes and maintains communications between the DTE and  
the DCE.  
Long Haul Communications: The type of phone call reaching  
outside of a local exchange (LE).  
LAPD: Link Access Protocol for the D-Channel; based on the  
ISDN Q.921 specification. A full-duplex point-to-point bit-  
synchronous link-level protocol for ISDN connections; different  
from LAPB in its framing sequence. Transmission is in units called  
“frames”, and a frame may contain one or more X.25 packets.  
Management Information Base (MIB): A database of network  
management information used by the Common Management  
Information Protocol (CMIP) and the Simple Network Management  
Protocol (SNMP).  
Megacom: An AT&T service with a normal WATS line (typically  
T1) between the customer premise and the AT&T serving class 4  
CO are the customer’s responibility.  
Line Coding: The representation of 1s and 0s on a T1 line. The  
two methods of line coding commonly used, B8ZS and AMI, differ  
in the restrictions placed on user data. T1 line coding ensures that  
sufficient timing information is sent with the digital signal to ensure  
recovery of all the bits at the far end. Timing information on the T1  
line is included in the form of 1s in the data stream; a long string  
of 0s in the data stream could cause problems recovering the  
MegaLink: BellSouth’s leased T1 service.  
Message: Associated with such terms as packet, frame, and  
segment. 1. In information theory, an ordered series of characters  
intended to convey information. 2. An assembly of characters and  
sometimes control codes that is transferred as an entry from an  
originator to one or more recipients.  
Line Termination (LT): The electronics at the ISDN network side  
of the user/network interface that complements the NT1 at the  
user side. The LT and the NT1 together provide the high-speed  
digital line signals required for BRI access.  
Message Pipe: A pipe that transfers data using a request/data/  
status paradigm. The data has an imposed structure which allows  
requests to be reliably identified and communicated.  
Listed Directory Number (LDN): The main number assigned by  
the telco; the number listed in the phone directory and also  
provided by Directory Assistance. Some devices can have more  
than one LDN, such as ISDN devices that have one LDN for voice  
and another LDN for data.  
Modem: A communications device that enables a computer to  
transmit information over a phone line. It converts the computer’s  
digital signals into analog signals to send over a phone line and  
converts them back to digital signals at the receiving end. Modems  
can be internal and fit into an expansion slot, or external and  
connect to a serial port.  
Local Area Network (LAN): 1. A computer network located on a  
user’s premises within a limited geographical area.  
Multiplexer (Mux): 1. A device that takes several input signals  
and combines them into a single output signal in such a manner  
that each of the input signals can be recovered. 2. A device  
capable of interleaving the events of two or more activities or  
capable of distributing the events of an interleaved sequence to  
the respective activities. 3. Putting multiple signals on a single  
Communication within a local area network is not subject to  
external regulations; however, communication across the LAN  
boundary may be subject to some form of regulation. 2. A LAN  
does not use store-and-forward techniques. 3. A network in which  
a set of devices are connected to one another for a  
communication and that can be connected to a larger network.  
Local Access and Transport Area (LATA): A post-divestiture  
geographical area generally equivalent to a Standard Metropolitan  
Statistical Area. At divestiture, the territory served by the Bell  
system was divided into approximately 161 LATAs. The Bell  
Operating Companies (BOCs) provide Intra-LATA services.  
Multiprotocol: A device that can interoperate with devices utilizing  
different network protocols.  
Multithreading: The ability of a software system to be able to  
handle more than one transaction concurrently. This is contrasted  
to the case where a single transaction is accepted and completely  
processed befor the next transaction processing is started.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Packet: 1. In data communication, a sequence of binary digits,  
including data and control signals, that is transmitted and switched  
as a composite whole. The data, control signals and, possibly,  
error control information are arranged in a specific format. 2.  
Synonymous with data frame. 3. In TCP/IP, the unit of data passed  
across the interface between the Internet layer and the link layer. A  
packet includes an IP header and data. A packet can be a  
complete IP datagram or a fragment of an IP diagram. 4. In X.25,  
a data transmission information unit. A group of data and control  
characters, transferred as a unit, determined by the process of  
transmission. Commonly used data field lengths in packets are  
128 or 256 bytes. 5. The field structure and format defined in the  
CCITT X.25 recommendation.  
