MaxTech Network Card NX 32PCI User Manual

High Performance  
32-Bit PCI Bus  
Ethernet Adapter  
With support for BNC and  
RJ45 connectors  
Part#MAN108Rev. 1.0  
2.1 Unpacking Your Network Adapter  
Your package should contain the following items:  
Adapter Card  
Driver disk  
BNC T-connector  
User's Guide  
The back plate of the card has  
the following features (See Fig-  
ure 2-1):  
Figure 2-1  
• 2 network cable connectors:  
RJ45 Connector  
10BASE-T networks  
BNC Connector  
10BASE-2 networks  
• 2 LED indicators with the fol-  
lowing functions:  
LINK (green) - Link Status.  
The card is success-  
fully connected to a  
used with BNC con-  
ACT (green) - Network ac-  
tivity. Indicates when  
the card is receiving  
network data.  
2.2 Hardware Installation  
Installation of this adapter card requires opening  
and manipulating your PC. Exercise caution at all  
times when working with AC powered and static-  
sensitive equipment. Turn off and unplug your PC  
before installation. Discharge any static electricity  
from your body by touching any metal surface.  
Note: If you are also installing the optional boot  
ROM, refer to Section 2.2.1 for detailed ROM  
installation instructions before beginning adapter  
1. Turn off your computer and all peripherals.  
2. Make a note of the power cord and other  
cables connected to your computer and  
disconnect them.  
3. Remove your computer’s cover (refer to  
your computer’s owner manual).  
4. Select an available PCI expansion slot, and  
then remove the slot cover.  
5. Touch the computer chassis before remov-  
ing the adapter from its anti-static bag. This  
will discharge any static electricity from your  
6. Carefully install the adapter by firmly press-  
ing the card into the slot you have chosen,  
applying even pressure until the adapter is  
completely seated in the slot.  
7. Fasten the retaining bracket with the screw  
from the slot cover. Make sure the adapter  
is properly aligned. Store the slot cover for  
future use.  
8. Replace the computer cover and reconnect  
the power cord and all cables.  
9. Attach the network cable to your adapter.  
Proceed to Section 2.3.  
2.2.1 Boot ROM Installation (optional)  
An empty ROM socket is provided on the adapter  
to accept an optional Remote Boot ROM (available  
from your dealer). The Boot ROM allows the PC to  
load the Operating System over the network for  
diskless applications.  
1. Insert the Boot ROM into the socket. Make  
sure that the notch on the ROM matches the  
one on the socket (refer to Figure 2-2).  
2. Be certain to enable your adapter's boot  
ROM by setting the Boot ROM Size param-  
eter to “16 Kilobytes” when running the  
SETUP.EXE program after the card has  
been installed (Refer to Section 2.4.2). Re-  
Figure 2-2 Boot ROM alignment  
Align ROM  
and socket  
turn to Section 2.2 to continue installa-  
2.3 PCI Adapter Configuration  
The steps used to configure your adapter depend  
on whether your computer system supports the  
Plug and Play (PnP) 1.0a specification. You most  
likely have a Plug and Play 1.0a compliant system  
if it was purchased after June 1994 or if the BIOS  
is dated after June 1994.  
If your system is PnP compliant, either in BIOS or  
if you are running Windows 95, go to Section 2.3.1.  
If you have a non-Plug and Play system, proceed  
to Section 2.3.2 for detailed information on how to  
configure your adapter.  
2.3.1 Configuration in Plug and Play systems  
On systems with Plug and Play motherboards the  
BIOS during boot-up. The BIOS automatically  
assigns the I/O base address and IRQ to the card  
for proper operation. Continue to Section 2.4.  
2.3.2 Configuration in Non-Plug and Play Sys-  
Early generation PCI bus PCs require that the PCI  
adapter card be configured using the BIOS setup  
program. Setup options include: A) enabling the  
specific slot in which the adapter is installed, B) the  
selection of Bus Master mode, and C) selection of  
the IRQ.  
The procedures to perform PCI card setup on early  
generation PCI bus PCs and the related terms to  
describe each procedure vary depending on which  
manual for specific information on configuring PCI  
slots. As an example, generally an early generation  
Phoenix BIOS has a “Device Select” field where  
you should input the number of the slot (printed on  
the PC motherboard next to the PCI slot) into which  
the card was inserted. The field that reads “Enable  
Device” should be set to “Enabled.” In addition, set  
the “Enable Master” field to “Enabled”. Set the IRQ  
for the adapter's slot to one which is unused by  
other devices in the system.  
