Washing machine
Instructions for installation and use
WE 10
Dividing your garments
What goes in your washer?
according to fabric and
colour, is very important
for good results
Before washing, you can do a great deal to ensure better results. Divide your garments
according to fabric and colour. Read the labels, follow their guidelines.
Before washing.
The labels say it all.
Big and small happily
Divide your washing according Always look at the labels: they together.
This washing machine has a
to the type of fabric and colour tell you everything about your
fastness. garment and how to wash it in
Empty all pockets (coins, paper, the best possible way.
special electronic control device
for even distribution: before the
spin cycle starts, this device
money and small obejects) and The table on page 5 shows all
ensure all loose buttons are meanings behind these allows the garments to positions
themselves, to minimise noise
and vibrations during the spin
repaired or removed prior to symbols. Their recom-
mendations are important to
achieve better wash results.
Starting the washer
After installing your new washing machine, start a wash
cycle by setting programme "1" at 90 degrees.
Starting your washing machine
in the right way is important for
the quality of your wash, to help
prevent future problems and
enhance life expectancy of your
appliance. Once you have
loaded your washing machine
and added the detergent
together with any fabric
conditioner, always check that:
1.The door is closed correctly.
2. The plug is secured in the
3. The water supply is turned
Turn the appliance on
Press button C (position I).
The programme is selected
according to the type of garments
a programme, refer to the table on
page 4. Turn knob A until the
selected programme is aligned
with the mark on the knob, set all
the options available (flashing)
as indicated on pages 3 and 4
Remember that, in the event
of a power failure, or should
the washing machine switch
itself off, the programme
chosen will remain in its
At the end of the wash cycle...
Wait for symbol to come off
and the word End to appear.
Then turn the washing machine
off by pressing on-off button C
(O position).You can now open
the washing machine door
safely.After having removed the
freshly cleaned washing, leave
the door open to allow air
circulation inside the drum.
Always disconnect electricity at
the socket and turn off the water
For more delicate
protect underwear, tights
and stockings and delicate
items by placing them in a
canvas pouch
), then press
button B (Start/Reset).
If you want to interrupt the
programme in progress, press
button B for at least 3 seconds.
How to eliminate the most common stains
Ink and biro Dab with a wad of cotton soaked in methyl alcohol or alcohol at 90°.
Tar Dab with fresh butter, rub in turpentine then wash immediately.
Wax Scrape away, then run a hot iron between two sheets of absorbent paper. Then rub in cotton with turpentine or
methyl alcohol.
Chewing gum Rub in nail polish remover and wipe with a clean rag.
Mold Cotton and white linen should be placed in a solution of 5 parts water, one bleach and a spoon of vinegar, then
washed immediately. For other white fabrics, use hydrogen peroxide at 10 volumes and wash immediately.
Lipstick Dab with ether on wool or cotton. Use tricloroetilene for silk.
Nail polish Place a sheet of absorbent paper on the side of the stain, wet it with nail polish remover, shifting the
garment as the sheet gradually changes colour.
Grass Dab with a wad of cotton soaked in methyl alcohol.
Instructions for installation and use
Understanding the control panel
Here I’m in command
Making the right choice is important. And it’s easy.
Programme selector knob
Use this knob to select the wash
To select a programme, you
should turn the knob so that the
symbol/number of the desired
programme is in line with the
pointer on the knob.
Rinsing level
Start /Reset
This increases the efficiency of
the rinse.We recommend that you
use it when dealing with a full load
and a great amount of detergent.
There are three levels; press the
select button to select them.
This button allows you to start
the selected wash programme
or to interrupt it.
If you press it briefly, the button
functions as Start, if you press
it for at least 3 seconds, then it
functions as Reset.
After the Start of the appliance,
moving the programme
selector knob will have no effect
set, which can be reduced by
pressing the select button right
down to its total exclusion (Off).
During a wash cycle, the selection
of the spin cycle exclusion is
indicatedbysymbol comingon.
This option is available on all wash
and Drain.
All the options available are
displayed on the right-hand side.
Use the mode button to select
the desired option, and the rela-
tive symbol will begin flashing.