Network: A group of computers connected by cables or other  
means and using software that enables them to share equipment,  
such as printers and disk drives to exchange information.  
Node: Any point within a network which has been assigned an  
OHCI (OpenHCI): Open Host Controller Interface Specification for  
USB. All transfers on the USB are initiated by the host system’s  
host controller. The host controller is responsible for controlling  
traffic on the USB and can be appropriately programmed to  
transfer data to and from USB devices. This is typically a PCI  
device that can be programmed to run a given schedule of  
transfers on the USB and bus master the results into memory for  
processing by the host software. There are currently two  
standards for host controllers: OpenHCI (OHCI or Open Host  
Controller Interface) and UHCI (Universal Host Controller  
Interface). Both these standards define register level interfaces of  
the host controller to PCI bus. Bandwidth allocation over the USB  
is software managed and is done by the programming of the host  
Packet Assembler/Dissembler (PAD): Used by devices to  
communicate over X.25 networks by building or stripping X.25  
information on or from a packet.  
Packet Data: The information format (“packetized”) used for  
packet-mode calls.  
Packet Mode: Refers to the switching of chunks of information for  
different users using statistical multiplexing to send them over the  
same transmission facility.  
Parity bit: An extra bit attached to each byte of synchronous data  
used to detect errors in transmission.  
Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC): A connection between two  
endpoints dedicated to a single user. In ISDN, PVCs are  
establised by network administration and are held for as long as  
the user subscribes to the service.  
Object-Oriented: A method for structuring programs as  
hierarchically organized classes describing the data and  
operations of objects that may interact with other objects.  
Office Channel Unit - Data Port (OCU-DP): The CO channel  
bank used as the interface between the customer’s DSU and the  
channel bank.  
Physical Unit (PU): The component that manages and monitors  
the resources (such as attached links and adjacent link stations)  
associated with a node, as requested by an SSCP via an SSCP-  
PU session. An SSCP activates a session with the physical unit in  
order to indirectly manage, through the PU, resources of the node  
such as attached links. This term applies to type 2.0, type 4, and  
type 5 nodes only.  
Off-hook: The condition of a device which has accessed a phone  
line (with or without using the line). In modem use, this is  
equivalent to a phone handset being picked up. Dialing and  
transmission are allowed, but incoming calls are not answered.  
Contrast “on-hook”.  
Pipe: A logical abstraction representing the association between  
an endpoint on a device and software on the host. A pipe has  
several attributes; for example, a pipe may transfer data as  
streams (Stream Pipe) or messages (Message Pipe).  
Off Premise Extension (OPX): An extension or phone that  
terminates in a location other than that of the PBX. Commonly  
used to provide a corporate member with an extension of the PBX  
at home.  
Plug and Play (PnP): A technology for configuring I/O devices to  
use non-conflicting resources in a host. Resources managed by  
Plug and Play include I/O address ranges, memory address  
ranges, IRQs, and DMA channels.  
Ones Density: The measure of the number of logical 1s on a T1  
line compared to a given total number of bits on that line; used for  
timing information in data recovery in AMI and B8ZS.  
On-Hook: The condition of a device which has not accessed a  
phone line. In modem use, this is equivalent to a telephone  
handset that has not been picked up. In other words, it can receive  
an incoming call. Contrast “off-hook”.  
Point of Presence (POP): The central office’s end points of the  
long distance carriers.  
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP): A protocol that lets a PC user  
access TCP/IP (Internet memeber) using an ISDN terminal  
adapter or a high-speed modem over a standard phone line.  
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF): A hierarchical Interior  
Gateway Protocol (IGP) routing algorithm for IP that is a proposed  
standard for the Internet. OSPF incorporates least-cost routing,  
equal-cost routing, and load balancing.  
Polling: Asking multiple devices, one at a time, if they have any  
data to transmit.  