Your BIOS may also require setting the IRQ trig-  
gering method. There are three types of settings to  
chose from:  
Level/Auto - This is usually the default.  
Choosing this option leaves the assigned  
IRQ free for other use if the installed card  
does not use it.  
Level/Forced - If you are not able to get the  
PCI card to work properly, choose this op-  
tion. This will assign the specified IRQ per-  
manently to the card.  
Edge/Auto - Some PCI boards support this  
option. Do not use it.  
Continue with the installation by proceeding to  
Section 2.4.  
2.4 Running the Set Up Utility  
After the adapter is configured, run the setup/  
diagnostic utility SETUP.EXE found on the driver  
diskette to: A) view the adapter configuration, B)  
set optional configuration parameters, and C) per-  
form adapter diagnostics. Do not run SETUP.EXE  
with network drivers loaded. Refer to the file  
README.TXT in the root directory for detailed  
To run SETUP.EXE, insert the driver diskette into  
a disk drive.  
From the DOS prompt, change to that drive by  
typing A: (or B:) and pressing Enter.  
Type \SETUP at the DOS prompt and press Enter.  
This will start the program.  
2.4.1 View Current Configuration  
Select View Current Configuration to see the  
current adapter settings. This option will show the  
settings for:  
Ethernet Address  
Medium Type  
Full Duplex  
I/O Base  
Boot ROM Size  
2.4.2 Set Up New Configuration  
The Set Up New Configuration option allows you  
to change settings on the adapter. Your PC's BIOS  
should have automatically allocated the neces-  
sary I/O base address, interrupt, and Boot ROM  
address (if needed) to the adapter. SETUP will not  
allow you to change any resources which are  
allocated by the BIOS. It does allow the user to  
change the following settings:  
Medium Type  
Full-Duplex Function  
Boot ROM Size  
Medium Type has four options: A) 10 BASE-T,  
TP/CX Auto-Detect for 10Base-T (RJ-45) or  
B) 10 BASE-T Link Test Disabled for twisted pair  
networks, C) 10 BASE-5 for 10Base-5 (this selec-  
tion cannot be used with this card), and D) 10  
BASE-2 for coaxial networks.  
The Full-Duplex Function should be enabled only  
if the server you are attached to and all intercon-  
necting devices (e.g. switching hubs) support this  
Boot ROM Size should only be set if a Boot ROM  
is present on the card. Enabling this setting allows  
remote booting from the server. Refer to Section  
2.2.1 for more information on installing the Boot  
2.4.3 Testing The Adapter  
Setup provides the following testing options under  
Run Diagnostics:  
• Run EEPROM Test  
• Run Diagnostic On Board  
• Run Diagnostic On Network  
Note: Do not run SETUP with network drivers  
The Run EEPROM Test option performs read/  
write tests on the adapter's on-board EEPROM  
registers and reports the results.  
The Run Diagnostic On Board option runs sev-  
eral tests and the results are indicated by either  
PASS or FAIL counts. Make sure that the network  
cable is attached (and properly terminated if using  
a BNC connection) to the adapter when using this  
option. If any test has a fail count, press the  
spacebar for help on the reason for the failure and  
possible solutions.  
The following tests are performed in the Run  
Diagnostic On Board option:  
1. Board Reset: Confirms the adapter will  
2. I/O Registers: Checks I/O accessibility.  
3. Loop back Test: Checks the adapter's con-  
4. CableConnection:Testsforacorrectcable  
5. RAM Test: Checks on-board RAM.  
The Run Diagnostics on Network option allows  
the user to test the network cable connection  
between two cards. One card is setup as a Re-  
sponder and a second card is setup as an Initia-  
tor. The Initiator and Responder will exchange  
packets and display the number of transmit and  
receive packets that have passed or failed. Note:  
A Responder can only recognize one Initiator at a  
2.5 Configuration Files  
Two options are available in SETUP.EXE to easily  
configure many cards to the same settings. Note:  
The Save Configuration to File and Load Con-  
figuration from File only involve the param-  
eters in the Setup New Configuration option of  
the main menu. These setup parameters can be  
saved to disk to be later loaded on other machines  
to configure other cards.  