On the left-hand side, the value
or the status (On-Off) of the
selected option is displayed, and
you can modify it using the
select button.
To access the subsequent
option, press the mode button,
otherwise press button B to start
the wash cycle.
All the options available are listed
This option is available on
programmes 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
and Rinse cycles.
When button C is pressed, the
washing machine is switched
on, when it is not the machine
is switched off.
Turning the appliance off
does not cancel the selected
When the appliance is switched
on, all the symbols on the display
light up for at least 8 seconds,
after which only the ones that can
be selected will flash.
This allows you to delay the start
of the wash cycle by a minimum
of 1 to a maximum of 24 hours
by pressing the select button.
The enabling of the delayed
start is indicated by the symbol
coming on and staying on
until the wash cycle begins.
This option is not available on
the Draining and Spin cycle
Stain Erase
(see page 7)
Thanks to this command, the
washing machine will carry out a
more intensive wash that
optimises the effectiveness of the
liquidadditives, thusallowingmore
resistant stains to be removed.
To use this, press the select
button until the On sign comes on.
During a wash cycle, the
selectionof this option is indicated
Only options relevant to the
selected programme will be
Detergent dispenser
It is divided into three
by symbol
coming on.
temperature relating to the
programme set, which can be
reduced by pressing the select
This option is available on all
wash programmes.
Easy Ironing
This option is available on
programmes 2-3-5-6-7-8-10 and
Rinse cycles.
Note: It must not be used with the
Easy Ironing option.
This function allows your washing
creases, making it much easier to
The appliance optimises the
washing conditions according to
the type of fabrics that are being
It is enabled with programmes
3-5-6-7-8-11 and Rinsecycles.
To enable it, press the select
button until the On sign comes on.
Inprogrammes6-7-8-11 andLight
Rinse cycles, the wash cycle is
interrupted and the washing is left
to soak in water before the
appliance is drained.To complete
the cycle, press the selectbutton.
During a wash cycle, the enabling
of this option is indicated by
1.Detergent for pre-wash;
2. Detergentforthemaincyclewash;
3.Fabric conditioner.
The washing machine is
equipped with an extra
compartment 4 (provided as an
accessory) for the bleach, to be
inserted in compartment 1.
Wash Intensity
This allows you to modify the
characteristics of the selected
wash programme, according to
how soiled the washing is.There
are three levels; press the select
button to select them.
speed relating to the programme
The detergent dispenser with the
additional bleach compartment
is here.
coming on.
Note: It must not be used with the
Stain Erase option.
This option is available on
programmes 1-2-3-5-6-7-8.
Instructions for installation and use
Special displays
Error message
pressing the mode button and
(left-hand side of the display):
In the event of a fault, a message also modify them, if need be, by
is displayed, (e.g. F-01), which pressing the select button.
should be communicated to the
As soon as you switch the
appliance on….
Service Centre.
Door locked
You can display the remaining
amount of time of the last wash
programme selected.
Symbol on indicates that the
washing machine door is locked
At the end of the programme, to prevent it from being opened
End of the programme
the word END is displayed.
accidentally. To avoid any
damages, you must wait for it to
come off and for the word End
Programme length
During the wash cycle, the
amount of time left is displayed.
During the wash cycle….
You can view the characteristics to appear before you open the
of the programme in progress by door.
What are you washing today?
A programme for all seasons
Type of fabric and degree of soil
Programme Temperature Detergent Fabric
Length of Description of wash cycle
for wash
Erase /
the cycle
Exceptionally soiled whites
(sheets, tablecloths, etc.)
Prewash cycle, wash cycle at 90°C, rinse
cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles
Exceptionally soiled whites
(sheets, tablecloths, etc.)
Wash cycle at 90°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled whites and fast colours
Wash cycle at 60°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled whites and fast colours
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Slightly soiled whites and delicate
colours (shirts, jumpers, etc.)
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled fast colour synthetics
(baby linen, etc.)
Wash cycle at 60°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Slightly soiled fast colour synthetics
(all types of slightly soiled garment)
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Heavily soiled fast colour synthetics
(baby linen, etc.)