Port: Point of access to or from a system or circuit. For Universal  
Serial Bus, the point where a Universal Serial Bus device is  
Outage: The measure of the time during which a circuit is not  
available for use due to service interrupt. Outage is the  
complement of circuit “availability” (100% minus % available = %  
Primary Rate Interface (PRI): Used on ISDN. In North America,  
and Japan, PRI is one 64Kbps D channel and 23 B channels.  
Elsewhere, it is one D channel and 30 B channels.  
Out-of-band: Signaling that is separated from the channel  
carrying the information (e.g., the voice/data/video signal is  
separate from the carrier signal). Dialing and various other  
“supervisory” signals are included in the signaling element.  
Contrast “In-band” signaling.  
Primitive: An abstract representation of interaction across the  
access points indicating that information is being passed between  
the service user and the service provider. The OSI Reference  
Model defines four types of primitives: Request, Indication,  
Response and Confirm.  
Out of Frame (OOF): A T1 alarm condition that is logged on the  
loss of 2, 3 or 4 of 5 consecutive FT framing bits.  
Private Branch Exchange (PBX): A phone exchange located on  
the customer’s premises. The PBX provides a circuit switching  
facility for phone extension lines within the building, and access to  
the public phone network. See also “Exchange”.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
RJ-45: An 8-wire modular connector for voice and data circuits.  
Root Hub: A Universal Serial Bus hub directly attached to the host  
controller. This hub is attached to the host; tier 0.  
PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory - pronounced  
“prom”): A permanent memory chip that can be programmed or  
filled by the customer after by the manufacturer has set initial  
values. Contrast with ROM.  
Root Port: The upstream port on a hub.  
Protocol: 1. A set of semantic and syntactic rules that determines  
the behavior of functional units in achieving communication. 2. In  
Open Systems Interconnection architecture, a set of semantic and  
syntactic rules that determine the behavior of entities in the same  
layer in performing communication functions. 3. In SNA, the  
meanings of and the sequencing rules for requests and responses  
used for managing the network, transferring data, and  
synchronizing the states of network components. 4. Synonymous  
with line control discipline.  
Router: A device that connects two networks using the same  
networking protocol. It operates at the Network Layer (Layer 3) of  
the OSI model for forwarding decisions.  
Routing Information Protocol (RIP): A distance vector-based  
protocol that provides a measure of distance, or hops, from a  
transmitting workstation to a receiving workstation.  
RS-232C: An EIA standard for a serial interface between  
computers and peripheral devices (modem, mouse, etc.). It uses a  
25-pin DB-25, or a 9-pin DB-9 connector. The RS-232 standard  
defines the purposes, electrical characteristics and timing of the  
signals for each of the 25 lines.  
PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network): A worldwide public  
voice telephone network that is used as a telecommunications  
medium for the transmission of voice, data and other information.  
RS-422: The EIA standard for a balanced interface with no  
accompanying physical connector. RS-422 products can use  
screw terminals, DB9, various DB25, and DB37 connectors.  
Public Data Network (PDN): A packet-switched network that is  
available to the public for individual (“subscriber”) use. Typically,  
controlled by a government or a national monopoly.  
RS-530: The EIA standard for the mechanical/electrical interface  
between DCEs and DTEs transmitting synchronous or  
asynchronous serial binary data. RS-530 provides for high data  
rates with the same connector used for RS-232; however, it is  
incompatible with RS-232.  
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN): The group of  
circuit-switching voice carriers, which are commonly used as  
analog data communications services.  
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM): 1. In data communication,  
variation of a digital signal to represent information; for example,  
by means of pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), pulse duration  
modulation (PDM), or pulse position modulation (PPM). 2.  
Transmissions of analog information in digital form through  
sampling and encoding the samples with a fixed number of bits.  
Serial Port: The connector on a PC used to attach serial devices  
(those that need to receive data one bit after another), such as a  
mouse, a printer or a modem. This consists of a 9- or 25-pin  
connector that sends data in sequence (bit by bit). Serial ports are  
referred to as “COMx” ports, where x is 1 to 4 (i.e., COM1 through  
COM4). A serial port contains a conversion chip called a “UART”  
which translates between internal parallel and external serial  
Pulse dialing: One of two methods of dialing a telephone, usually  
associated with rotary-dial phones. Compare with “tone dialing”.  