Section Three - Driver Installation  
The network operating system (i.e. Novell, Win-  
dows 95, Windows NT, LAN Manager, etc.) that  
you are using requires a driver to access the  
network adapter card. Drivers for popular network  
operating systems are included on the installation  
to view information on each network driver.  
Most network operating systems provide a setup/  
installation program to configure your computer for  
use on the network. These programs copy the  
appropriate driver directly from the adapter's driver  
diskette. Section 3.1 gives an example of this using  
Windows 95.  
Important Note:  
If you are using an upper memory manager, your  
32-bit (PCI) adapter can only function with 32-bit  
versions of the EMM386.EXE memory manager  
program (version 4.49 or later). You can verify its  
version by entering EMM386 at the DOS prompt.  
Do not specify the “highscan” option with the  
EMM386.EXE statement in your CONFIG.SYS file  
or your system will hang.  
If you run MEMMAKER and select Custom Setup,  
do not specify “Aggressively scan upper memory,”  
or it will automatically insert the HIGHSCAN flag  
into the EMM386 command line. This parameter  
cannot be removed once it is installed. Doing so will  
cause the extended memory manager to malfunc-  
3.1 Windows 95 Driver Installation  
Note: Windows 95 identifies most add-on cards  
based on the chipset used. The MaxTech Ethernet  
adapters use the Realtek Ethernet chipset and will  
be identified as such.  
When Windows 95 starts for the first time after card  
Controller” card. If Windows displays the New  
Hardware Found dialog box, proceed to Section  
3.1.1. If Windows displays the Update Device  
Driver Wizard, proceed to Section 3.1.2.  
3.1.1 Windows 95 Release 4.00.950  
Under New Hardware Found, when asked to  
“Select which driver you want to install for your new  
hardware,” click on “Driver from disk provided by  
hardware manufacturer.” Click “OK.”  
The Install From Disk dialog box now instructs  
you to “Insert the manufacturer's installation disk  
into the drive selected, and then click OK.” Insert  
the adapter's driver diskette and type A:\WIN95 (or  
B:\WIN95 if inserted in drive B) in the “Copy  
manufacturer's files from:” box. Click “OK.”  
The Select Device dialog box presents the selec-  
tionfortheadapter. ClickOKtoinstalltheadapter.  
Windows 95 may request its own installation disks  
for some files. Insert the Windows 95 disks as  
required. When all necessary files are copied, the  
adapter is configured. Restart Windows 95 as  
3.1.2 Windows 95 Release 4.00.950 B  
When Windows 95 starts for the first time after card  
installation, it detects the card and displays the  
Update Device Driver Wizard.  
Insert the driver disk into the disk drive and click  
“Next.” Windows will search for the driver on the  
driver disk. If you need to enter the location of the  
driver, click “Other Location,” type A:\WIN95 (or  
B:\WIN95) in the entry box and click “OK”. Click  
Windows 95 may request its own installation disks  
or CD for some files. Insert the Windows 95 disks  
or CD as required. When all necessary files are  
copied, the adapter is configured. Restart Win-  
dows 95 as prompted.  
Section Four - Using the Remote  
Boot ROM  
A Remote Boot ROM allows the PC to load the  
operating system over the network on diskless  
workstations. Be certain that the Boot ROM has  
been properly installed (Refer to Section 2.2.1) and  
enabled on both PnP and Legacy systems. Refer to  
section 2.4.2 for instructions.  
Once the Boot ROM is installed and enabled, follow  
the Remote Boot Workstation installation proce-  
(i.e. create a Boot Image on the server for Novell  
networks, or start remote booting services on LAN  
Manager networks, etc.).  
Section Five - Troubleshooting  
This section describes some of the common prob-  
lems you may encounter while using your network  
adapter. When troubleshooting, you should make  
sure that the network you are connected to is  
functioning. If you suspect that the adapter is  
malfunctioning, replace it with another adapter  
which is known to function properly. Also try the  
adapter in another computer. This can indicate  
whether the adapter or computer causes the prob-  
lem. If you can not resolve your difficulty after  
reading the following information, contact your  
dealer or vendor for assistance.  
Most adapter failure after installation is caused by:  
A) PC IRQ Line conflict, or B) Cable problems.  
5.1 IRQ Conflict  
Make sure that the IRQ used by the adapter is  
Vary the settings on your network adapter by  
running the BIOS setup program to eliminate the  
conflict. Running the adapter diagnostics will also  
help to detect configuration conflicts.  