Wash cycle at 50°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Delicate colour synthetics
(all types of slightly soiled garments)
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Delicate colour synthetics
(all types of slightly soiled garments)
Wash cycle at 30°C, rinse cycles and
delicate spin cycle
Wool - Hand wash
Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles and
delicate spin cycle
Particularly delicate garments and
fabrics (curtains, silk, viscose, etc.)
Wash cycle at 30°C, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or draining
Rinse cycles
Rinse cycles, spin cycles
Light rinse cycles
Spin cycle
Rinse cycles, anti-crease or draining
Draining and spin cycle
Light spin cycle
Draining and delicate spin cycle
Important: to cancel the wash programme you have just set, press button B for at least 3 seconds (Start/Reset).
The data found in the table is purely indicative, and can vary according to the quantity and type of washing, the water system temperature and
the room temperature.
Special programmes
Class A at 40°C Your washer has a special programme to allow you to obtain optimum results even at low temperatures.
By setting programme 4 at a temperature of 40° C, the results you will obtain will be the same as you would normally obtain at 60°C thanks
to the washing machine’s action and the length of the wash cycle.
Daily wash Your washer has a programme available for the washing of lightly soiled garments in a short amount of time.
By setting programme 9 at a temperature of 30°C, you can wash different types of fabrics together (except for wool and silk), with a
maximum load of 3 kg. This programmes allows you to save on both time and energy as it only lasts around 30 minutes.
We recommend the use of liquid detergent.
Instructions for installation and use
Understanding labels
Learn the meaning of these symbols and you will get better
results, your garments will last longer resulting in an
improved wash.
All over Europe, garment labels These symbols are divided in
contain messages expressed in five different categories and
small yet important symbols. shapes: washing
, bleaching
Understanding them is very
important if you want to get
better results and treat your
garments the way they deserve
to be treated.
, ironing
and drying
, dry cleaning
Useful tips
Turn shirts inside out to get better results
and make them last longer.
Always empty pockets of their contents.
Look at the label: it will always give you useful
When loading your washing, try to have a mixture
of large to small items.
Make sure you select the right
Consult and learn the symbols in this table: they will help you
obtain a better wash, treat your clothes properly, and get a
better performance out of your washing machine.
Dry cleaning
Wash at
Bleaching only in
cold water
Hot iron at max
Dry clean with any
Machine dryable
Dry clean only with
perchloride, benzine
av., pure alcohol,
R111 and R113
Medium hot
ironing at
max 150°C
Wash at
Do not machine
Do not bleach
Dry clean with av.
benzine, pure alcohol
and R113
Wash at
Iron at max
Spread to dry
Hang to dry
without spin
Wash at
Not ironable
Do not dry clean
Dry on clothes
Hand wash
washable in
Instructions for installation and use
Useful tips
Never use your washing
How much does it weigh?
Holidays: unplug the
machine to wash... torn, fraying 1 sheet 400-500 gr.
or non-hemmed linen. If it is 1 pillow case 150-200 gr.
absolutely neccessary, place it in 1 tablecloth 400-500 gr.
a bag for protection. Do not wash 1 bathrobe 900-1,200 gr.
It is recommended that you
should unplug the machine from
the socket and turn off the water
supply. Leave the door ajar to
allow air circulation to the draw
coloured linen with whites.
1 towel 150-250 gr.
Watch the weight!
Coloured T-shirts, printed and the door gasket area.This will
For best results, do not exceed onesandshirtslastlongerif turned prevent unpleasant odours.
the weight limits stated below inside out before washing.
(figures show weight of dry Printed T-shirts and sweatshirts
- Resistant fabrics:
5 kg maximum
- Synthetic fabrics:
2.5 kg maximum
- Delicate fabrics:
2 kg maximum
Dungaree alert.
For best results, we
recommend you use a
specific detergent, taking
care not to wash more than
1 kg of laundry.
Very popular “salopette” type
overalls have straps with hooks
that can damage the drum of your
washing machine or other
garments during the wash. To
minimise the risk, place hooks in
the pocket and fasten with safety
- Pure new wool:
1 kg maximum
How to wash almost anything
Quilted coats and anorak.