Quantizing: The process of analog-to-digital conversion by  
assigning a range, from the contiguous analog values, to a  
discrete number.  
Service: The requirements offered by an RPOA to its customers  
to satisfy specific telecommunications needs.  
Severely Errored Seconds (SES): Refers to a typical T1 error  
event where an error burst occurs (a short term, high bit-error rate  
that is self-clearing). Per the ITU-T (CCITT) G.821: any second in  
which the BER is less than 1x10 -3 .  
Random Access Memory (RAM): A computer’s primary  
workspace. All data must be stored in RAM (even for a short  
while), before software can use the processor to manipulate the  
data. Before a PC can do anything useful it must move programs  
from disk to RAM. When you turn it off, all information in RAM is  
Signaling: The process of establishing, maintaining, accounting  
for, and terminating a connection between two endpoints (e.g., the  
user premises and the telco CO). Central office signals to the user  
premises can include ringing, dial tone, speech signals, etc.  
Signals from the user’s telephone can include off-hook, dialing,  
speech to far-end party, and on-hook signals. In-band signaling  
techniques include pulse and tone dialing. With common channel  
signaling, information is carried out-of-band.  
Rate Enforcement: The concept in frame relay where frames sent  
faster than the CIR are to be carried only if the bandwidth is  
available, otherwise they are to be discarded. (The frame relay  
network assumes that anything exceeding the CIR is of low  
priority.) Rate enforcement makes sure that the network will not  
get so congested that it isn’t able to meet the agreed on CIR.  
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): TCP/IP  
protocol that allows network management.  
Simultaneous Voice Data (SVD): A technology for letting a user  
send data via a modem, and use a handset to talk to another user  
at the same time over the same connection. The alternative,  
making a second call, can be expensive or even impossible. The  
uses for SVD are telecommuting, videoconferencing, distant  
learning, tech support, etc.  
Recognized Private Operating Agency (RPOA): A corporation,  
private or government-controlled, that provides  
telecommunications services. RPOAs, such as AT&T, participate  
as non-voting members in the CCITT.  
Red Alarm: A T1 error condition generated when a local failure  
(e.g., loss of synchronization) exists for 2.5 seconds, causing a  
Carrier Group Alarm (CGA). See also “Blue Alarm” and “Yellow  
Stop Bit: One of the variables used for timing in asynchronous  
data transmission. Depending on the devices, each character may  
be trailed by 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits.  
Request for Comment (RFC): A set of papers in which Internet  
standards (published and proposed), along with generally-  
accepted ideas, proposals, research results, etc. are published.  
Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC): A data transmission type where  
the connection is maintained only until the call is cleared.  
Switched Line: In communications, a physical channel  
established by dynamically connecting one or more discrete  
segments. This connection lasts for the duration of the call, after  
which each segment can be used as part of a different channel.  
Contrast with leased line.  
RJ-11: An industry standard interface used for connecting a  
telephone to a modular wall outlet; comes in 4-and 6-wire  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Switched Network: A network in which a temporary connection is  
established from one point via one or amore segments.  
Terminal: The screen and keyboard device used in a mainframe  
environment for interactive data entry. Terminals have no “box”,  
which is to say they have no file storage or processing capabilities.  
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC): A discipline conforming  
to subsets of the Advanced Data Communications Control  
Procedures (ADCCP) of the American National Standards Institute  
(ANSI) and High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) of the  
International Organization for Standardization, for managing  
synchronous, code-transparent, serial-by-bit information transfer  
over a link connection. Transmission exchanges may be duplex, or  
half-duplex over switched or nonswitched links. The configuration  
of the link connection may be point-to-point, multipoint, or loop.  
Terminal Adapter (TA): An ISDN DTE device for connecting a  
non-ISDN terminal device to the ISDN network. Similar to a  
protocol converter or an interface converter, a TA connects a non-  
ISDN device between the R and S interfaces. Typically a PC card.  