5.2 Cable Problems  
A) Observe the green Link Status LED if you are  
using a 10Base-T network. Turn on the computer.  
Connect the network cable and observe the green  
LINK LED. If the LED is ON, then the system is  
connected. Otherwise check for a proper RJ-45  
nated if you are using a 10Base-2 network. Each  
end of a coaxial segment must be properly termi-  
nated with a 50-ohm terminator. You may use a  
simple ohm meter to determine if the cable is  
functioning properly. Disconnect all nodes on the  
network and measure the resistance of the termi-  
nators. If the terminators do not measure 50 ohms  
+/- 1%, replace the terminator. Measure the coaxial  
cable with a 50-ohm terminator attached to one  
end. The total resistance of the cable plus the  
terminator should be no more than a few ohms  
more than the terminator alone.  
Section Six - Cable Information  
The MaxTech NX-32PCI network adapters support  
10Base-T networks use unshielded twisted-pair  
cable and 8-pin RJ-45 modular connectors. Use  
22-26 AWG, 2- or 4-pair, 100 ohm/ft. UTP Cat-  
egory 3 or better cable. The cable must use solid  
copper conductors and UL codes CM, CMR, and  
CMP are required. The computer on the network is  
connected via a star topology (i.e. each node is  
connected to a HUB, not to each other). Maximum  
cable length is 328' (100 m).  
10Base-2 networks use a single conductor coaxial  
cable and BNC connectors. Use only RG-58A/U or  
RG-58C/U coaxial cable. Each network node is  
connected to the coaxial cable via a T-connector  
(included). The minimum distance between T-  
connectors is 1.6' (0.5m). The T-connector must be  
plugged directly into the network adapter (no cable  
is allowed between the T-connector and the  
adapter). No more than 30 connections are al-  
lowed per segment and the maximum segment  
length is 607' (185 m). The cable must be termi-  
nated at each end by one 50-ohm terminator.  
Section Seven - Specifications  
32-bit PCI Local bus  
RAM Buffer:  
16 KB  
PowerConsumption: 2.5 W  
0 to 50 degrees C (Operating)  
-20 to +70 degrees C (Storage)  
5% to 90% (Non-condensing, stor-  
4.73" x 3.15"  
FCC Part 15 Class B  
Drivers: Artisoft Lantastic, Novell NetWare 3.x, 4.x, FTP  
PC/TCP, LAN Manager V2.x, Windows For Workgroups,  
& 5.0, SUN PC-NFS, Banyan VINES, SCO UNIX  
Section Eight - Technical Support  
product, or if it does not operate as described, we suggest  
you: (1) consult the Troubleshooting section of this guide  
and (2) consult with your dealer.  
there is a good chance the solution to your problem is  
Service Center at (562) 921-4438 between 9:00 a.m. and  
6:00 p.m. (PST Monday through Friday). If the nature of  
the NATURE OF THE PROBLEM will be both time-  
You may also reach us through our electronic BBS. Any  
Section Nine - Notices  
9.1 Five Year Limited Warranty  
MaxTech warrants to the original buyer of this product  
from the date of purchase. During the warranty period,  
proves to be defective, provided the product has not been  
In the event the product requires service, follow the proce-  
must have an RMA Number to return the product for  
1. Returntheproductinitsoriginalpackageandpack-  
2. Be sure to include your name, address, day-time  
telephone number, RMA number, and a brief de-  
scription of the problem (also enclose a check for  
Money Order for $7.50 to cover the cost of return  
shipping/handling. Please do not send cash or  
4. After wrapping the package securely for shipping,  
print your name, return address and the RMA #  
clearly on the outside of your package.  
5. Ship the unit prepaid via UPS or the U.S. Postal  
when you call. We recommend that the unit be  
This warranty is valid for products sold in North America  
only. Contactyourlocalauthorizeddistributorordealerfor  
All warranty services must be performed by Authorized  
9.2 FCC Class B Statement  
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the  
tion, which can be determined by turning the equipment off  
• Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna  
• Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandthe  
• Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferent  
from that to which the receiver is connected  
• Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnician  
9.3 Disclaimer, Copyright, And Other Notices  
at the time of this manual's production. The manufacturer  
in the product described in this manual at any time and  
liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly from  
Copyright © 1997 MaxTech. All rights reserved. No repro-  
duction of this document in any form is allowed without  
GZ/DR - Version 1.0  

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