Curtains tend to crease a great You can wash quilted coats and Once you have removed mud
deal. A useful tip to reduce wind-cheaters, too, if they are and dirt from trainers, you can
creasing: fold the curtains and padded with goose or duck even wash them with jeans or
place them in a pillow case or down. Do not load more than any other tough garments. Do
mesh bag. Do not load anything 2-3 kg and never load 5 kg. not wash trainers with whites.
else inside the appliance, this Repeat rinse once or twice
will ensure that the overall using the gentle spin.
weight does not exceed the half
load. Remember to use the
specific programme 11 which
automatically excludes the spin
Cashmere Gold: As gentle as a hand wash
The first Washing Machine to have "The Woolmark Company" recognition.
Always use programme 10 with
garments bearing the hand wash
drawing; represented by the
washbasin and the hand.
The Cashmere Gold wash washing Woolmark garments
programme has been studied labelled as “hand wash”. This
for its machine wash ability, is the first gentle action hand
which enables washing for wash cycle approved by The
To take care of your woollen
items, we recommend you use
special detergents.
even the most delicate and Woolmark
valuable of wool or Cashmere M.00221
This has been made possible
“The Merloni Elettrodomesti- thankstothespeedofthedrum
ci wool wash cycle has been at 90 rpm, even during the
tested and approved by The rinse cycle, thus preventing
Woolmark Company for the fibres from rubbing.
Instructions for installation and use
It’s important for a good wash
Useful tips about the detergent dispenser
The first secret is the easiest: the detergent dispenser is
opened by pull it outwards.
In compartment 1:
Detergent for pre-washing (powder)
In compartment 2:
Detergent for washing
(powder or liquid)
You must follow the dosage Remember that liquid detergent
recommendations provided by is only designed for wash
the manufacturers when adding cycles of up to 60 degrees on
detergent or fabric conditioner. non pre-wash items.
Doses will vary according to the Special containers are sold with
wash load, the water hardness liquid or powder detergents for
In compartment 3:
Additives (softeners, perfumes, etc.)
In compartment 4:
Bleach and delicate bleach.
and how soiled the washing is.
placing inside the washing
Experience will help you select machine drum, these are
the right dosage almost positioned according to the
automatically: it will become your instructions found in the
detergent box
Before adding detergent for pre- Never use hand wash
washing in compartment 1, detergent, because it may form
make sure that the extra too much foam, which could
compartment for bleach 4 has damage the washing machine.
Bleach cycle
Detergents that are specifically
not been inserted.
Ensure no overfilling when formulated for both hand and
adding fabric conditioner in machine wash are an
If bleaching is necessary, the
extra case 4 (provided) must be
inserted into compartment 1 of
the detergent dispenser.
When pouring in the bleach, be
careful not to exceed the "max"
level indicated on the central
pivot (see illustration).
The use of the additional bleach
container excludes the
possibility of using the pre-wash
cycle. Traditional bleach can
only be used on sturdy white
fabrics, whereas delicate
bleach can be used for
coloured fabrics, synthetics
and for wool.
compartment 3.
The washing machine automa- One last secret: when washing
tically adds the softener to the with cold water, always reduce
wash in each programme.
the amount of detergent you use:
Liquid detergent is poured into it dissolves less easily in cold
compartment 2 just a few water than in hot water, so part
seconds before starting the of it would be wasted.
wash cycle.
You cannot bleach with the
“Silk” programme and with the
“special programmes” (see
page 4).
Should you wish to bleach
separately, pour the bleach into
extra compartment 4, set the
The detergent dispenser can be
removed and cleaned: pull it outwards,
as indicated in the figure. Then leave it
under running water for a few minutes.
programme for cotton
fabrics or the light rinse
The rinse level should be set to
Medium or High (see page 3).
When bleaching during a
normal wash cycle, pour in the
detergent and additives into the
special compartments (see
table on page 4), set the desired
programme and select the stain
erase option.
A guide to environmentally
friendly and economic use
of your appliance.
Cutting costs efficiently
Achieve the best use of energy, water, detergent and time by using the recommended
maximum load size.
SAVE up to 50% energy by washing a full load instead of 2 half loads.
For heavily soiled laundry only!
SAVE detergent, time, water and between 5 to 15% energy consumption by NOT
selecting Prewash for slight to normally soiled laundry.