Tie line: A dedicated circuit linking two points without having to  
dial a phone number (i.e., the line may be accessed by lifting the  
telephone handset or by pushing a button).  
Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM): Division of a transmission  
facility into two or more channels by allotting the common channel  
to several different information channels, one at a time.  
Synchronous Transmission: The transmission of data which  
involves sending a group of characters in a packet. This is a  
common method of transmission between computers on a network  
or between modems. One or more synchronous characters are  
transmitted to confirm clocking before each packet of data is  
transmitted. Compare to Asynchronous Transmission.  
Time Slot: One of 24 channels within a T1 line. Each channel has  
a 64 Kbps maximum bandwidth. “Time slot” implies the time  
division multiplexing organization of the T1 signal.  
Toll Call: A call to a location outside of your local service area  
(i.e., a long distance call).  
Systems Network Architecture (SNA): The description of the  
logical structure, formats, protocols, and operational sequences  
for transmitting information units through, and controlling the  
configuration and operation of, networks.  
Tone dialing: One of two methods of dialing a telephone, usually  
associated with Touch-Tone® (push button) phones. Compare with  
pulse dialing.  
Topology: Physical layout of network components (cables,  
stations, gateways, and hubs). Three basic interconnection  
topologies are star, ring, and bus networks.  
TCP/IP: A set of communication protocols that support peer-to-  
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): A communications  
protocol used in Internet and in any network that follows the US  
Department of Defense standards for internetwork protocol. TCP  
provides a reliable host-to-host protocol between hosts in packet-  
switched communications networks and in interconnected systems  
of such networks. It assumes that the Internet protocol is the  
underlying protocol.  
peer connectivity functions for both local and wide area networks.  
T Carrier: The generic name for a digitally multiplexed carrier  
system. In the North American digital hierarchy, a T is used to  
designate a DS (digital signal) level hierarchy. Examples: T1 (DS1)  
is a 1.544 M bps 24-channel designation. In Europe, T1 is called  
E1. The T Carrier system was originally designed for transmitting  
digitized voice signals, but has since been adapted for digital data  
Transport Layer: Layer 4 of the Open Systems Interconnection  
(OSI) model; provides reliable, end-to-end delivery of data, and  
detects transmission sequential errors.  
T1: A digital transmission link capable of 1.544M bps. T1 uses two  
pairs of normal UTP, and can handle 24 voice conversations, each  
digitized at 64 Kbps. T1 is a standard for digital transmission in the  
U.S., Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. T1 is the access method for  
high-speed services such as ATM, frame relay, and SMDS. See  
also T Carrier, T1 line and FT1.  
Transport Protocol Data Unit (TPDU): A transport header, which  
is added to every message, contains destination and source  
addressing information that allows the end-to-end routing of  
messages in multi-layer NAC networks of high complexity. They  
are automatically added to messages as they enter the network  
and can be stripped off before being passed to the host or another  
device that does not support TPDU’s.  
T1 Channel Tests: A set of diagnostics that vary by carrier, used  
to verify a T1 channel operation. Can include Tone, Noise Level,  
Impulse Noise Level, Echo Cancelers, Gain, and Crosstalk testing.  
Trunk: Transmission links that interconnect switching offices.  
T1 Framing: To digitize and encode analog voice signals requires  
8000 samples per second (twice the highest voice frequency of  
4000 Hz). Encoding in an 8-bit word provides the basic T1 block of  
64 Kbps for voice transmission. This “Level 0 Signal, as its called,  
is represented by “DS-0”, or Digital Signal at Level 0. 24 of these  
voice channels are combined into a serial bit stream (using TDM),  
on a frame-by-frame basis. A frame is a sample of all 24 channels;  
so adding in a framing bit gives a block of 193 bits (24x8+1=193).  
Frames are transmitted at 8000 per second (the required sample  
rate), creating a 1.544M (8000x193=1.544M) transmission rate.  
TSR (terminate and stay resident): A software program that  
remains active and in memory after its user interface is closed.  
Similar to a daemon in UNIX environments.  
Tunneling: Encapsulation data in an IP packet for transport  
across the Internet.  