Pretreat stains with stain remover or soak dried in stains in water before washing to
reduce the necessity of a hot wash programme.
SAVE up to 50% energy by using a 60°C wash programme.
SAVE energy and time by selecting the highest suitable spin speed to reduce the water
content in laundry before using a drying programme.
Instructions for installation and use
Before calling, read the following
In most cases, when your washing machine fails to work, the problems arising
can be easily solved without having to call for a technician. Before calling for
assistance, always check these points.
The washing machine
fails to start.
if the door is open or not shut
But where did all the water go?
Is the On/Off button
If it is, then a programmed start
has been set.
Simple: with the new Indesit technology, you need less than
half of it, to get good results on twice as much!
Is the plug correctly inserted
into the socket? It could have
been moved whilst cleaning.
This is why you cannot see the water through the door:
because there is little, very little of it, to respect the
environment yet without renouncing maximum cleanliness.
And, on top of that, you are also saving electricity.
Is there electricity in the
Has the Start/Reset button
been pressed?
If it is, then a programmed start
has been set.
A circuit breaker may have
switched off as a result of too
many electrical appliances
working at the same time. Or
maybe due to a general failure
in your entire area.
Is the water supply turned
on? For safety reasons, if the
washing machine does not
load water, it cannot start a
wash cycle.
Is the washing machine
door closed properly?
For safety reasons, the
washing machine cannot work
The washing machine
The washing machine
continuously fills and
drains water.
fails to fill with water.
Is the hose correctly
connected to the tap?
Leave the washing
Turn off the water
supply after use.
This will eliminate
the possibility of
Is the drain hose positioned
too low? It must be installed
at a height ranging from 60 to
100 cm.
machine plugged in while
Is there a water shortage ?
There could be work in
progress in your building or
Even during maintenance,
the appliance should
always be unplugged.
Is the end of the hose
immersed in water?
Always leave the
appliance door ajar
to avoid bad odours.
Is there sufficient water
pressure? The autoclave
may be malfunctioning.
Use solvents and
aggressive abrasives.
Never use solvents or
abrasives to clean the
external and rubber parts
of the washing machine.
Does the wall drainage
system have a breather
pipe? If the problem persists
even after these checks, turn
the water supply off the
machine and call for
If you live on an upper floor of
your building, there may be a
problem with your drain trap.
To solve this problem, a
special valve must be
Clean the
Is the tap filter clean? If the
water is very calcareous, or
if work has recently been
carried out on the water
piping, the tap filter could be
clogged with particles and
exteriors gently.
To clean the
Neglect the detergent
It is removable and can
easily be cleaned by
leaving it under running
exteriors and the
rubber parts of the
appliance, always
use a soft cloth
dipped in warm and
soapy water.
Is the rubber hose kinked?
The tract of the rubber hose
bringing water to washing
machine must be as straight
as possible. Make sure it is
not squashed or kinked.
Go on holiday without
thinking about her.
Before leaving, always
make sure that the
washing machine is
unplugged and that the
water supply is turned off.
Instructions for installation and use
Is the drain hose kinked?
The tract of the drain hose
must be as straight as
possible. Make sure the drain
hose is not squashed or
Is there space between the
machine and adjacent
units? If it is not a built-in
model, the washing machine
will oscillate a bit during the
spin cycle. A few cm of space
should therefore be left
around it.
Is the washing machine’s
drain duct clogged? Is there
an extension of the drain
hose? If so, is it positioned
incorrectly, blocking the
water flow?
The washing machine
does not drain or spin.
Too much foam.
Is the detergent appropriate
for machine washing?
Check whether the definition
on its label reads “for machine
wash” or “hand and machine
wash”, or any other similar
programme incorporates
water draining? Some
programmes stop at the end
of the wash cycles and
draining will have to be
selected manually.
The washing machine
Is the correct amount being
used? An excessive amount
of detergent, besides
producing too much foam,
does not guarantee a more
effective wash, and causes
scaling in the internal parts of
the appliance.
Is the “Easy ironing"
function -where provided -
selected? Complete the
programme by pressing the
select button.
Is the metal ring of the inlet
hose properly attached?
Turn off the water supply,
unplug the appliance and try
tightening its attachment
without forcing it.
Excessive vibration
during the spin cycle.
Is the drain pump clogged?
To check it, turn off the water
supply, unplug the washing
machine and follow the
instructions on page 12, or
call for technical assistance.
Have all transit screws been
removed durind instal-
lation? See the following
Is the detergent dispenser
obstructed? Remove and If, despite all checks, the
wash it under tap water.
washing machine fails to
function and the problem
persists, call your nearest
authorised Customer Service
Centre, providing the following
- the nature of malfunction
- the model type no. (Mod.....)
- the serial number (S/N ....)
This information can be found on
the data plate situated at the
back of the washing machine.
Has the washing machine
been levelled correctly?The
levelling of the appliance
Is the drain hose well
attached? Turn off the water
supply, unplug the appliance
and try tightening its
Always get
assistance from
periodically. Adjust the feet
and check them with a level.
technicians and
always insist on
original spare parts.
Technical characteristics
WE 10
width 59,5 cm
height 85 cm
depth 53,5 cm
from 1 to 5 kg
voltage 230/240 Volt 50 Hz
maximum absorbed power 1850 W
Water connections
maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)
minimum pressure 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar)
drum capacity 46 litre
Spinning speed
up to 1000 rpm
Control programs in
compliance with
programme 3; temperature 60°C; rinsing level
carried out with 5 kg load.
; wash Intensity
IEC regulation 456
This appliance conforms with the following E.E.C. directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent modifications
- 89/336/EEC of 03/05/89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and subsequent modifications
Instructions for installation and use
Installation and removal
When the new
washer arrives
Whether new or just transported to a new house,
installation is extremely important for the correct
functioning of your washing machine.
After removing the appliance from
its packaging, check that it is
Connection to the water
intact. If in doubt, contact a
Both hot and cold water supplies
qualified technician immediately.
are preferable and they should be
The inside of the machine is
between 34.5kN/m²(5lb/in²) and
supported, fortransportation, by
1034.2kN/m² (150lb/in²) pressure.
four screws on the back panel.
Thehosehavingthered endfitting
should be encountered between
the hot supply and the threaded
connection adjacent to the letter H
on the rear of the machine. The
hose having the white end fittings
should be connected between the
cold supply and the threaded
connection adjacent to the letter C
Electric connection
Connecting the drain hose
The drain hose (hooked pipe) is
secured to the rear of the machine
by support clips and may be
routed to right or left as required.
Your appliance is now supplied
with a 13 amp fused plug it can
be plugged into a 13 amp socket
for immediate use. Before using
the appliance please read the
instructions below.
Before using the washing
machine, remove the screws,
remove the spacers together with
the rubber tubes attached to them
(keeping all the parts) and use the
plastic plugs provided to fill in the
Important: Usethecap(provided)
to close the 3 holes which housed
part of the lower back of the
on the rear of the machine.
Remember to insert a sealing
washer at each connection to
ensure watertight joints. Do not
overtighten the connections by
using tools -hand tight is sufficient
convenient to have these supplies
away from the sink taps. Where
no suitable hot water supply is
available or it does not meet these
requirements, bothinlethosesmay
be connected to a cold supply by
using two taps etc., or a «T»
junction on the plumbing however,
use of cold water only will increase
The hook to be used in case the drain
hose ends at a height below 60 cm.
Replacing the fuse:
When replacing a faulty fuse, a
13 amp ASTA approved fuse to
BS 1362 should always be used,
and the fuse cover re-fitted. If the
fuse cover is lost, the plug must
not be used until a replacement
is obtained.
The drain hose should be placed
in a stand pipe with a minimum
internal diameter of 38 mm (1½
a sink or it can be connected as
shown in Fig. A. The height of
stand pipe or sink should be
between 60 and 100 cm (24 and
40 inches). Care must be taken
that the hose is not obstructed,
twisted, submerged or kinked. If
the hose is connected with an
airtightjoining, provisionshouldbe
made to prevent syphoning.