Twisted pair wiring: A type of cabling with one or more pairs of  
insulated wires wrapped around each other. An inexpensive wiring  
method used for LAN and telephone applications, also called UTP  
T1 Line: A digital communications facility that functions as a 24-  
channel pathway for data or voice transmission. A T1 line is  
composed of two separate elements: the Access element and the  
Long Haul element.  
Type A: The upstream (USB Type A) connector. A Type A  
Connector is for those devices on which the external cable is  
permanently attached. Connectors for USB come in two designs:  
the 'A' and 'B' types. Upstream connections (computer, hub input,  
etc.) are made using the 'A' type connector, downstream  
connections (peripherals, hub outputs) are made using the 'B' type  
connector. The USB spec defines two types of connectors to  
protect the bus from illegal topologies (e.g., connecting one  
downstream port back to another, etc.) and to prevent end-user  
confusion. This allows end users to easily attach the correct  
connectors to peripherals and ports. Type A Plug and receptacle  
are to be used for those devices on which the external cable is  
permanently attached to devices such as Keyboard, mouse and  
hubs. Series B Plug and receptacle are to be used for those  
devices that require an external detachable cable such as printers,  
scanners and modems.  
T1 Mux: A device used to carry many sources of data on a T1 line.  
The T1 mux assigns each data source to distinct DS0 time slots  
within the T1 signal. Wide bandwidth signals take more than one  
time slot. Normal voice traffic or 56/64 Kbps data channels take  
one time slot. The T1 mux may use an internal or external T1  
DSU; a “channel bank” device typically uses an external T1 CSU.  
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Program (TCP/IP): A  
multi-layer set of protocols developed by the US Department of  
Defense to link dissimilar computers across dissimilar and  
unreliable LANs.  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
Type B: The uplink (USB Type B) connector. A Type B Connector  
is for detachable external cables. Allows for double ended cable  
assemblies. Connectors for USB come in two designs: the 'A' and  
'B' types. Upstream connections (computer, hub input, etc.) are  
made using the 'A' type connector, downstream connections  
(peripherals, hub outputs) are made using the 'B' type connector.  
The USB spec defines two types of connectors to protect the bus  
from illegal topologies (e.g., connecting one downstream port back  
to another, etc.) and to prevent end-user confusion. This allows  
end users to easily attach the correct connectors to peripherals  
and ports. Type A Plug and receptacle are to be used for those  
devices on which the external cable is permanently attached to  
devices such as Keyboard, mouse and hubs. Series B Plug and  
receptacle are to be used for those devices that require an  
external detachable cable such as printers, scanners and  
V.25bis: An ITU-T standard for synchronous communications  
between a mainframe or host and a modem using HDLC or other  
character-oriented protocol.  
V.54: The ITU-T standard for local and remote loopback tests in  
modems, DCEs and DTEs. The four basic tests are:  
• local digital loopback (tests DTE send and receive  
• local analog loopback (tests local modem operation),  
• remote analog loopback (tests comm link to the remote  
modem), and  
• remote digital loopback (tests remote modem  
Virtual Circuit: A logical connection. Used in packet switching  
wherin a logical connection is established between two devices at  
the start of transmission. All information packets follow the same  
route and arrive in sequence (but do not necessarily carry a  
complete address).  
UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)  
(pronounced “you art”): A chip that transmits and receives data  
on the serial port. It converts bytes into serial bits for transmission,  
and vice versa, and generates and strips the start and stop bits  
appended to each character.  
Wide Area Network (WAN): 1. A network that provides  
communication services to a geographic area larger than that  
served by a local area network or a metropolitan area network,  
and that may use or provide public communication facilities. 2. A  
data communications network designed to serve an area of  
hundreds or thousands of miles; for example, public and private  
packet-switching networks, and national telephone networks.  
Contrast with local area network (LAN).  