The washing machine must be
levelled appropriatey in order to
level the appliance, the front feet
must be adjusted; the angle of
inclination, measuredaccordingto
the worktop, must not exceed 2°.
Whenplacedoncarpet, makesure
the ventilation is not reduced.
Replacement fuse covers:
If a replacement fuse cover is
fitted, it must be of the correct
colour as indicated by the
coloured marking or the colour
that is embossed in words on the
base of the plug. Replacements
can be obtained directly from
your nearest Service Depot.
Note: the maximum temperature
should not exceed 70°C (158°F).
The rubber gasket .
Connect the inlet hose to the
threaded connector on the
machine rear.
The guide for draining into tubs and
The front feet are adjustable.
The company denies all
liability if and when these
norms are not respected.
Retain the transit screws,
spacers and washers.
Should you move house
then these should be
Plastic bags, expanded
styrofoam, nails and other
packaging parts are not
children’s toys, and are
potentially dangerous.
replaced to support the
inside of the machine to
prevent damage when
transporting the machine.
Water pipe inlet at the top right.
Fig. A
Instructions for installation and use 10
Removing the plug:
Disposing of the appliance:
When disposing of the appliance
please remove the plug by
cutting the mains cable as close
as possible to the plug body and
dispose of it as described above.
If your appliance has a non-
rewireable moulded plug and you
should wish to re-route the mains
cable through partitions, units
etc., please ensure that either:
the plug is replaced by a fused
13 ampere re-wearable plug
bearing the BSI mark of approval.
the mains cable is wired directly
into a 13 amp cable outlet,
controlled by a switch, (in
compliance with BS 5733) which
is accessible without moving the
13 ampere fuse
Disposing of the plug:
Ensure that before disposing of
the plug itself, you make the pins
unusable so that it cannot be
accidentally inserted into a
Instructions for connecting
cable to an alternative plug:
Important: the wires in the
mains lead are coloured in
accordance with the following
Green &Yellow Earth
As the colours of the wires in the
lead may not correspond with the
coloured markings identifyng the
terminals in your plug, proceed as
Connect Green & Yellow wire to
terminal marked E or
Connect Brown wire to terminal
marked L or coloured Red.
Connect Blue wire to terminal
marked N or coloured Black.
If a 13 amp plug (BS 1363) is used
it must be fitted with a
13 amp fuse, either in the plug or
If you are in any doubt the
electrical supply to your machine,
consult a qualified electrician
before use.
How to connect an alternati-
ve plug:
The wires in this mains lead are
coloured in accordance with the
following code:
Instructions for installation and use
Easy Care and Maintenance
Treat your machine well and it will provide
many years of trouble free service
Your washing machine is a reliable companion in life and on the job. It is just as important for you to keep it
in shape.
Your washing machine is
designed to provide reliable
service over many years. A few
simple steps will help to prolong
its life and avoid problems. It is
advisable, to turn off water taps
when the machine is not to be
used, this protects the hoses,
It is important to wash
the detergent dispenser
To prevent dried washing
powder from
accumulating, place the
dispenser under running
water for a few minutes.
If the water in your area is too
hard, use a deliming product
Never exaggerate with doses.
Normal detergents already
contain deliming agents. Only if
the water is particularly hard,
that is, rich in lime content, do
we recommend the use of a
specific product at every wash.
A periodical wash cycle with a
dose of a deliming product,
without detergents or washing,
may prove useful.
(water is hard if it often leaves
whitish stains around taps or
drains, especially of bath tubs.
For more accurate information as
to the type of water in your
system, call the local water
works or a local plumber).
Pockets must always be
emptied removing even pins,
badges and any other hard
Never use too much detergent
or additives because this could
cause an excess amount of
foam, scaling and possible
damage to the component parts
of your washing machine.
The washing machine exterior
should be cleaned with a rag
dipped in lukewarm water and
Do not forget to empty all pockets: small objects can
cause damage to your washer.
When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.
The washer comes equipped with a self-cleaning pump that does not require any cleaning or maintenance. Small
objects may accidentally fall into the pump: coins, hair clips, loose buttons and other small items. To avoid possible
damage, they are withheld in an accessible pre-chamber, situated at the lower end of the pump.
Attention: Before attempting to examine this pre-chamber, first
ensure that the machine has finished its programme and is empty.
Unplug the machine, as with any maintenance.
To gain access gently ease down the top of the plinth panel situated at
the base of the machine, with a screwdriver etc, to release it. Then
ease the top edge forward to allow it to be lifted clear (Fig. 1). Place
a shallow dish or tray below the cover of the pre-chamber to catch
the small amount of water present. Release the cover by turning anti-
clockwise (Fig. 2). Ensure that the cover is securely replaced.
Fig. 1
The water inlet hose
Fig. 2
Re-fit the plinth cover by inserting the hooks on its lower edge into
the slots and ease the top edge back into position.
Check the rubber hose at least once a year. If you see any cracks, replace it immediately. When you use your washing machine,
water pressure is very strong and a cracked tube could easily split open.
Instructions for installation and use
Important for the safe use of your washing machine
Your safety and that of
Your washer has been built in compliance with
the strictest international safety regulations. To
protect you and all your family.
your family
Read these instructions and all 6. Never use extensions or
abundance of foam could 9. While the appliance is
the information in this manual
carefully:they are an important
source, not only of numerous
useful tips, but also of vital
information on safety, use and
multiple plugs, which are
particularly dangerous in
humid environments. The
power supply cable must
damage its internal parts.
functioning, do not touch
the drain water as it could
8. Never pull on the supply
cable or the washing
machine to disconnect it
from the wall socket: it is
extremely dangerous.
appliance door, during
wash cycles, tends to
become hot; ensure that
children do no touch it.
Never force the washing
machine door because
this could damage the
safety lock which prevents
accidental opening when the
nachine is working. Allow a
few minutes at the end of the
program for the lock to
dangerously compressed.
1. the machine should not be 7. Never open the detergent
installed in an outdoor
environment, not even
when a roof shelters the
area, because it may be very
dangerous to leave it
exposed to rain and
dispenser while the
appliance is functioning;
do not use hand wash
detergent because the
I only want an authorised
specialised technician with
original Indesit spare parts!
2. It must only be used by
adults and exclusively for
washing clothes following
the instructions provided in
this manual.
10. In case of malfunctio-ning,
first close the water tap
and unplug the appliance
from the wall socket; do
3. Should it have to be moved,
proceed with the help of two
or three people and handle
it with the utmost care.
Never try to do this alone,
because the appliance is
very heavy.
internal parts in order to
attempt repairs.
11. If you interrupt a Wash
Programme before its
end, then the water and
clothes may be hot. The
water level may also be
above the door, see
instruction for draining
the machine before you
open the door and handle
with caution .
4. Before loading the washing
machine, make sure the
drum is empty.
5. Never touch the washing
machine when barefoot or
with wet or damp hands
or feet.
How to change the power supply cable
The power supply cable must only be replaced by one of our authorised Service Engineers.
13 Instructions for installation and use
Stay in touch
THANK YOU for choosing an Indesit appliance. We are confident
you have made a good choice and that your new appliance will give
many years of excellent service.
And we're there when you need us.
Register your purchase
This will confirm your entitlement to enter our quarterly prize draw
where you have the possibility to recover the cost of your purchase.
Simply complete and return the Registration Form supplied with the
appliance documents, using the FREEPOST envelope supplied. Or
call the Registration Hotline on 0870 010 4305.
We're as close to you as your telephone
For direct access to Genuine Indesit Spare Parts and Accessories,
call 0870 558 5850 and speak to our skilled staff who can help you to identify and purchase the item you require.
For a Rapid Response to a problem with your appliance, call 0870 607 0805. We're open from Monday to
Saturday (8am - 5.30pm weekdays, 9am - 5pm Saturday). We have our own department of highly trained Indesit
service staff. For most calls, our Service Engineer can fix the problem on the first visit.
Please have the following details to hand when you ring us:
The nature of the problem, the Model Number and the Serial Number.
These numbers can be found on the appliance and on the portion of the Registration Card which you retain.
Instructions for installation and use 14
Merloni Elettrodomestici
Viale Aristide Merloni 47
60044 Fabriano
Tel +39 0732 6611
Fax +39 0732 662501
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