UHCI (Universal Host Controller Interface): The USB Universal  
Host Controller Interface. All transfers on the USB are initiated by  
the host system’s host controller. The host controller is  
responsible for controlling traffic on the USB and can be  
appropriately programmed to transfer data to and from USB  
devices. This is typically a PCI device that can be programmed to  
run a given schedule of transfers on the USB and bus master the  
results into memory for processing by the host software. There are  
currently two standards for host controllers: OpenHCI (OHCI or  
Open Host Controller Interface) and UHCI (Universal Host  
Controller Interface). Both these standards define register level  
interfaces of the host controller to PCI bus. Bandwidth allocation  
over the USB is software managed and is done by the  
Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS): A low-cost toll  
service offered by most long distance and local phone companies.  
Incoming (800 call service, or IN-WATS) and outgoing WATS are  
subscribed to separately, but over the same line.  
programming of the host controller.  
UNIX: An operating system developed by Bell Laboratories that  
features multiprogramming in a muti-user environment.  
X.25: ITU-T’s definition of a three-level packet-switching protocol  
to be used between packet-mode DTEs and network DCEs. X.25  
corresponds with layer 3 of the 7-layer OSI model.  
Universal Serial Bus: A collection of Universal Serial Bus devices  
and the software and hardware that allow them to connect the  
capabilities provided by functions to the host.  
Universal Serial Bus Device: Includes hubs and functions. See  
Yellow Alarm: An error indication sent by the T1 device when it  
has not gotten a receive signal, or cannot synchronize on the  
receive signal received. Contrast “Red Alarm” and “Blue Alarm”.  
Universal Serial Bus Driver: The host resident software entity  
responsible for providing common services to clients that are  
manipulating one or more functions on one or more Host  
Universal Serial Bus Interface: The hardware interface between  
the Universal Serial Bus cable and a Universal Serial Bus device.  
This includes the protocol engine required for all Universal Serial  
Bus devices to be able to receive and send packets.  
Zero Byte Time Slot Interchange (ZBTSI): A method for allowing  
64 Kbps unrestricted user data (allowing all 0s in the user data).  
An alternative to (but not as popular as) B8ZS.  
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP): Telephone-type wiring.  
Tansmission media for 10Base-T.  
Upstream: The direction of data flow towards the host. An  
upstream port is the port on a device electrically closest to the  
host that generates upstream data traffic from the hub. Upstream  
ports receive downstream data traffic.  
USB: See Universal Serial Bus.  
USBD: See Universal Serial Bus Driver.  
USB Performance categories: Low Speed (Interactive Devices at  
10-100 Kb/s); Medium Speed (Phone, Audio, Compressed Video  
at 500Kb/s - 10Mbp/s); High Speed (Video, Disk at 25-500 Mb/s)  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  
ordering replacement parts, 38  
PhoneTools, 21  
ASCII Conversion Chart, 50  
registering your product, 37  
Regulatory Compliance  
Canadian Limitations, 41  
Class B, 41  
Fax Branding, 41  
FCC Part 68, 40  
International Modem, 43  
Remote Configuration, 25  
Escape Character, 26  
Password, 25  
Removing Previous Modems, 19  
repair, 35  
Checking Your IRQ, 14  
LINE, 16  
LINE OUT, 17  
MIC IN, 17  
PHONE, 17  
Contents, 12  
Data communications software, 21  
Dial-Up Networking, 23  
AT commands, 28  
replacement parts, 38  
Windows 95/98, 23  
driver installation, 19  
Safety Warnings, 13  
service, 37  
Sound Card, 17  
European Directive, 42  
TCP/IP, 23  
Technical Specifications, 9  
technical support, 38  
Testing Your Modem, 24  
Answering Machine, 25  
Data, 24  
Fax Commands, 28  
Data, 6  
Fax, 7  
Voice, 7  
Fax, 24  
Firmware updating, 44  
Flash Wizard utility, 44  
Common Problems, 30  
troubleshooting, 30  
Troubleshooting Initial Checklist, 30  
Global Wizard, 21, 47  
Glossary, 52  
warranty, 35  
Hardware Installation, 13  
HyperTerminal, 22  
Your ISP, 23  
Installation, 12  
installing the modem driver, 19  
Internet addresses, 38  
Microphones, 17  
modem driver installation, 19  
Multi-Tech Internet sites, 38  
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5634ZPX User Guide  

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